Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/55

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( 49 )

be no danger of ſuch a practice in any inſtance in future, under the ſtrict proviſions of the act[1] of laſt ſeſſion, for the farther prevention of the ſale and brokerage of offices.

However ſatisfactory the reſult of this inveſtigation of the meaſures adopted for uſeful and œconomical purpoſes may be to thoſe, who have ſhewn a readineſs to admit that the legiſlature and government have not been remiſs in their conduct in that reſpect, if we were to cloſe our enquiries here, the moſt candid might perſevere in ſaying that, giving the fulleſt credit both to parliament and miniſters for the beſt intentions towards the public intereſts, ſtill the immenſe augmentations to the revenue ſice 1793 muſt have rendered the appointment of an overwhelming number of new offices indiſpenſably neceſſary for the management and collection of it. We are therefore induced to bring this part of the ſubject alſo under an accurate examination.

  1. 49 Geo. III. c. 126.