Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/90

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Newcastle on Tyne, 10 Dec. 1922.

“Dear Sir,– I cannot permit you to leave this Port without expressing the very deep sense of obligation I entertain for the able and effectual support which you have afforded to the civil authorities during the late disturbances amongst the keelmen of the Tyne. I beg you will therefore allow me, in my own name, and in the name of the other magistrates, to offer my sincere thanks to yourself, Captain William Rochfort[1], and Lieutenants Benjamin Aplin[2], and Robert Stuart[3], and to the officers, seamen, and marines of his Majesty’s ships Egeria, Nimrod, and Swan, under your command, for their zealous and indefatigable exertions in the performance of an arduous duty; and you may rest assured that the cheerfulness and alacrity with which it has been performed will not soon be forgotten.

I must at the same time beg the favor of you to convey my acknowledgments to Lieutenant Stuart who commanded the Swan in the mouth of October last, for the very spirited assistance, which he rendered me in quelling a riotous attempt of the seamen to obstruct the navigation of the port. I have the honor to be, dear Sir, with very sincere regard, your obliged humble servant,

(Signed)Robert Bell, Mayor.”

To John Toup Nicolas, Esq. C.B. &c.

Office of the Clerk of the Peace for Northumberland,
12 Dec. 1822.

“Sir,– I am desired by the magistrates acting for the Castle Ward in the county of Northumberland, to state to you, that although they are aware that the service in which you have been engaged during the late disturbances among the keelmen of the River Tyne, has been necessarily confined to the adjoining county of Newcastle upon Tyne, yet they feel themselves called upon to acknowledge the very beneficial effects in the preservation of the public peace within their district, from your judicious and indefatigable exertions in aid of the civil authorities; and I am at the same time desired to say, they request that you will be pleased to convey to the officers, petty officers, non-commissioned officers, seamen and marines, of the several ships of war under your command during the above service, how highly the magistrates appreciate the zeal, firmness, and uniform good conduct they displayed on all occasions while employed in assisting the civil power. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Thomas Davidson, Clerk of the peace
for the county.”

To Capt. Nicolas, C.B., H.M,S. Egeria, &c. &c. &c.

  1. Of the Nimrod sloop.
  2. Commanding the Swan cutter.
  3. First of the Egeria.