Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/114

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^b C. it, is.. Anno quarto He nvrici VII, A. D. 1487. c a p. xi. 'Ext-, 4 Ed. 4. jso Perfon during Ten Years {hall buyor' take Promife of Bargain of any W ooll that fhall grow in Beth, c -4- n & c . before the JJfumption of our Lady next after the Shearing thereof, but fuch as fhall make Yarn or 3 & H 6EiV 5 ° Cloth thereof ; nor any Merchant Strangerhefore-the Purification of our Lady, &c, upon Pain of Forfei- c_V * ' ture of the double Value. ... .. C A, P.. XII.' ■ 4UH. i^o. All Juftices of Peace fhall execute their Comrniffipn,}redrefs I'njuries, and maintain the Laws- c rS. 4£W. - 3>' T'TEM tiw' King: our 'Sovereign Lord" cohfidereth, That fay. the Negligence, Mifdemeaning, Favour, c z. 18 Ed. 3. « j[ anc j ther inordinate Caufes of Juftices of Peace ia every Shire of this his Realm r the Laws and Ordi- ^'"'eJ C '*' 1 ' Rances mac ^ e ^ or t ' le politique Weal, Peace, and good Rule of the fame, and for the perfect Surety, and xt«.i?'cio. ' reftful Living of his Subjects of the fame, he. not .duly executed according to the Tenour and Effect that a.H. .'flat. 1" ' they were made and ordained for ; (2) wherefore his Subjects been grievoufly hurt, and. out of .Surety of " jods, to his great Difpleafure ; for to him is nothing more joyous than to know his 2H.5. ' their Bodies and Good Ji "ri'f' *• ' Subjects to live peaceably under his Laws, and to increafe in Wealth and Profperity,' (3) and to avoid fuch j S £dl'c'V' ' Enormities and Injuries, fo that his faid Subjects may live reftfully under his Peace and Laws, to their In- 1 R. 3. /.'{.' ' create.:' (4) He will that it be ordained and enacted by Authority of this faid Parliament, That every Every juftice of Juftice of Peace within every Shire of this Realm, within the Shire where he is Juftice of Peace, do caufe Peace rtiaii cau-ti: openly and folemnly to be proclaimed yearly Four Times a Year, in' Four principal Seffions, the Tenor of this Proclama- t j^ s Proclamation to this Bill annexed ; (5) and that every Juftice of Peace being prefent at any of the faid ■fom- ttmesTn ^ Seffions, if they caufe not the faid Proclamation for to be made in Form abovefaid, fhall forfeit unto our So- she Year. ' vereign Lord at every Time xx s. 11. Renricus Dei Gratia, &c. The King our Sovereign Lord conndereth, how daily within this Realm his Coin is traiteroufly counterfeited. Murders, Robberies, Felonies, been grievoufly committed and done, and alfo unlawful Reteinors, Idlenefs, unlawful Plays, Extorfions, Mifdemeanings of Sheriffs, Efcheators, and many other Enormities and unlawful Demeanings daily grown more and more within this Realm, to the great Difpjeafwre of God, Hurt and Impoyerifhing_ of his Subjects, and to the Subverfion of the Policy and good Governance of this his Realm; for by thefc laid- Enormities and Mifchiefs his Peace is broken, his TheBenefitof Subjects troubled, inqUieted, and impoverifhed, the Hufbandry of this Land decayed, whereby the Church J-Juibandry. f England is upholden, the Service of God continued, every Man thereby hath his Suftenance, every In- - heritor his Rent for his Land; (2) For repreffing andavoiding of the faid Mifchief, fufEcient Laws and Or- dinances have been made by Authority of many and divers Parliaments holden within this Realm, to the great Coft of the King, his Lords, and Comrnons- of the fame, and tacketh nothing, but that the faid Laws be not put in due Execution,, which Laws ought to be put in due Execution by the Juftices of Peace qf 'every Shire of this Realms to whom his Grace hath put and given full Authority To to do ftth the Begin- The SUckneTs ning of his Reign. (3) And now it -is come to his Knowledge, that his Subjects he little eafed of the faid of juftices of Mifchiefs by the faid Juftices, but by many of them rather hurt than helped ; and if his Subjects complain Peacei . n thedue to thefe Juftices of Peace, of any Wrongs done to them, they have thereby no Remedy, and the faid Mif- SeLaws" -chiefs do increafe, and be not fubdued. (4) And his Grace confidereth, That a great. Part of the Wealth •and Profperity of this Land ftaiideth in that, that his Subjects may live in Surety under his Peace in their Bo- dies and Goods, and that the Hufbandry of this Land may increafe and be upholden, which muft be had by juftices neglca- due Execution of the faid Laws and Ordinances, chargeth and cemmandeth all the Juftices of the Peace of ing toexecute this his Shire, to endeavour them to do and execute the Tenor of their Commiffion, and the faid Laws and tUd* Gotaani*- Ordinances ordained for the fubduing of the PrerriifTes, as they will ftand in the Love and Favour of his one S ob(UuaIng Grace, and' in avoiding of the Pains that he ordained if they do the contrary. (5) And moreover he chargeth them, liable to and commandeth, That every Man, what Degree or Condition that he be of, that let them in Word or Pains and the Deed to execute their faid Authority in any Manner Form abovefaid, that they fnew it to his Grace ; and King's Difplea- jf theydo not, and it come to his Knowledge by other than by them, they fhall not be in his Favour, but Pfons grieved taken as Men put of 'Credence, and be put out of Commiffion for ever. (6) And over this he chargeth and -may complain commandeth ail Manner of Men, as well the Poor as the Rich (which be to him all one in due Mhiiftration to the juftices of of Juftice) that is hurt or grieved in any thing that the faid Juftice of Peace may hear, determine, or exe- Peace ; and, if cu te in any wife, that he fo grieved make his Complaint to the Juftice of Peace that next dwclleth unto him, they have no or -to any of his Fellows, and defire a Remedy ; (7) and if then he hath no Remedy, if it be nigh fuch lufHcesof Affife Time as his Juftices of Affifes come into that Shire, that then he h grieved fhew his Complaint to the fame iid then 10 the' Juftices; {%) and if then 1 he have 116 Remedy, or if the Complaint be made long afore the coming of the King or his Juftices of Affife, then he fp grieved come to the King's Highnefs, or to his Chancellor for the time being, Chancellor. ■ an( | fhew his Grief; (9 1 and his faid Highnefs then fhall fend for the faid Juftices, to know the Caufe why The Puniihment his faid Subjects be not eafed, and his Laws executed ; whereupon if he find any of them in Default of exe- fe d ltof cut i n g°f his Laws in the Premi lies, according to his high Commandment, he fhall do him fo offending to nmTttinghis ° be put out of the Commiffion, and further to be punifhed according to his Demerits. (10) And over that, Duty. his faid Highnefs fhall not let for any Favour, Affection, Coft, Charge, nor other Caufe, but that he fhall See farther fit fee his Laws to have plain and true Execution, and his Subjects to live in Surety of their Lands, Bodies, the Duty, fife, and Goods, according to his faid Laws, and the faid Mifchiefs to be avoided, that his Subjects may en creafe fb/pfac" {is! 2 in Wealth and Profperity, to the Pleafure of God. P. £f Af. r. 13. 2 & 3 P.fif M. c. 10. 7 Jac. 1 . c. 5. 21 Jot. 1. c, 12. 6 Geo. i. c. zr. fiFI. 10. gGeo.i.c.y, 5 Gee. 2. c. iS £f ig. 16 Gto. 2. e. iS. 38 Ga. s. .-. 20. %Gm. 2. i.". II. 24GM. 2, C.4+ Sf S5> s6Gct, a. c. 14 & 27. and 30 f a>. 1. c. 2.}. CAP.