Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/74

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midst of a very heavy surf, that broke with great violence over them. The following is an extract from the letter which Sir James Saumarez wrote to the Admiralty on this occasion:

“Captain Henniker anchored as near them as was consistent with the safety of the ship, and kept up a heavy fire upon them, with round and grape shot, until they were covered by the surf, and abandoned by their people, who appear to have been very numerous, and among them several were distinguished as soldiers by their clothing[1]. Great praise is due to Captain Henniker for this spirited and gallant attack, within a few hundred yards of the French coast, and under a heavy fire from the enemy’s battery and vessels. Great commendation is also due to the officers’and crew of the Albacore, who appear to have acted in the most determined manner, and to have preserved the most exact discipline, in so intricate a situation, with tiic wind directly on the shore, and close to a heavy surf; the Albacore was hulled in several places, and her main and muin-top-masts were wounded, but I am happy to find she has suffered no loss in men[2].”

Captain Henniker obtained post rank on the 22d Jan. 1806; and subsequently commanded the Mermaid frigate for a short period.

Agents.– Messrs. Stilwell.

[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Son of the late Matthew Forster, Esq. who was Commissary-General-in-Chief of the West India islands, in 1780.

This officer was born at Warrenford, co. Northumberland, in Feb. 1765; and he entered the naval service as a Midshipman on board the Courageux 74, commanded by the late Lord Mulgrave, in May, 1779[3]. His first commission bears date, Nov. 22, 1790.

Mr. Forster served as senior Lieutenant of the St. Albans 64, when that ship was commanded by the late Admiral Russell,

  1. From the number of Frenchmen that were seen borne by others up the strand and sand-hills, Captain Henniker thought that there were many killed and wounded
  2. The Albacore was hulled in several places, and her rigging much cut.
  3. A memoir of Lord Mulgrave will be found in the Nav. Chron., v. 8., pp. 89–110.