Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/121

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A. D. 1494. Anno undecimo Hen rici VII. C. 4. is of divers Parties of this Realm rememb red, to the great Hurt and Vexation of divers and many of M ' k '• ' ' the King's Subjects of this his Realm :' (-) For Remedy whereof be it of the abundant Grace of our c ' ' '* moft gracious Sovereign Lord, bytheAfleni of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and by the Commons, ,. 4 . ,Ir. ,'. in this prefent Parliament affemblcd, and lame, enafted and eftabliiheo, That unto the <■ y IH.fc 1 s and Citizens of every Shire and City, afiembled in this prefent Parliament. Barons of the Cinque r - 5- Pons, and certain Burgeflcs of Burgh [owns, before they depart from this prefent Parliament, be delivered m5? one of even 'are, which now our Sovereign Lord hah c.uifed tobc made of Brafs, for the 6 " " n Wealth of all his Subjects and Lieges within this Ins Realm of England, according to the King our standard of 'he reign Lord's Standard of his Exchequer of Weights and Meafures. as they be in the Exchequer of our Excbeanei (halt f.iii Sovereign Lord; (5) and that the laid Knights, Citizens, and BurgefTes, to whom the faid Weights befentu*o and Meafures fhall be delivered, as is aforefaid, furely convey, orcaufethe fame tobc conveyed on this lide ™u'h C &i' B °" the Feafl ot Softer next coming, by the faid Citizens to their Cities, and by the faid Knights unto luch Ho- ' rough, or Town Corporate, or Market Town within the Shire for which they be elected, as is fpecirted and contained in a Schedule unto this prefentBill annexed, there to remain for ever in the Keeping of the Mayor, Bailiff, or other head Officer for the time being, of the fame City, Borough, or Town, as the King's Standard of Weight and Meafurc. (6) And that the Inhabitants of all Cities, Boroughs, and E v «y City and Market Towns within every of the faid Shires, fhall on this fide the Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Bo ' ou E" ">a:i Battft next coming, make or caufe to be made, common Meafures and Weights, according to the Weights v/cizhts'accor- anu Meafures abovefaid, to remain within the laid Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, and every of jj n g t ihcoi them; (7) and the fame Weights and Meafures to be viewed, examined, printed, figned, and marked by received, and the Mayor, Bailiff, or other head Officer, in whofe Poll'effion the aforefaid Standard fhall remain; (8) and "hallmark them, that every of the aforefaid Mayor, Bailiff, or head Officer, having the faid Weights and Meafures figned ^hil'u" b "d> and printed under the Sign and Print for the fame, with a Letter //crowned, have Authority and Power to weight" and make, fign, and print like Weights and Meafures unto every of the King's Lieges and Subjects, duly re- Meafures figned quiring the fame, taking for marking of every Bufhel, i.d. (9) And that from the faid Feall of the Nati- and printed, vity ot St. John Bapti/l, no Merchant, ne other Perfon or Perfons, within any City or Market Town, buy , ne fell with any Weight or Meafure, except it be marked, iigned, or printed in Manner and Form afore- faid, ne any other Perfon or Perfons out of the faid Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, except it be like mid equal with the faid Eftandard; (10) and that every Perfon, as well without Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, as within, buy and fell with a Bufhel, fealed, Iigned, or marked after the Form aforefaid, and no othcrwife. (11) And that all the Mayors, Bailiffs, and other head Officers of every City, Borough, which fhall be or Market Town, fhall caufe Twice in the Year, or oftner, as they fhall think neceffary, all Weights and viewed and ex- Mcafures within the faid Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, to be brought afore them, and to be duly amired twice in viewed and examined; (12) And fuch as they fhall upon the faid Examination find defective, immediately J 1 "^ " at :lie to be broken and burnt, and the Party or Parties which in that Behalf hath offended, and been found de- " ' fective, fhall forfeit for the Firft time vi. s. viii.d. the Forfeiture thereof to be unto the faid Mayor, Bailiff, The Penalty of or any other having Jurifdiftion and Correction in that Behalf; and at the Second time the faid Offender Offenders, likewife to forfeit xiii. s. iv. d. and at the Third Time likewife to forfeit xx. s. and for further Punifhment to be fet upon the Pillory, to the Enfample of other : (13) And that Two Jullices of Peace, whereof One Judices of the fhall be of the Quorum, have Authority, as well by Examination as by Inquiry, to hear and determine the p " cc ma >' . he " Defaults of the (aid Mayors, Bailiffs, or other head Officers in that Behalf, and alio of all Buyers and Sel- J," e q""™" lers doing contrary to this prefent Act and Ordinance, and to fet Fine and Amerciament upon the Offenders by their Difcretion ; (14) and the faid Weights and Meafures, fo found defective, to be forfeited and burnt. The Meaf : ( (15) Be it alfo enacted, That there be but only viii. Bufhels rafed and ftricken to the Quarter of Corn, and a Quarter of tiiv.-li. to the Stone of Wooll, and xxvi. Stone to the Sack. (16) Be it alfo ordained by Authority ^? r "', ar 1 the aforefaid, That the Juftices of Peace abovefaid, have Authority to make likeProcefs againft all Perfons found Stone and Sack as is abovefaid defective, and for fuch Fines and Amerciaments as upon them fhall be affeffed, as if they f Wool). were indicted afore them for breaking of the King's Peace. (17) And where by other Statutes and Ordi- ^Ed. 3, Oat. r, nances afore limited, it is ordained, That every City, Borough, and Town that hath a Conftable, fhould c - IZ - have common Weights and Meafures fealed, upon Penalties in the fame limited ; that thofe Penalties in that Behalf extend not to any Town which is no City, Burgh, or Market Town. (18) Provided alway, That Selling and tor. this Act fhall not extend, nor be prejudicial to any Perfon felling or buying by Water-meafure within the ing by Water Ship-board; (19) and that it be by the Authority abovefaid enacted, the Premiffes or any other Ordinance J?™ f "™ on afore made notwithstanding, that the faid Water-meafure within the. Ship-board fhall only contain Five hl P -bo:ird ' Pecks, after the faid Standard rafed and ftricken. (20) Provided alfo, That the Examination of Defaults The Lord War- abovefaid, and Punifhment to the Offenders of every Offence committed hereafter within any of the faid d=r > of the F '; e Five Ports, fhall be had, done, and adminiftered by the Lord Warden of the faid Five Forts, or by his offe n flial pq e " a Lieutenant of the fame for the time being, and none other, the Premiffes notwithftanding. (21) Provided t Y len- . ' alfo, That this Act of Weights and Meafures extend not, nor be in no wife hurtful or prejudicial to the Wsi E hts for. Prince, within the Dutchy of Cornwall, for any Weights appertaining and belonging to the Coinage of Tin Coinare of Tin within the Counties of Cornwall and Devon/hire, but that all fuch Weights be u fed, ordered, demeaned, In Cornwall and corrected, as it hath been ufed and accuitomed before this Time, the lame Act and Ordinance notwith- an i wn l tending. Lh^c*. Sitfartbtr (inciriiit-gfJ'it^bis aiuLMmfureS} 10 Czr. I. r. 19, 22 Car. 2. c. S. !s £f 2 3 Cur, 2. c, 12. and 1 jinn. Jim. 1. <. i$- M 2 • The