Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/505

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A. D. 1405. Anno -quinto H e nrici IV. C. 9- ■ir. 459 C ,A P. -IX, - .. -. ... „ Merchants Aliens fhall imploy their Monies upon the Commodities of this Realm, Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM pur meultz garder or & argent deinz le Roialme dEngleterre & pur lencrece de les com- moditees du dit Roialme ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe les eftatutz ent faitz au darrein parlement foient' tenuz & gardez & mys en due execution ajouftant a ycelles qe les cuftumers & countrerollours noftre Seignur le Roi es toutz les portz dEngleterre preig- nent fufficiente feurte pur toutz. maners de mer- chandifes amefnez par les marchantz aliens & eftranges venantz & repairantz es ditz portz au fyn qe la monoie prife pur les ditz merchandifes ferra emploiez fur les commoditees du Roialme fauvant lour cuftages raifonables come en le dit eftatut eft contenuz plus au plein. 'Et outre ceo ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe les ditz marcharitz aliens & eftraunges vendent lour ditz merchandifes" enfy apportez deinz le dit Roialme deinz uri quartere dun an prochein apres leur venue en ycell et auxi qe la monoie qe ferra deliverez par efchaunge en Engleterre foit emploiez fur commoditees de mefme le Roialme deinz icell Roialme fur peyne de forfei- ture dicelle monoie. Et qe null marchant alien neftrange vende null manere de merchandifes a autre marchant alien ou eftrange fur peyne de for- feiture de mefme la marchandife. Et auxi ordeig- nez eft & eftabliz qen chefcun citee ville & port du meer dEngleterre ou les ditz marchantz aliens '& eftranges font ou ferront repairantz foient affig- nez a mefmes les marchantz fufficiantz hoftes par le maires vifcontz ou baillifs de ditz citees villes & portz du meer et qe les ditz marchantz aliens & eftranges ne foient demurrants en autre lieu finon ©vefqe les ditz hoftes enfy a affigners et qe mefmes les hoftes enfi aiTigners preignent pur lour travaill en manere come feuft accuftumez en auncien temps. ITEM, For the better keeping of Gold and ^ Part repealed Silver within the Realm of England, and for the 1 ^ 6 H ' *• c ' 4- ' Increafe of the Commodities, of the faid Realm, "J,,^ 4 ,^' '|" (2) it is ordained and eftablifhed, That the Statutes h. 6. c. 3 .~ - thereof made at the laft Parliament, fhall be conti- %«!'#«/ ty 4 E. nued and kept, and put in due Execution; (3)*" c ' 6 ' joyned to the fame, Thatdie Cuftomers and Con- f'^iJ^f^ trailers of our Lord the King, in all the Ports of 3 h. 7. e.g. England, ftiall take- fufficient Sureties for all MannerwfcA hjl men- iof Merchandifes brought by the Merchants Aliens"'""^ Statutes and Strangers, coming and repairing, to the ^"^r^T'^Ed Ports, to the Intent that the Money taken for the|° fi 'g7 sl faid Merchandife fhall be imployed upon the Com- modities of .the Realm, faving their reafonable Cofts, as in the fame Statute more fully is contained. (4) Within what And moreover it is ordained and eftablifhed,. that the aI™*^^",' 8 faid Merchants Aliens and Strangers fhall fell their their MeAhan- faid Merchandifes fo' brought within the faid Realm, dife. within a Quarter of a Year next after their coming into the fame ; and alfo that the Money, which fhall be delivered by Exchange in England, be imployed upon the Commodities of the Realm, within the fame Realm, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Money. (5) And that no Merchant Alien nor One Alien (hall Stranger fell any Manner of Merchandife to anv fellnoMerc han- any Pain of dife to another other Merchant Alien or Stranger, upon 1 am ui A]ie Forfeiture of the fame Merchandife.'- (6) And alfo~,g h. 6. c. 4. it is 1 ordained and eftablifhed, That in every City, Hofts ftall be Town, and Port of the Sea in England, where the appointed to faid Merchants Aliens or Strangers be, or fhall be" e £ n h s ants repairing, fufficient Hofts fhall' be affigned to the fame Merchants, by the Mayor, Sheriffs, or Bailiffs of the faid Cities, Towns, and Ports of the Sea; i"]) and that the faid Merchants Aliens and Strangers lall dwell in no other Place,, but with their faid Hofts fo to be affigned ; and that the fame Hofts, fo to be affigned, fhall take for their Travel in the4H. 5. c . 5. Manner as was accuftomed in old Time.' 4 Ed - 4, <:• 6. C A P. X. Juftices of Peace fhall imprifo ITEM pur ceo qe diverfes coneftables des chaftelx deinz le Roialme dEngletere font af- fignez par commiffions noftre Seignur le Roi juftices de la pees h par colour des ditz com- miffions preignent gentz as queux ils font malve- uilantz & les emprifonont deinz res ditz chaftelx tanqils eient fait fyn &c raunceon ove les ditz cone- ftables pur lour deliverance avoir ordeignez eft & •eftabliz qe nully foit emprifonez par afcuns juftices de la pees finon en commune gaole favant as Seig- nurs & autres qont gaoles lour franchifes en ce cas. C A The Fermors of Aliens fhall pay their ITEM ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe les fermours & occupiours quielconqes des manoirs terres ienementz h autres poffeffions des aliens paient & foient tenuz de paier toutz maners des difmes jent dues . as parfons .& vicairs de feinte efglife es n none but in the common Gaol. " TTEM, Becaufe that divers Conftables of Caftlesg Co. it 9 . " X within the Realm of England be affigned to be Cr0 ' E1 - 82 9> " Juftices of Peace by Commiffion of our Lord, the " King, and by Colour of the faid Commiffions they " take People, to whom they bear Evil Will, and " imprifon them within the faid Caftles, till they have " made Fine and Ranfom with the faid Conftables for " their Deliverance;" ' (2) it is ordained and efta T ' blifhed, That none be imprifoned by any Juftice of ' the Peace, but only in the common Gaol ; faving to ' Lords and other (which have Gaols) their Franchife ' in this Cafe.' P. XL Tithes to the Parfon of the fame Parifhes. s TTEM, It is ordained and eftablifhed, That the ' -"- Fermors, and all Manner of Occupiers of the

  • Manors, Lands, Tenements, and other Poffeiions of

Aliens, fhall pay and be bound to pay, all Manner 4 of Difmes thereof due to Parfons and Vicars of holy Nnn 2 .■ ,. : ■ ■ • ' .« Church',