Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/107

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the battalion for the present term, including the annual encampment."

"Hurrah for Major Larry Colby!" cried Tom, and a rousing cheer followed, while Captain Putnam strode over and shook hands with the newly elected commanding officer.

"I must congratulate you, Major Colby," he said warmly. "I must say I am well satisfied with the choice of our students."

"Thank you, sir," answered Larry, and blushed in spite of himself.

"We will now proceed to the election of the three captains," went on Captain Putnam. "Remember, the three standing highest on the list will be declared elected respectively."

Again slips were passed around and again the students marked down the names of their favorites, three upon each slip.

Counting up the vote for captains took longer than that for major, but soon the captain had his statement ready and the cadets listened in silence as he proceeded to make his announcement:

"Whole number of votes cast, 288.

"Richard Rover has 82.

"Fred Garrison has 67.

"Mark Romer has 59.

"The next highest student has 28.

"Richard Rover is elected captain of Company