Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/120

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£2 C. i—4* Anno imdecimo H e n r i c i VIL A. D. 1 494, 3 inft - ?• Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 11 Hen. VII. W Anno Dora,


THE King our Sovereign Lord Henry the Seventh after the Conquefl, by the Grace of God King of England, and of France, and Lord of Ireland, at his Parliament holden at Wejlminfler the Four- teenth Day of Ottober, in the Eleventh Year of his Reign, to the Honour of God and holy Church, and for the common Profit of the Realm, by the AfTent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in the faid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the faid Parliament, hath done to be made certain Statutes and Ordinances, in Manner and Form following.' CAP. I. None that fhall attend upon the King and do him true Service fhall be attainted, or forfeit any Thing. THE King our Sovereign Lord, calling to his Remembrance the Duty of Allegiance of his Subjects of this his Realm, and that they by reafon of the fame are bound to ferve their Prince and Sovereign ' Lord for the time being, in his Wars, for the Defence of him, and the Land, againft every Rebellion^ ' Power, and Might reared againft him, and with him to enter and abide in Service in Battle, if cafe fo ' require ; (z) and that for the fame Service what Fortune ever fall by Chance in the fame Battle againft .' the Mind and Will of the Prince (as in this Land fome Time paffed hath been feen) that it is not rea-

  • fonable, but againft all Laws, Reafon, and good Confcience, that the faid Subjects going with their

c Sovereign Lord in Wars, attending upon him in his Perfon, or being in other Places by his Command- ' ment, within this Land, or without, any Thing fhould lofe or forfeit for doing their true Duty and Ser-

  • vice of Allegiance :' (3) It be therefore ordained, enacted, and eftablifhed by the King our Sovereign

Lord, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That from henceforth no Manner of Perfon or Per- fons, whatfoever he or they be, that attend upon the King and Sovereign Lord of this Land for the time being, in his Perfon, and do him true and faithful Service of Allegiance in the fame, or be in other Places' by his Commandment in his Wars, within this Land or without, that for the faid Deed and true Duty of Allegiance he or they be in no wife convict or attaint of high Treafon, ne of other Offences for that Caufe, by Act of Parliament, or otherwife by any Procefs of Law, whereby he or any of them fhall lofe or forfeit Life, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Poffeflfions, Hereditaments, Goods, Chatties, or any other Things ; but to be for that Deed and Service utterly difcharged of any Vexation, Trouble, or Lofs. (4) And if any Act or Acts, or other Procefs of the Law hereafter thereupon for the fame happen to be made, contrary to this Ordinance, that then that Act or Acts, or other Proceffes of the Law, whatfoever they fhall be, ftand, and be utterly void. (cj Provided alway, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall take any Benefit or Advantage by this Act, which fhall hereafter decline from his or their faid Allegiance. CAP. II. Vagabonds, idle, and fufpected Perfons, fhall be fet in the Stocks Three Days and Three Nights, and have none other Suftenance but Bread and Water, and then fhall be put out of the Town : (2) And whc- foever fhall give fuch idle Perfons more, fhall forfeit xii. d. (3) Every Beggar not able to work, fhall refort to the Hundred where he laft dwelled, is beft known, or was born, and there remain, upon the Pain aforefaid. Exp. 39 EL c. 4. (4) No Artificer, Labourer, or Servant, fhall play at any unlawful Game, but in Chrijimas. Exp. 33 H. 8. c. 9. (5) Two Juftices of Peace may reject common felling of Ale, &c. CAP. III. Rep. 1H.8.C.6. The Juftices of Affife in their Seflions, and the Juftices of Peace in every County, upon Information for the King, fhall have Authority to hear and determine all Offences and Contempts (faving Treafon, Murder^ or Felony) committed by any Perfon againft the Effect of any Statute made, and not repealed. CAP. IV. Altered 5& 6 Ed. 6. c. 25. I Jac. 1. c. 9. Rep. II Jac. I, c. 28. Statutes con- cerning WeigHts and IVScafures. 9 H. 3. flat. I. c. z;. 51 H. 3. flat. 1. 3 1 Ed. I. 14 Ed. 3. ftat. I. c. J 2. 25 Ed. 3. Hat. 5. 6.9, 10. *;Ed. The Names of the Cities and Towns limited for the keeping of Weights and Meafures.

  • TjRayen the Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, That where divers Acts, Statutes, and Or-

' 1 dinances, in the Times of the noble Progenitors and Predec'effors of our now Sovereign Lord the King ' have been made, That one Meafure and Weight fhould be ufed throughout this noble Realm ; (2) and ' alfo, That in every City, Borough,_ and Town within the fame Realm, upon certain and feveral Pains in ' the faid Statutes and Ordinances limited, fhould be a common Balance, with common Weights, and com- ' mon Meafures, marked according to the EftanJard of the Exchequer ; by the which, and other like Ba- ' lance, Weights, and Meafures marked according to the (aid Eftandard, all Men fliould buy and fell, for ' the avoiding of all Fraud and Difcoid in that Behalf to be ufed; (3) which Acts, Statutes, and Ordinan-