46© C. 12—14. Anno quinto Henrici IV. A. D. Regift. 179 b. Enforced by % H. 5. c. 3. *with ad- ditional Penalty, Church, in whofe Parifhes the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Poffeffions be fo affeffeii and due, as the Law of holy Church requireth, notwithftand- ing that the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements;, or other Poffeffions fee feized into the King's Hands, or notwithstanding any Prohibition made or to be made to the contrary.' I4O3. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. quelx paroches mefmes les manoirs terres tene- mentz ou poffeffions font iffint affiz & dues come la loye de feinte efglife demande nient contrefteant qe les ditz manoirs terres tenement ou autres pof- feffions font feifiz es mayns noftre dit Seignur le Roy & non obftante aucune prohibition faite ou affaire a coritraire. CAP. XII. Execution may be awarded upon a Statute once fhewed in Court. TTEM, It is ordained and eftablifhed, That when any Statute Merchant is certified into the Chan- cery, and thereupon a Writ awarded to the Sheriff, and returned into the Common Place,, and the Sta- tute there once fhewed, that howfoever the Procefs after the fame fhewing be discontinued, that at what Time the Party fueth to have the Procefs reeon- tinued, and to have Execution of the Statute Mer- chant aforefaid ; that the Juftices of the Bench, wiiere the Statute was once (hewed, may upon the fame Record make and award full Execution of the Statute Merchant aforefaid, without having the Sight or fhewing thereof another Time after ; (2) and that this Statute hold Place of all Statutes Merchant, not fully executed at this Time.' ITEM ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe qaunt afcun eftatut marchant foit certifie en la Chauncellarie & fur ceo brief agarde al vifcont & retourne en le commune bank & leftatut illoeqes un foitz monftre qe eombien qe le proceffe apres celle demonftrance foit difcontinue qa quele heure qe la partie fue de recontinuer le procefie & davoir execution del efta- tut marchant qe les Juftices del bank en quel lefta- tut feuft un foitz monftrez puiffent fur c;Ile record faire & agarder plein execution del eftatut marchant avauntdit fanz avoir de ceo autrefoitz vieu ou de- monftrance enapres et qe ceft eftatut tiegne lieu de toutz eftatutz marchantz a ceft foitz nient pleine- ment executz. CAP. XIII. What Things may be gilded arid laid on ITEM, Whereas many fraudulent Artificers, imagining to deceive the common People, do daily make Locks, Rings, Beads, Candlefticks, Harnefs for Girdles, Hilts, Chalices, and Sword- pomels, Powder-boxes, and Covers for Cups, of Copper and of Latten, ani the fame overgilt and filver like to Gold or Silver, and the fame fell and put in Gage to marry Men, riot having full Know- ledge thereof, for whole Gold and whole Silver, to the - great Deceit, Lofs, and Hiftderance of the com- mon People, and the Wafting of Gold arid Silver;" (2) it is ordained and eftablifhed, That no Artificer, nor other Man whatfoever he be, from henceforth fhall gilt nor fiver any fueh Locks, Rings, Beads, Candlefticks, Harnefs for Girdles, Chalices, Hilts, nor Porhels of Swords, PoWder-boxes* nor Covers for Cups, made of Copper or Latten, upon Pain to forfeit to the KingCs. at every Time that he fhall be found guilty, and to make Satisfaction to the Party grieved for his Damages ; (3) but that (Chalices always excepted) the faid Artificers may work, or caufe to be wrought, Ornaments for the Church of Copper and Latfert, and the fame gilt or filver, fo that always in the Foot, or in fome other Part of every fuch Ornament fo to be made, the Copper and the Latten fhall be plain, to the Intent that a Man may fee whereof the Thing is made, for to efchew the Deceit aforefaid.' with Silver or Gold, and what not. ITEM por ce qe pleufeurs defloialx artificers, ymaginantz a deceiver le commune poepk font de jour en autre firmalx anelx bedes ehandelers gipferrynges chalices hikes & pomekx defpeies pou- der-boxes lienes & burfels pur hanapes de cupre St de laton & les fuiforront & fuifargentent femblables a or & argent & les vendent & mettent a gage as plufours hommes nient eiantz pleine coniffance de ce pur or entier & argent entier a grant deceit perde & arreriffement de commune poeple & ani- entiffement & deftru<Sion dor & dargent ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe nul artificer nautre homme qeconqe defore enavant fuiforre ne fuifargente nulles tielx firmalx anelx bedes ehandelers gipfer- rynges chalices hikes ne pomelx des efpeies pouder- boxes lienes ne burfels pur hanapes faitz de cupre ou de laton fur peine de forfaire au RoyCs. a chefcun foitz qil ferra trovez coupable & de faire gree a partie pur fes damages Mais qe chalices touteditz exceptz les ditz artificers purBont faire & overer ornamentz de Seinte efglife de cupre & de laton & les fuiforrer & fuifargenter parainfi toutes- foitz qen la pie ou en autre partie de chefcun orna- ment enfi affaire foit la cupre ou laton plain a fyn qe homme purra veier dont la chofe eft faite pur efchuir la deceit avauntdite. CAP. XIV. Inrolling of Writs in the common Place whereupon Fines be levied TTEMporce «tTE M, Whereas many Feet of Fines of Lands '* 1 and Tenements within the Realm of England
- remaining in the King's Treafury, and the Notes of
'* fuch Fines remaining in the common Bench, have qe plufeurs pies des fins des terres J. & tenementz deinz le Roialme dEngleterre de- rhurrantz en le trefore noftre Seignur le Roi & les notes de tielx fyns demurantz en le commune Bank aient 3