Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/129

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A. D. 1494. Anno undccimo Henrici VII. C. 22,23. 91 by Writ, Bill, or Plaint in every of the King's Courts, wherein the fame Defendant or Tenant, and every Tnc >' of them, (hall not be received to do his Law. (22) And over that be it enacted, That if any Plaintiff or ** ,'" Plaintiffs in any fuch Attaint commenced b.fore the laid Mayor and Aldermen upon any Recoid remaining ™ t ' n ',,' within the fame City, therein be nonfuit, or if the firft Serernent therein be affirmed, that then he or they ,& lhall have [mprifonment, and make Fine by the Discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen of the [aid City for TheAiuin - 7 ' the fame Attaint, fo that there be Two of the lame Pety Jury on live, the lame Attaint (hall not abate. (24) ih< And alfo be it ordained by the fame Authority, That if any of the Jurors of the laid Grand Jury, im- 'j 1 ", 1 '■ panelled and fummoncd in Form aforefaid, at the Summons make Default, fo that the Attaint rcmaineth to ,',1^, ,/"• be taken for Default of Jurors, that then every of the faid Jurors fo making Default, lol'e and forfeit for the [. tirft Default xl. s. and at the fecond Default!'.//, and at every Default after that x./i. (2;) And like Pro- T cefs to be made and fued there againft the Grand Jury, and the Pety Jury, and the Party and Parties, as is to A ' be made and fued in Attaint fued at the Common Law, and that the fame Procefs be returnable at every Hu- Dc _ , -' uli » **" flings of Common Pleas; (26) And that the Attaint remain not to be taken after the firft. Summons re- Jl^'of 'h At turned for or by the Default of the Defendant or Tenant, Defendants or Tenants, or of any of the Pety Jury ,a, nt . named in the fame Attaint by this Act ordained ; 27 And that the faid or Penalties forfeited by any Who (hall bne of the faid Grand Jury, be forfeit, levied, and perceived to the Ule of the Mayor and Commonalty of the ,hc M«« *"& laid City ; (28) and that no Protection nor Eflbin be allowed in this Attaint by this Act purveyed. (29) Pf""" far- Provided alway, That upon all Attaints hereafter to be commenced within the faid City upon any Record, vh,:re the Ac- whercin the Trial and Inqueft was by Half-tongue, that the faid Mayor and Aldermen fnall impanel the taintihall be Grand Jury in the fame Attaint, the one Half of Strangers of good Fame, and of the Subftancc of Goods taken pur mt- to the Value of C. li. and more, inhabiting within the fame City at large, and the Refidue of the fame Grand J i='-"<;in iirgua:. Jury to be of like Value and Subflance of Goods impanelled of the Citizens, as aforefaid. (30) And over this, be it enacted by the laid Authority, That no Ac~t of Attaint of the Pety Jury, made in this prefent Par- y a ZJ k. g. c. liament, nor nothing therein contained, other than this prefent Adt, nor other Penalty or Punifhment in i. ' any other Adt, than is afore contained in this preftnt Adt, be hurtful nor extend to any Jury or Liqucff 3" H - S ' c - 5> hereafter to be taken before any Judge of and within the fame City. for farther Rt- J ! of /It- talntt; aad^B. 8. t. 3. jH.8.(.(. 23H.8-f.13. 35//. 8. c6. 27 Elix. c. 6. 4 63" 5 W. & M. e . 24. 7 & 8 W. 3. e. 32. 3 £f 4 Am. c. 18. 3 G. 2. .'. 25. 4 G. 2. .-. 7. 6 G. 2. c. 37. 24 G. 2. c. j8. and 29 G. 2. c. 19. ivticb provide farlUr for tbe 2{uaHji;auoiii of Jurors.

  • Fort. 2. read 3.

CAP. XXII. The feveral Years Wages of Servants in Hufbandry, viz. of the Bailiff of Hufbandry, chief Hind, Carter, Shepherd, common Servant, Woman Servant, and Child within xiv. Years of Age; and the feveral R ep , E | c , Wages of Artificers and Day-labourers, with Meat and Drink, or without; and feveral Times limited 12H.7. c. 3. for their Work, Meals, and Sleep.


CAP. XXIII. The felling of Salmons and Eels ; their VeiTels, Packing, and Gauging of them. HERE AS at a Parliament holden at JFcftminJlcr in the xxij. Year of the Reign of King Edv/ard 13 Ed. i.fla the Fourth, among other 'things it was enadted, ordained, and eftablifhed, That no Merchant c - 47- - to Sale any Salmon by Butt, Barrel, Half-Barrel, or any other Veffel, afore it fhould be feen, except the VcfTefcoflsal- f fame Butt fhould hold and contain lxxxiv Gallons, the Barrel xlij Gallons, the Half-Barrel xxj. Gallons, n-.on, and how ' well and truly packed, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Butt, Barrel, and Half-barrel, fo lacking their they (hah be ' faid Meafure, vi.s. viij.d. (2) And that no fuch Merchant, being under the faid King's Obeyfance, af- packed.

  • ter the Feaft of St. Michael, fhould fell or put to Sale any Manner of Salmon, by Butt, Barrel, or other

' Veflel, except it fhould be well and truly packed, that is to fay, the great Salmon by itfelf, without med- ' dling of any Grills or broken-bellied Salmon with the fame ; (3) and that all fmall Fifli, called Grills, ' fhould be packed by themfelves only, without any meddling, upon Pain of Forfeiture, and lofing vj. s.

  • viij.d. for every Butt, Barrel, or Half-Barrel, contrary to the faid Adt meddled, packed, and put to fale :

4 (4) And that no fuch Merchant nor other Perfon fhould put any Herring to Sale by Barrel, Demy-Barrel, T1)C Contents of 4 or Firkin, except the fame Barrel contain xxxij. Gallons, the Half-Barrel and Firkin after the fame Rate: VeflelsofHer- ' (q) And that the fame Herring fhould be well, truly, and j'lrtly layed and packed, and fhould be of one rings, and how ' Time taking and faking ; and that the fame Herring fhould be as good and as well packed in the middeff. ll!e 7 *»" ts 4 and in every Part of the fame Barrel and other Veffels, as it fhould be at any of the Ends of the lame Bar- P- 10 '"- 0, rel and Veflel, upon Pain of forfeiting and lofing of iij. s. iv.d. for every Barrel, Half-Barrel, and Firkin, fo lacking their faid Meafure, and alfo upon Pain of forfeiting and lofing of iij.s. iv.d. for every Barrel, 4 Half-Barrel, and Firkin of Herring, contrary to the faid Adt forted, layed, or packed. (6) Alfo that no The Contentsof ' fuch Merchant or Pailing-man fhould fell or put to fale any Eels by Barrel, Half-Barrel, or Firkin, ex- VeflUs of Eels, 4 cept the Barrel contain xfij. Gallons, the Half-Barrel and Firkin after the fame Rate: (y) Nor that any "><iW they f fuch Merchant nor Pailing-man fhould meddle any galbytten, florven, or pyled Eels with good Eels, but ">-• ^ P st!:ei ' ' that the farrie good Eels fhould be well and jufrly packed, and fo fold by themfelves ; nor fhould middle 4 with the faid good Eels, nor put to Sale any Red Eels, upon Pain of Forfeiture and lofing of x. s. for 4 every Barrel, Half-Barrel, and Firkin, fo lacking their faid Meafure, and upon Fain of lofing of x.s. N 2 4 for