Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/108

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yo C. 4"~ °* Anno tertio H e n r i c i VIL A.D. i486. ThfeSHftrifFfta cettlfS fhi; * 1 ) of aflVrifcueiS in bis Oiffoty to ■-■. ■ :•'. si GaoUucliwiy. ARcr-cnlof ti Stat, of iR. 3. c. 3. 'touching bailing of Pri- soners. Kclyn; 3. & Gaol-delivery, in every County or Franchife where any fuch Gaol or Gaols be, there to be kalendrcd before the Juftices of the Deliverance of the fame " a&ed by the fame Authority, That every Sheriff, Bailiff of Franchife, and every other Perfon, ha^fig "Authority or Power of keeping of Gaol, or of Priibners for Felony, in like Manner and Form do certify ! the Names of every fuch Prifoiicr in their Keeping, and of every Prifoner to them committed for anyjuch jfCaufe, at the next general have been, or hereafter flial Gaol, whereby they may, as well for the King as for the Party, proceed to make Deliverance of fuch e Prifoners according to the Law, (6) upon Pain to forfeit unto the King for every Default thereof recorded, C. s. (7) and that the forefaid Act giving Authority and Power in the Premiffes to any Juftice of the Peace by himfelf, be in that Behalf utterly void and of none Effect: by Authority of this Prefent Parlia- ment. i 3 1 Car. 1. c. 2. ftS. 7. fir bailing Perfons committed fir Treajon or Felony, and not indicted the next Term, C A P. IV. All Deeds cf Gift made to defraud Creditors fhall be vcid. 50 /Ed. 3. co. ' TTEM, That where oftentimes Deeds of Gift °f Goods and Chatties have been made, to the Intent c - Z Frfin'*db ' h t0 defraud their Creditors of their Duties, and that the Perfon or Perfons that maketh the faid Deed of tj.M. c. 5.1 Gift goeth to Sanctuary, or other Places privileged, and occupieth and liveth with the faid Goods and ■which is made ' Chatties, their Creditors being unpaid :' (2) It is ordained, enacted, and eftablifhedhy the Affent of the perpetual by Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Requeft of the Commons in the faid Parliament aftembleit, 2 | f-ww' an< ^ ^y Authority of the fame, That all Deeds of Gift of Goods and Chatties made or to be made of Truft, £7 EiiJ.' V.$! t0 the Ufe of that Perfon or Perfons that made the fame Deed of Gift, be void and of none Effects •which is made perpetual by 39 El. c.iS.feff, 32, alfo 29 Car. 2. c. 3. and 3 W. £f Ml c'1'4. Rep. 11H.7. e.g. & 37 H. S. e.g. Rep. 37 H. S. c 9. Raft. 4J. CAP. V. All Bargains by the Name of dry Exchange, fhall be void, whereby any certain Sum fhall be loft. CAP. VL None fhall make any Exchange without the King's Licence, or make Exchange, or Rechange of Money "hereunto, to keep, and make An- R. 2. c. 2. viz. upon Forfeiture <ji uic mmc. i.", jj.u. j. oiui. 5, c n. y _c«. 3. oica. z. c. 7.. 10 ii«. 3. Stat. 2. c. 6. All unlawful Chevifance and Ufury fhall be extirpate; all Brokers of fuch Bargains fhall be fet on the Pillory, put to open Shame, be half a Year imprifoned, and pay Twenty Pounds. Tone fhall make any Exchange without the King's Licence, or make Excl to be paid within the Land, but only fuch as the King fhall depute there' fwer for fuch Exchanges and Rechanges, upon the Pain contained in 14 R of the fame. z$ Ed. 3. Stat. 5. c. iz. 9 Ed. 3. Stat. 2. c. 7. 18 Ed. 3 CAP. VII. Rep. 1 Hen. 3. o 5. f. a. 17 Ed. 4. c. 1, A Certificate fhall be made of Goods brought into one Port and accuftomed, and then removed into an- other. The Penalty of a Cuftomer omitting his Duty. The Forfeiture if the Goods be fold before the Certificate delivered. No Goods fhall be entered in any other Perfon's Name, but in the Owner's. A common Officer in a City, Borough, &c. fhall be no Cuftomer, Comptroller, or Searcher there, CAP. VIII. Merchants Aliens, &c. and Victuallers, fhall imploy their Money upon the Merchandife of this Realm. T TEM, That where in the Parliament of King Edward theFourth, holden at Weftmhifter the Seven- JL teenth Year of his Reign, it was ordained among other, That every Merchant Alien, and every other Victualler, and other Stranger, not being Denizen, that refort to any Place or Port within this Realm, or Wales, after the Feaft of Ea/ier then next following, fhould duly imploy all the Money by him to be received within any Port within this Realm, or Wales, upon the Merchandises or other Commodities of this Realm; (2) or elft without Fraud put the fame Money in due Payment within this Realm, the fame Imployment or Payment duly to be proved by the Merchant, Victualler, or other Stranger, before his departing out of the fame Port, by Writing from the Merchant or Merchants, to whom the faid Mer- chant Alien, Victualler, or other Stranger, hath imployed or paid his Money by him received for his Merchandifes brought into this Land, witneffing that he hath fo done, or elfe hy fuch Proofs as fhall be thought reafonable to the Cuftomer or Comptroller of the fame Port, or to the Mayor, Bailiff, or other chief Governors of any City, Borough, or Town where any fuch Port fhall be, (3) upon Pain, of Forfeiture of all his Goods being within this Realm, and to have Imprifonment of a Year; (4) faving to every fuch Merchant, Victualler, and other Stranger, his reafonable Colts, with certain Provifions in the fame, as by the fame Act more at large doth appear : (5) Which Act was made to endure but only from the faid Feaft of Eajler, to the End of Seven Years then next enfuing; fo that no Gold and Silver received by Merchants Aliens, and other Victuallers and Strangers, not being Denizens, for Merehan- dile brought into this Land, is not imployed upon the Commodities of this Land, but conveyed and car- ried out of this Realm, to the great Lois of the King, in his Cuftom and Subfidy, and the impoverishing