Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/22

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( 16 )

Without authority from the treaſury, in November 1795, took up ſome ſhips to carry ſtores, for which they paid 5l. a ton, while the commiſſioners for tranſports were taking up ſhips ſheathed at 3l. 10s. and coppered ſhips at 4l.

It muſt indeed be evident that much inconvenience and loſs was unavoidably ſuſtained by the management of hiring ſhips having been under Boards which had other important avocations to attend to, more immediately connected with their departments. The examination of the'veſſels, receding ſize, fitneſs, &c. neceſſarily devolved upon inferior officers, which buſineſs is now very differently conducted and on ſome occaſions tranſports were taken up by officers commanding regiments or detachments, who could form no judgment either as to the hire or the tonnage of the ſhips; a practice that frequently led to an uſeleſs continuation of hire by demurrage; which has been avoided by ſtrict examinations of log-books and papers: a great waſte of ſtores has alſo been prevented, by a ſtrict inveſtigation of the expenditure and return of all articles.
