Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp4.djvu/91

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Gateshead Justice Room, Dec. 7, 1822.

“Sir,– We have great satisfaction in tendering to you and Capt. Rochfort, and the officers and men under your command, our thanks for your firm, persevering, and humane conduct on the occasion of the late disturbances; and for the assistance you have rendered to the civil power during their continuance.

Adam Aiken, Magistrates acting for
Chester Ward in the
County of Durham.”
Charles Thorp,
John Collinson,
H. G. Liddell, &c.

To Captain Nicolas, C.B.

Newcastle on Tyne, Dec. 10, 1822.

"Sir,– I have the honor to convey the unanimous thanks of the Gentlemen interested in the Coal trade, to yourself and the officers, seamen and marines of H.M. ships Egeria, Nimrod, and Swan, under your command, for the great and eminent services rendered by you and them during the late disturbances amongst the Keelmen of the River Tyne. We are fully sensible that the exertions of the naval force were most importantly serviceable in protecting the trade of the river, and in producing the ultimate submission of these misguided men, and their return to order and subordination. I have the honor to be, &c.

Dickson Brown, Chairman.”

To John Toup Nicolas, Esq. C.B.


“Resolved unanimously, that the warmest thanks of this meeting, which consists of Gentlemen interested in the Coal trade above bridge, be given to Captain Nicolas, and the officers, seamen, and marines under his command, for the important services rendered by them to the trade of the port, and for their zealous and unremitting exertions, distinguished equally by their firmness and moderation, in protecting those who were employed in navigating their keels in opposition to the interruptions given by the Keelmen; and that this resolution be laid before the general meeting of the trade to be held on Tuesday next.”

“Resolved that Mr. Clayton and Mr. Lamb be requested to wait upon Captain Nicolas with a copy of this resolution.”

Newcastle, 10 Dec. 1822.

“Dear Sir,– Amongst other pleasant duties which the general meeting of the Coal trade held this day had to perform, they most cheerfully entered into the consideration of what was fit to be done towards the men who under your command have rendered them important services and in consequence order me to beg you will have the goodness to direct the distribution of 110l, amongst the men of the Egeria; 110l. amongst the men of the Nimrod; and 50l. amongst the men of the Swan, as a compensation, for their