Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/73

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precarious state of health, as also much afflicted by the recent loss of her gallant brother[1], he determined upon resigning his; command; since which he does not appear to have been again afloat. He was nominated a C.B. in June, 1815.

Captain Mason married, April 16, 1805, Selina, second daughter of the present Viscount Hood, by whom he has four sons, and the same number of daughters, still living. His eldest son, Charles, a virtuous and amiable youth, who had gone through the Royal Naval College with great credit, and was beloved by every captain he had served under, was unfortunately involved in the awful catastrophe that befel the Arab sloop of war, on the Irish station, in Dec. 1823[2].

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford and Son.

[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Second son of the late Hon. Major Henniker, by Mary, daughter of John Phoenix, of Rochester, co. Kent, Esq.; and brother to the present Baron Henniker, who took the surname of Major in addition to and after his own patronymic. May 27, 1822.

This officer was made a Lieutenant, July 23, 1799; advanced to the rank of Commander, in 1802; and appointed to the Albacore sloop, on the Guernsey station, about Sept. 1804.

On joining Sir James Saumarez, commander-in-chief at Guernsey, Captain Henniker was placed by him under the orders of Commodore D’Auvergne (then commonly called the Duke de Bouillon), with directions to use his utmost endeavours to intercept any of the enemy’s flotilla passing along the French coast. On the 8th Oct. 1804, he compelled five armed luggers to anchor under the cover of a battery near Grosnez de Flamanville, where he attacked them on the ensuing day, and succeeded in driving the whole on shore in the

  1. Mrs. Mason’s brother, Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Wheeler Hodd. was killed at the battle of Orthes.
  2. See Commander William Holmes.