Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/23

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( 17 )

Excluſive, however, of the benefit which muſt have been derived from the improved management generally, ſome particular heads may be ſtated, the ſavings on which are capable of being aſcertained with a conſiderable degree of accuracy. The particulars will be enumerated, and will prove that they are forty times greater in amount than the charge incurred by the creation of this Board[1].

This will not appear ſo ſurpriſing, when it is conſidered that naval men muſt be more competent than others to manage ſea-faring priſoners of war, as well as to engage proper'veſſels for cartels. One more ſtriking advantage ſhould not be omitted, viz. the ſpeedy and ſtrict examination of accompts, which had accumulated under the Sick and Hurt Board. Arrears to the amount of 940,0001. have already been ſettled; not with ſtanding which, the accompts of the laſt war are not yet all adjuſted; whereas thoſe of the preſent war are in ſuch forwardneſs, that if the ſame punctuality ſhall continue to be obſerved, the whole will be completely brought up and ſettled in a few weeks after a peace. In addition to all which advantages, a new

  1. See p. 33 and 32.