Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/130

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G2 C. 24 26. Anno imdecimo Henrici VII. A. D. 1494.. ' for every Barrel, Half-Barrel, and Firkin, fo as aforefaid meddled, and contrary to the faid Act packed or How Fifh (hall ' put to Sale. (8) And that no Merchant, after the faid Feaft, fhould fell nor put to Sale any barrelled be packed. ' Fifh, except the fame Fifh fhould well and truly be packed, that is to fay, the Tale-fifh by themfelves, ' and the fmall Fifh*, called Gulls, by themfelves, without any meddling of the faid fmall Fifh with the t ' great Fifh, and without meddling and packing of Thokes and broken-bellied Fifn with the faid Tale-fifh ' or final] Fifh; and that neither the Tale-fifh nor fmall Fifh fhould be laid double in packing; and that ' every Tale-fifh fhould contain in Length, from the Bone of the Fin to the third Joint of the Tail, xxvj. ' Inches at the hail; and that the Napes of all fuch barrelled Fifh fhould be no longer than the little Bone ' that fitteth upon the great Fin ; and that the Bone of every fuch fait Fifh fhould be taken away unto the ' Navel of the fame Fifh; and that every fuch Fifh fhould be fplatted down to an Handful of the Tail, ' upon Pain of Forfeiture of lofingiij.s. iv.d. for every Barrel of Fifh which from henceforth fhould be ' found packed, forted, and meddled, naped, layed double, or not boned nor fplatted according to the faid Chief Magi- ' Act. ( ) And alfo in efchewing of the common Hurts and Deceits above rehearfed, the faid late King ftrates of Cities, c or d a ; nec ] an ,| enacted by the faid Authority, That all Mayors, Bailiffs, and Governors of Cities, Towns, Ga»feersof > Kft ' Boroughs, Markets, and all other Places of this Realm, for the time being, where they fhould be Mayors, VdTels. ' Bailiffs, and Governors, fhould have Power and Authority to name and choofe a difcreet and expert Perfon ' or Perfons, duly to fearch and gauge all fuch VeiTels as been above rehearfed, that they fhould be truly ' packed, and keep their true Meafure and Affife, according to the Ordinances abovefaid, as in the forefaid -' Act thereof made more plainly appeareth. (io) And forafmuch as in the faid Act no Certainty is ap- ' pointed how much every fuch Gauger, Packer, arid Searcher fhould take for his Labour in executing of 4 their faid Office, they been their own Judges, and at their Pleafures take for the fame gauging, packing, ' and fearching, by way of Extortion, fuch great Sums of Money as them liketh, whereby the King's true ' Subjects are greatly impoverifhed and wronged:' (11) That it might therefore pleafe the King's High nefs, by Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, to confirm, ratify, and eftablifh the faid Act, and every Thing therein com- Thefeveral Fees prifed ; (12) and over that, by the fame Authority to ordain, and eftablifh, That every fuch Gauger, Packer, of the Gauger, anc j Searcher, take no more for gauging of a Barrel-Salmon, Barrel-Herring, Barrel-Fifh, Barrel-Eels, Searcher ^p. Half-Barrel, and Firkin, for every Piece fo gauged, but a Farthing ; (13) and for his Labour for fearching pointed.' and packing, if it be Need, of a Barrel-Salmon from Head to Head, i.d. (14) and for his Labour for boning, naping, and packing of a Barrel-Fifh, if it be Need, i.d. (15) and for his Labour in fearching and packing of a Barrel-Herring from Head to Head, if it be needful, Hid. (16) and for fearching and packing of every Barrel of Eels, ii. d. and for fearching and packing of every Half-Barrel of Herring from The Penalty Head to Head, i. d. and for every Half-Barrel Eels fearching and packing, i. d. and for fearching and pack- of a Gauger, ing of every Firkin of Herring, if it be needful, oh. (17) And over that, that all and every fuch Gauger, PackV/offend- Searcher, and Packer, that mifbehaveth or offendeth in any Thing concerning the faid Offices of Gauger, i ng . iv Searcher, and Packer, contrary to this Act, and fo proved before any of the faid Mayors, Bailiffs, or Go- vernors of any City, Town, Borough, Market, or any other Place within this Realm, where he or they be fo Gaugers, Packers, or Searchers, Gauger, Packer, or Searcher, (hall lofe and forfeit his faid Office, . arcners 3I „j an d the fame from thenceforth no longer to enjoy, any Leafe, Grant, or Grants thereof made notwifh- Packc-rsihall not Handing; (18) and, for further Piinifhment, to have and fuffer Imprifonment by the Space of xl. Days with- be allowed, but out Bail or Mainprife : (19) Provided always, That the faid Searcher and Packer, or any of them, fhall no- they take thing receive of the faid Fees by Colour of their Office, but only for fuch Butts, Barrels, Half-Barrels, Pams. an j Jerkins, as by them fhall hereafter be fufficiently fearched and packed, and be not afore fufficiently 'll n '"" V z packed. This prefent Act to begin and take Effect at the Feaft of Ea/ier next coming, and not afore. H. 8. c. IS. 25 //. 2. c. 7. 1 El. 1. 17. 3 Jac. T. c. 12. 30 Car. z. flat. 1. c. 9, 4 c=f 5 W. & M. c. 23. 4 Ann. c. ax. 9 Ann. c. 26. 1 Geo. i„ fat. 2. c. 1 8. 5 Geo. 1. c. 18. 23 Geo. 2. c» 26. feci, 7. 26 Geo. 2. eg. 30 Geo. 2. c. 21, & 30. and 33 Geo. 2. c. 27. for farther Pr.o-vif.mi for the Pre- formation and Improvement of the Fi/hery. 12 h. 7 . «.«. C A P. XXIV. j H. 8. c. ii. 3 H. 8. c. iz. An Attaint fhall be maintainable againft the Party and Petty Jury: The Procefs therein, the Ability of the Raft'Eiitr' 1'. J urol ' s 5 the Pleas of the Defendant and Petit Jury, and their Punifhment being attainted. Panels returned' a . n r. 19. ^ ^ Sheriff to inquire for the King, may be reformed by the Juftices. Laji continued by 1 H. 8. c. 11. Sit the Eefei ences to Cap. 21. CAP. XXV. 12 H. 7. c. 2. Perjury committed by unlawful Maintenance, Imbracing, or Corruption of Officers, or in the Chancery, or before the King's Council, fhall be punifhed by the Difcretion of the Lord Chancellor, Treafurer, both the Chief Juftices, and the Clerk of the Rolls ; and if the Complainant prove not, or purfue not E*p. 5. El. c. 9. his Bill, he fhall yield to the Party wronged his Cofts and Damages. To endure to the next Parliament. C A P. XXVI. It fhall be lawful to every Sheriff of the Counties -of Southampton, Surry, and Sujfex, to impanel and fum- mon xxiv. lawful Men of fuch, inhabiting within the Precinct of his or their Turns, as owe Suit to the fame Turn, whereof every one hath Lands or Freehold to the yearly Value of x. s. or Copyhold Lands EXP. to cne yearly Value of xiij.s. iv.d. above all Charges within any of the faid Counties, or Men of lefi )oH. 7. c. 16. Livelihood, if there be not fo many there, notwithitanding the Statute of i R. 3. t -. 4. To endure is the 3 lnft. 164. Ke xt Parliament. 4 C A PJ