Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/142

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96 Stat. 1. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A. D. 1285. RegiS. 196, &c a I nft, 40S. 8 Co. 4.1;. Fitz. Aft". 13?. Fitz. Avowry, 141;

  • Not in ill

Original. Raft. %%, Sec. Co. pla. 6c. Affifo of Com- mon. Regift. 197. Fitz. Aft 6 1, oa, in, 134, 167,210, 316, 33°>439> 4 5 1 - Fitz. A IV.. 395. Fitz. Brief, 790. Bio. Elegit, so. Bio, Difl'eifin, 86, 105. Raft-. 67. Lclfce for Years, or Guardian aliens in Fee. King, willing that Juftice may be fpeedily miniftred, and that Delays in Pleas may be taken away or abridged, granteth that a Writ of Novel dijjeifm fhall hold Place in more Cafes hath done hereto- fore ; (3) and granteth, that for Eftovers of Wood, Profit to be taken in Woods by gathering of Nuts, Acorns, and other Fruits, for a Corody, for Delivery of Corn and other Victuals and NecelTaries to be re- ceived yearly (in a Place certain) Toll, Tronage, Paffage, Pontage, * Paivnage, and fuch like, to be taken in Places certain, keeping of Parks, Woods, Forefts, Chafes, Warrens, Gates, and other Baili- wicks, and Offices in Fee, from henceforth an Affile of Novel Diflhifm fhall lie. (4) And in all Cafes afore rehearfed, according -to the cuftomed Manner, the Writ fhall be De libera tenemen'to ; (;)_ and as be- fore times it hath lien and holden Place in Common of Paflure, fo fhall it from henceforth hold Place in Common of Turf -land, Fifhing, and fuch like Com- mons, which any Man hath appendant to Freehold, or without Freehold by fpecial Deed, at the leaft for Term of Life. (6) In cafe alfo when any holding for Term of Years, or in Ward, alieneth the fame in Fee, and by fuch Alienation the Freehold is tranf- ferred to the i eoffee, the Remedy fhall be by a Writ of Novel diffiifin, and as well the Feoffor as the Feoffee fhall be had for Diffeifors, fo that during the Life of any of them the faid Writ fhall hold Place ; (7) and if by the Death of the Parties Remedy hap-

  • pen to fail by that Writ, then Remedy fhall be ob-
  • tained by a Writ of Entry. (8) And albeit that

4 above Mention is made of fome Cafes wherein a 4 Writ of Novel dijfeijin held no Place before, let no ' Man think therefore that this Writ lieth-not now Am £:' where one ' w here it hath lien before. (9) And though fome doth feed in ano- <. haye doubted whether a Remedy be had by this Writ in cafe where one feedeth in the Several of another, let it be had for certain, that a good and a fure Re- medy is given in that Cafe by the faid Writ. (10) And let them which be named DifTeifors beware from henceforth that they alledge not falfe Exceptions, whereby the taking of the Affife may be deferred, faying, that another Time an Affife of the fame Land palled between the fame Parties, or faying, and falfly, that a Writ of more high Nature hangeth between the fame Parties for the fame Land, and upon thefe and like Matters do vouch Rolls or Re- cords to Warranty, to the end that by the fame vouching they may take away the Vefture, and re- ceive the Rents and other Profits, to the great Damage of the Plaintiff, (nj And where before none other Pain was limited againft him that falfly had alledged fuch untrue Exceptions, but only that after fuch falie Surmifes difproved the Affife fhould pafs ; (12) our Lord the King, to whom fuch falfe Exceptions be odious, hath ordained, That if any being named Dif- Fitz. R=corH, 31. <■ f e if r do perfonally alledge the Exception at the Day iher's Several. 1 1 H. 4. 84. 35- Hob, The Penalty for ' failing of an r.»- < ceptjon pleaded. t 11 H. 4. f.49. ' f si EH. 3. f. 4. 30 Ed. 3. f. 1a Pleading of an Exception by Bailiff, In v hat Cafe a Certificate of Affife dotb lie. before inquired of, or to be inquired after, to the Double, and fhall neverthelefs have a Year's Im- prifonment for his Falfhood. (13) And if that Ex- ception be alledged by a' Bailiff, the taking of the Affife fhall not be delayed therefore, nor the Judge- ment upon the Reftitution of the Lands and Da- mages, (ij) Yet neverthelefs, that if the M after of fuch a Bailiff that was abfent, come after before the 4 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. voluntatem habens ut celeris fiat juftitia & dila- tiones in placitis motis amputentur vel abbrevien- tur concedit quod breve Nove diffeifine locum ha- beat in pluribus cafibus quam prius habuit Sc con- cedit quod de eftoveriis bofci proficuo capiendo in bofco cle nucibus & glande Sc aliis fruftibus colli- gendis de corrodio liberatione bladi aut aliorum vidhialium aut neceffariorum in certo loco annua- tim recipiendorum tolneto tronagio paffagio ponta- gio &c hiis fimilibus in certis locis capiendis cufto- diis parcorum bofcorum foreftarum chacearum warrenarutn portarum & aliis ballivis & officiis in feodo jaceat decetero affifa Nove diffeifine. Et in omnibus fupradidtis modo confueto fiat breve de Libero tenemento Sc ficut prius jacuit Sc locum habuit in communia pafture ita decetero locum habeat in communia turbarie pifcarie Sc aliis com- muniis hiis fimilibus quas quis habet pertinentes ad liberum tenementum vel etiam fine tenemento' per fpeciale factum ad minus . ad terminum vite. In cafu etiam quando quis tenens tenementum ad terminum annorum vel in cuftodia illud alienat in feodum Sc per illam alienationem transfert liberum tenementum in feoftatum fiat remedium per breve Nove diffeifine Sc habeantur pro diffeifitoribus tarn ille qui feoffat quam feoffatus ita quod vivente al- tera eorum locum habeat predi&um breve Et fi per mortem Perfonarum ceffet remedium per pre- di< breve fiat remedium per breve' de Ingreffu. Et quamvis fuperius fiat mentio de aliquibus cafi- bus de quibus locum non habuit prius breve Nove diffeifine non propter hoc credat aliquis illud breve non competere ubi prius competebat. Et licet du- bitaverint quidam utrum in cafu quo quis pafcit alterius feparale fieri poterit remedium per pre- dkSlum breve teneatur pro certo quod in cafu illo per predicSfum breve bonum Sc certum eft remedi- um. Et caveant decetero qui nominati fint diffei- fitores quod non proponant falfas exceptiones per quas captio affife differatur dicendo quod affifa alias tranfivit inter eafdem partes de eodem tene- mento vel dicendo & mentiendo quod breve de al- tiori natura pendet inter eafdem partes de eodem tenemento Sc fuper hiis Sc confimilibus vocent ro- tulos vel recordum ad warrantum ut per illam vo- cationem afportare poffint vefturam levare redditus Sc alia proficua ad magnum detrimentum queren- tis. Et quia licet prius aliam penam non habuit qui hujufmodi falfas exceptiones mendaciter pro- pofuit nifi tantum quod poft mendacium fuum convictum proceffum fuit ad captionem affife Do- minus Rex cui odiofe funt hujufmodi falfe excep- tiones ftatuit quod fi quis diffeifitor nominatus per- fonaliter proponat illam exceptionem ad diem fibi datum fi defecerit de warranto quod vocavit habea- t,ur pro diffeifitore abfque recognitione affife & refti- tuat dampna prius inquifita vel poft inquirenda in duplo Sc nichilominus pro falntate fua puniatur per prifonam unius anni. Et fi ilia exceptio pro- ponatur per ballivum non propter hoc differatur captio affife Sc judicium fuper reftkutionem tene- ment Sc dampnorum ita tamen quod fi dominus illius ballivi qui abfens fuerit poflmodum veniat coram