Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/109

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A. D. i486. Anno tertio Henrici VIF. C. 9. 71 Jm:' CO It is enafted, ordained, and ftablifhed by the King our Sovereign Lord thai Lords Spiritual an < I, and at tn I . 1, 1 by th Authoi •". dward the Fourth, with all imprifed in the fame) Payment within this Realm; (■■) thi faid, upon • idile lo brou I. (9) And it is ordained by ! Authority, That every Cuftomer or Comptroller {hall take • of every of the- raid ^.'^ ' ■ r to put the fame 4 h. 4, c. 15. the faid M ayment, his always deduct < 17 'i.'. c. 5. upon rain of Forfi e Value of the faid M rchandtfes, the on ■ Half of the faid Forfeiture to the 5 H.4.C.9. King, the c the Party that will fuc for the fume. This to begin and take Effect at the Feaft C £$£?J°* of Chrijlmas next coming. > g, 5, t g_ i'«4 W. 7. .-. 13. LriMug G»I4 or Silver lo be faid to Ftreigneri ; and fa l^Car.i.c.J.fi3. n. g^iaff.^. c.zZ. lo Ann. c, i5, 6C<». 1. c. 11. u««  l»t/«.i. ,. xi. 1 n ■ fining Cold ami Si CAP. IX. Freemen of Ltndon may carry their Wares to any Fairs or Markets. 1 Umbly fhewen and prayen unto your Highnefei your true and faithful Commons of this your Realm ' I i of England, That where the Citizens nd Freemen of the City of London have ufed out of Time of ' Mind to go, Garry, and lede their Merchandife and Ware unto all Fairs and Markets at tl ty out City; now of kite-Time the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the Oity of London, have ' made and enacted an Ordinance within the lime City, upon a great Pain, that no Man that is a Frce- ' man or Citizen of the faid City, fhall go or come to any Fair or Market, out of the fame City of Lon- ' don, with- any Manner of Ware 0* Mcrcnandiie to fell or to barter, to this Intent, that all Buyers and rchants fhould refort to the faid City to huy their Ware and Merchandifes of the faid Citizens and

  • Freemen of London aforcfaid, becaufc of their i tore and Avail ; which Ordinance, if it fhould

' hold as is before expreffed, fliall be to the ut! ion of all other Fairs and Markets within this People, laces wher faid Com-

  • mons of every Country hath their commen Refort, to buy and purvey many Things that be good and
  • profitable, as Ornaments of holy Church, Chalice, Books, Veftments, and other Ornaments of holy
  • Church aforefaid, and alio for Houfehold, as Victual for the Time of Lent, and other Stuff, asLinnen

' Cloth, Woollen Cloth, Brafs, Pewter, Bedding, Ofmonde, Iron, Flax, and Wax, and many other ne- ' ceffary Things, the which might not be forborn among your faid liege People ; but, by the faid Ordi-

  • nance, every Man willing to buy any of the Premifles, thall b? courted to come to the faid City of Lon-
  • don, to their importable Colls and Charges, which, if the laid Act fhould endure, fhall grow great Hurt

' and Prejudyce to the common Weal of this your Realm, and fhall caufe many pernicious Strifes and De- ' bates between your faid liege People, and the faid Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens in Time to come, ' by the making of the faid Ordinance, the which is thought may not continue and ftand with good ' Charity, the Premiffes conudered ; Wherefore it may pieafe your faid Highnefs molt noble and abun- ' dant Grace, in Confideration of the Hurt likely to grow of and 1 by the Premiiles, that it may be enacted :' (2) The King our Sovereign Lord, in Confideration of the Hurt likely to grow of and by the PremifleSj hath by the Advice and Afient of the Lords Spiritual and 1 emp iral, and the Commons, in the faid Par- liament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, ordained, ftablifhed, and enacted, That every Freeman and Citizen of the faid City of London, that now is, or hereafter fhall be, miy lead, carry, and go with his or their Victual, Ware, or Merchandife, whatfoever it be, at his or their Libertv, to any Fair or Market that fhall pieafe him or them, within this Realm of England, any Statute, Act, or Ordinance, made or to be made within the faid City of London to the contrary of the Pieniiiles notwithstanding ; (3) and the faid Ordinance and Act made in the laid City fhall be void and of none Effect ; (4) and that no Perfon of the faid City be hurt or prejudiced in loling of his Liberty and Franchife within the faid City, or otherwifc, by Reafon or Occafion of adtuilling and avoiding of the faid Ordinance and Act, or for not obeying to the Effect of the fame, (0 And if any Perfon be prejudiced in any wife by Occafion of the fame, he that putteth or caufeth any Perfon to fuch Prejudice, frail Icfe and forfeit unto the King x. 1. as often as he fo doth; (6) and he that will fue for fuch Forfeiture, fhall have therefore an Action of Debt againft fuch Offender, the King to have Execution of the one Half, and he that fueth tire other Half; (7 J and in fuch Action the Defendant be not admitted to wage his Law. C A P.