Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/107

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A. D. 1486. Anno tertio Hen rici VII. C. 2, 3. 69 ity whore the faid Felony or Murder was d ".••, or before the King in his Bench, or Jufticea of G rA b ~- Appellant in any Appeals of Murder or Death of Man, the Courfc : of th 11 Law licth not, may make their A and appear by the lame, in- the ter they be commenced, to the End of the Suit, and Execution of the fame. (20) And il '.^.^ flain a I in the Day, and the Murderei fcape untaken, that the •Townthip where the laid Deed is TJmAf cd for the laid fcfeap - nd that the Coroner have Authority to inquire there-. I iceed agati [nquifuions afore the King in his Bench. (23J AndYorafmuch as Coroners had not norought to have any Thc Cofcn „-, thing by the Law for their Office doing, which oft-time hath been the Occafion that Coram rs have been Fceupo:, the remil'i in doing th I linedj That a Coroner have for his Fee, upon every Inquifition view of a u •/ taken upon the Vi< w of the Body flain xiii. <. iv. I. and Chatties of l>:m that is the Slayer J*'" 1 - and Murderer, if he h I if he h eno Goods, then the Coroner have for his laid Fee, of wi J^ j u '5' 7" ments as (hall n] Townfliip to be amerced for Efcape of fueh Murderer as is aforefaid. ,,, , .nd if any Coroner be remifs, and make not lnquifiti< ins upon the View of the Body dead, and certify The i j cn.i!ty of nut according as is afore ordained, that the Coroner for ev cry Default forfeit to the King an Hundred Shil- » Coroner bcinj lings. (26) And alfo it is ordained by the fame Authority, That every Juflice of Peace within this Realm, " m /^-, that mall take any Recognifance for the keeping of the Peace, that the fame Jullice do certify, fend, or |- c ^ u c : >. bring the fame Recognifance at the next Seflions of Peace, where he is or hath been Jufticc, that the Party ntv a Recogni- ta bound may be called ; (27) and if the Party make Default, the fame Default then there to be recorded, fince by him and the lame Recognifance, with the Record of the Default, be fent and certified into the Chancery, or afore tjke "> " lhe the King in his Bench, 01 into the King's Exchequer. S™m«d?oftki«  S-.itute as relatet lo Liveries is repealed by 3 Car. i. c. 4. See farther for the Duty of Coroners 1 & 2 P. tf M. e. 13. /re?. 5. and 2; Ceo. 2. c. S9. lobi taint their F^s ; anil fee farther concerning Murder, 1 td. 6. e. 12. i Jac. 1. e. S. 21 Jac, 1. .-. 27. % Gci.%. e. 21. and 25 Geo. 2. (. 37. C A P. II. The Penalty for carrying a Woman away againft her Will that hath Lands or Goods. ' TTEM, Where Women, as well Maidens, as Widows, and Wives, having Subftances, fome in Goods 3^ ft - 6 *«  ' i moveable, and fome in Lands and Tenements, and fome being Heirs apparent unto their Anchors, ' cn r ,' **£,.(■ ' for the Lucre of fuch Subftances been oftentimes taken by Mif-doers, contrary to their Will, and after ~, ls . nCo.100! ' married to fuch Mif-doers, or to other by their A/Tent, or defoiled, to the great Difpleafure of God, and Cro.Car. JS3, ' contrary to the King's Laws, and Difparagements of the laid Women, and utter Heavinefs and Difcom- 48s, 453,492.

  • fort of their Friends, and to the evil Enfample of all other:' (2) It is therefore ordained, eftablifhed, and £", b 'g i2 "

enacted, by our Sovereign Lord the King, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Felony x ' carry Commons, in the laid Parliament alVembled, and by Authority of the fame, That what Perfon or Perfons away a Woman from henceforth that taketh any Woman lb againft her Will unlawfully, that is to fay, Maid, Widow, or againft her Will, Wife, that fuch taking, procuring, and abetting to the fame, and alfo receiving wittingly the lame Woman ih2i , hj,h Lanti3 fo taken againft her Will* and knowing the fame, be Felony ; (3) and that fuch Mil-doers, Takers, and ?T p ocd °> or a Procurators to the fame, and Receitors, knowing the faid Offence in Form aforefaid, be henceforth reputed hwAn'certo and judged as principal Felons. (4) Provided alway, That this Act extend not to any Perfon taking any By 39 El. c >, Woman, only claiming her as his Ward or Bond-Woman. '•"' Offence is ouileo C CAP. III. p. a m.c.1. Juftices of Peace may let Prifoners to Bail. The Sheriff fhall certify the Names of all his Prifoners at the Gaol-delivery.

  • It TEM, Where in the Parliament lateholden ■tf.WeJlminfier, the Firft Year of Richard, late in Deed,

' ' and not of Right, King of England, the Third ; it was ordained and enacted among other divers Acts, ' That every Juflice of the Peace in every Shire, City, or Town, fhouki hae Authority and Power, by his ' or their Difcretion, to let Prifoners, and Perfons arrefted for light Sufpicion of Felony, to Bail or Main- ' prife ; (2) by Colour whereof afterward divers Perlons, fuch as were not mainpernable, were oftentimes ' letten to Bail and Mainprife, by Juftices of the Peace, againft the due Form of the Law, whereby many

  • Murderers and Felons efcaped, to the great Difpleafure of the King, and Annoyance of his liege People :'

(3) Wherefore the King our laid Sovereign Lord conlideiing it, by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, hath ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted, That the Juftices of Peace in every Shire, City, or Town, or Two of them at the leaft, whereof One to be of the Quorum, have Authority and Power to let any fuch Prifoners, or Perfons mainpernable by the Law, that have been imprifoned within their feveral Counties, City, , r. -. c , ... or Town, to Bail or Mainprife, unto their next general Seffions, or unto the next Gaol-delivery of the fame juftices of ihe Gaols in every Shire, City, or Town, as well within Franchifes as without, where any Gaols been or hereafter P«?« ">a,y let i fhal! be; (4) and that the faid Juftices of the Peace, or One of them, fo takingany fuch Bail or Mainprife, jj' o ' : cd " f t0 do certify the fame at the next general Seflions cf the Peace, or the next general Gaol-delivery of any fuch is m^J.'t'r'r^bie, Gaol within every fuch County, City, or Town, next following after any fuch Bail or Mainprife fo taken, inforced by upon Pain to forfeit unto the King for every Default thereupon recorded .v. It. (s) And moreover it is en- 1 &2 Phil. & acted Mjr '«-"3>