Page:Royal princess.pdf/4

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( 4 )

To ſpend this night with mirth and glee
And cheerfu' ſing alang wi' me,
The reel of Tullochgorum,
Tullochgorum's my delight
It gets us a' in ane unite;
And ony ſumph that keeps up ſpite,
In conſcience I abhor him.
Blyth and merry we's be a'
Blyth and merry blyth and merry,
Blyth and merry we's be a',
to make a cheerfu' quorum,
Blyth and merry, we's be a',
As lang's we have breath to draw,
And dance till we like to fa',
The reel of Tullochgorum.
There needs nae' be to greatar phraſe,
Wi' drinking dull Italian lays,
I wadna gi'e our ain Strthſpeys
For half a hundred ſcore o 'em;
They're doaff and dowie at the beſt.
Douff and dowie douff and dowie;
Tey're douff and dowie at the beſt,
Wi' a' variorum;
They're douff and dowie at the beſt,
Their all egroes, and a, the reſt,
They cannot pleaſe a highland taſte,