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We haul'd up our ſtay ſail main-ſtay alſo
And ſtay ſails top gallant ſtays and from him did go,
We brauľd up our mizen and ſo bore away,
Becauſe this, bold pirate could ſhew us no play.

We ſtood to the windward for one hour or two,
But nothing at all this bold pirate could do
He ſent us ſhot after thinking to prevail,
But the Royal Princeſs ſhow'd him her tail

Non my brave boys this bold pirate is gone
Here's a full glaſs of Brandy for every man,
Go down to your dinners and ſit quietly
And the full cans of Grog boys like water ſhall fly.


COME gi'es a ſang the Lady cry'd
And lay your diſputes all aſide,
What ſignifies for folks to chide
For what's been done before them?
Let Whig and Tory all agree,
Whig and Torry, Whig and Tory,
Let Whig and Tory all agree
To drop their whigmegorum;
Let whig and tory all agree