Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/444

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Balliol, Edward de, sent to the Tower, 94; recalled to England from Normandy, 297; joins in an invasion of Scotland, 369

Balliol, John de, pleads his claim to the Scottish Crown, 40; acknowledges the King of England as Lord Paramount of Scotland, 57; commission considers a claim to the throne of, 62; the kingdom of Scotland handed over to, 68; crowned at Scone, ib.; releases Edward I. from all agreements, 69; humiliating treatment of, by Edward I., 70; refuses to comply with King Edward's summons to London, 71; enters into a secret treaty with King Philip of France, ib.; is defeated at Dunbar, 75; resignation of, 77; later career of, 78; exiled to France, ib.; death of, 79

Balliol, Sir William de, leads a foray of the Scots, 101

Ban, Donald, reign of, 25

Bannockburn, tactics of Bruce at the battle of, 200-203; English commanders at, 203; behaviour of the English and Scottish soldiers before the battle of, 212; position of the Scottish army at, 213-215; battle of, 213-223; magnificent appearance of the English army at, 215; King Edward's remarks on the Scottish army at, 216; excellent choice of ground by Bruce at, ib.; Edward de Brus's generalship, 217; final rout of the English at, 218; flight of Edward II. after the battle of, 219-223; English losses at, 220; Scottish losses at, 223

Barbour, The Brus by, 5-7; pensions awarded to, 8; gift of the ward of a minor to, ib.; account of the battle of Bannockburn by, 203; incidents of Bruce's invasion of Ireland related by, 240; on the death of Bruce, 338

Baston, poem on the victory at Bannockburn by, 2, 212

Bath, Bishop of, King Edward's spokesman at Upsettlington, 57

Beaumont, Henry de, Earl of Buchan, appointed a Guardian of Scotland, 186; at the battle of Bannockburn, 208; quarrels with Moray as to the restoration of his lands, 368; invades Scotland, 369

Beck, Anthony, Bishop of Durham, appointed Lieutenant of Scotland, 45; capture of Dirleton Castle by, 95; in command of cavalry at the battle of Falkirk, 97; warlike spirit of, 326

Berwick, meeting of Scottish commissioners at, 62; Parliament at, 64, 80; sack of, by Edward I., 72-74; a mutiny in the English garrison at, 111; Nigel Bruce executed at, 139; assault on, by Bruce, 190, 233; siege of, 233, 255, 265-270; fight between de Neville and Douglas at, 248; trade of, 348

Bigod, de, Earl Marshal, in command of the English cavalry at the battle of Falkirk, 97

Biland, battle of, 283

Birgham, treaty of, 44

Blackburn, Robert de, gallant feat of, 257

Boece, Hector, historical inaccuracies of, 11

Bohun, Sir Henry de, combat between Bruce and, 205

Bonkil, Sir John of, supports the claim of Robert de Brus, the Competitor, to the Scottish throne, 41