Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/128

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9 b C. 2ii Anno undecimo Henrici VII. A. D 1494. fee impanelled in ftie fame City, except he be of Lands, Tenements, or Goods and Chatties, to the Value of xl. Marks; anylnquefl in ( + j anr j that no Perfon or Perfons hereafter be impanelled, fummoned, nor fworn in any Jury or inqueft in London. any Q omt w; t hin the faid City, for Lands or Tenements, or Action perfonal, wherein the Debt or Da- mage amounteth to the Sum of xl. Marks, or above, except he be in Lands, Tenements, Goods, or Chat- ties, to the Value of C. Marks; (5) and the fame Matter and Caufe alledged by any of the faid Parties by way of Challenge, and fo founden, fhall be admitted and taken in every of the fame Courts as a prin- WhatsMan cipal Challenge. (6) And that every fuch Perfon hereafter to be impanelled or fummoned to appear, in. making Default any J ul - y or Inqueft before any of the faid Judges of the fame City, making Default, at the firft Summons- of .Appearance j Q ^ anc j f or f e; t j n Iffues xii. d. and at the fecond Default ij.s. and fo at every fuch Default after that, the forfeit and to Iffues and Penalties to be double: h) And all fuch loft in the Mayor's Court fhall be forfeited,, •whom'. levied, and perceived to the Ufe and Behoof of the Mayor and Commonalty of the faid City; and all fuch An Attaint may Iffues loft in the Sheriffs Court or Courts fhall be forfeited, levied, and perceived to the Ufe of the Sheriffs be fued by Bill f t he f ame Q[ t y f or the time being, towards their Fee-ferm. (8) and alfo be it enacted by like Autho- •" l C ^ Iuft ' nES rity, That the Party grieved by any untrue or falfe Verdict hereafter to be given in any of the Courts of in on on. ^ ^ q^ f^all an j ma y nav g an( j uie Attaint by Bill in the Huftings of London, holden for Common. A Precept by the Pleas before the Mayor and Aldermen of the fame City for the time being; (9) and thereupon a Precept to Mayor to the De awar ded and made by the fame Mayor to every Alderman of the faid City, or his Deputy in his Ab- Aidermen to f encej t o prefent or certify the Names of Four indifferent and difcreet Perfons of good Fame, and every ummon a jury. ^ ^ o(r gubftance of C. li. or more, Citizens of the fame City, dwelling in his Ward, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the faid City for the time being, at the Huftings of Common Pleas within the fame City Forty eight Per- then next enfuing to be holden; (10J of which Perfons fo prefented and certified, the faid Mayor and Six Cons impanelled Aldermen, or more, holding the fame Court of Huftings, fhall take, name, and impanel xluuj by their and fummoned Djf cret j on thought moft able, fufficient, and indifferent; and the Mayor and his Succeffors, Mayors of the an AttaTnt'. POn f a 'd City, fhall do to be fummoned the faid xlviij. Perfons fo by the faid Mayor and Alderman named and impanelled, (11) and alfo the Jurors of the Pety Jury, and the Party or Parties named as Tenants or De- fendants in the faid Bill of Attaint, to appear before the Mayor and Aldermen of the fame City at the- Rafl-. pla. f. 90. Huftings of Common Pleas then next to be holden in the fame City; (12) and if the fame Attaint then, a Tales for De- or an y otner Time, happen to remain untaken for or by Default of Jurors, by Challenge or otherwife, anceof the*"" trtat u P on evel T Tales granted, the faid Mayor and Aldermen fhall impanel the (aid Perfons which were cer- j ur( . rs . tified by the faid Aldermen or their Deputies, and omitted out of the faid Panel, or put therein other Perfon Pleas of Attaint or Perfons, being Citizens of the faid City, of the Subftance of C. li. or more. (13) And alfo, That all commenced in the Plea or Pleas to be alledged and pleaded by or for the Tenant or Defendant, Tenants or Defendants, London (hall be or by a ny of the Jurors of the Pety Jury in the fame Attaint, and triable by any Jury or Inqueft, fhall be ■ ' erc * tried within the fame City, and by the Inquefts of the fame, and in none other Place ne County. (14) And that none of the faid Pety Jury, ne other Parties named in any fuch Bill of Attaint, fhall or may have any No challenge Challenge to the Array, or to any Perfon or Poll therein being impanelled, for lack of fufficiency of Goods foHick of or j: L ant j s< (j,-) Over that it be provided and enacted, That the Judgment in any fuch Attaint fhall not. ciency. ex tend to any Lands or 1 enements, ne to other Punifhment of the Pety Jury, ne other Procefs to be in the The Judgment fame Attaint, than is limited and appointed in this prefent Act. (16) And if the xxiv. Perfons of the faid where the Pety xlviij,. Perfons fworn in the fame Attaint find that the Jurors named in the Pety Jury have made and given- J s Jry t: ' | " n ^ ndon an untrue Verdict, that then the Judgement fhall be againft the Party Defendant in the fame Attaint, as is "ai«fl"liebe- u ^ m Attaint fued by Writ at Common Law : (17) And furthermore, the Judgement in the fame Attaint t'endant and the fhall be againft the Pety Jury, that every of the jurors of the fame Pety Jury fhall forfeit and lofe xx. li. or Pety Jury. more, by the Difcretion of the Mayor and Aldermen of the faid City, keeping the fame Huftings, or any other Huftings of Common Pleas, to fuch Ufe and Behoof as other Iffues and Penalties been forfeited and loft in any Action or Plaint commenced before the Mayor and Aldermen of the fame City, and his Body to be imprifoned, there to remain without Bail or Mainprife Six Months, or lefs, by the Difcretion of the Mayor and Aldermen of the fame City for the time being, and to be difabled for ever to be fworn in 7 hcro U th E ™"trrt an y J ur y before any Temporal Judge. (18) And over that, be it enacted by the fame Authority, That if Vrrdlois if- lt " De found by the Grand Jury in the fame Attaint, that the Pety Jury have given a true Verdict, that firmed. then the Grand Jury fhall have Authority and Power to inquire if any of the Pety Jury took or perceived any Sum of Money or other Reward, or Promife of Money or other Reward, of them named Defendants- or Tenants in the fame Attaint; or if any other Perfon or Perfons, by the Commandment, Covin, or Af- fent of any of them, to or for the Intent of their Verdict given, whereupon the fame Attaint is o-rounded •. Inquiry if any ( 19) and after any fuch Corruption by the faid Grand Jury is founden, that then the Juror or Jurors of the

  • »' the Pety jury f a j a p e ty Jury, that is found fo defective in taking and perceiving any Sums of Money, or other Reward,

wards. 11 °i Br° m e of Reward, fhall lofe, forfeit, and pay to the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs named in the fame Attaint, Ten times the Value of that Sum or other Reward fo taken, perceived, or promifed in Form abovefaid, and fhall fuffer Imprifonment without Bail or Mainprife Six Months, or lefs, by the Difcretion of the faid Mayor and Aldermen, and fhall be difabled for ever to be fworn in any Jury before any Temporal Judo-e» (20) And over that be it enacted, That fuch Defendant or Tenant, Defendants or Tenants in the fame Attaint, fhall lofe, forfeit, and pay to fuch Ufe and Behoof, as other Penalties been forfeited within the fame City, Ten times the Value of that Sum of Money, or other Reward by him or them any of the faid Pety Jury; and the fame Defendant or Tenant, Defendants or Tenants, fhall be imprifoned, there to remain without Bail or Mainprife during Six Months, or lefs,. by the Difcretion of the faid Mayor and Remediesfor the Aldermen. (21) And if any Debts, Damages, or Cofts be recovered in any Action whereupon fuch At- Bebtn, Co(h, taint is grounded, and by the fame Attaint it be found, that the Pety Jury have given a falfe Serement and namagei that then for the Recovery and Reftitution of the fame Debt, Damages, and Cofts, the Plaintiff or Plain- fefl Aflio'n. t ^ s ia every Attaint fhall and may have and fue an Action of Debt againft the fame Defendant or Tenant,. by