Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/106

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A few of the boys dared to question Flapp and Pender, but got no satisfaction.

"If I want to drop out I reckon I can do it," growled Flapp, and that was as much as either he or his crony would say.

With Flapp out of the race there was considerable curiosity to know who would be elected for the term. Each set of cadets had their favorite candidates and the spirit of rivalry ran high. But most of the candidates were good-natured about it, and especially Dick and Tom Rover and George Granbury, Fred Garrison, and Larry Colby.

It had been decided that the cadets should first elect the major, then the three captains, and then the six lieutenants, all to be selected according to the highest number of votes received.

The voting began on Monday immediately after breakfast. Captain Putnam had slips passed around and on these each cadet wrote down his choice for major.

"I will read the result," said the captain, a few minutes after the poll was declared closed. And he read as follows:

"Whole number of votes cast—96.

"Lawrence Colby has 67.

"The next highest student has 19.

"Lawrence Colby is declared elected major of