Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/139

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A. D. 1503: Anno dccimo nono II r. nrici VIT. C. ii. ior nd for every Efcapc of Perfoas fufpectcd of Murder or Petit Treafon, x. Ii. or more, by the Difcre- . ich Fines j (10) and lor every Perfon cleaning, b in tl 1 Keep- l of Felony, othei thai Treafon, x. It. an I for every Perfon fufp Preafon, . . 1 of the jufticcs, aftci the Manner and Quantity, of their OfFencei oi (n) faving 1 . th ii Hcii , and their Succeuors, fuel) fufficient and lawful Right quit of fuch 1 fcapt , or of any other Efcapes, as they lia ought to have at the Time of making this Act ; this A.l, or any Claufe contained in the fame in any t!,i:.<' th Handing. (12) And if any Perfon hereafter h: bnei in his K ;>ing, arretted . cion of Felony, Treafon, 01 Murder, and toic that he be brought to the ( raol, that that Perfon from whom he foefcaped, fhall fori! it for every Per- il n thai fo d . fuch Fines as ihall be fet by the Difcretion of the Jufticcs that ihall b: rity to aflefs fuch Fines, as the Cafe fhall require, and the fame Forfeiture to go to them that be intitl I to 1 rye fuch Forfeiture at the Time of making this Act. (1%) And moreover, Be it enacted and ordained by 1. -r. Patents I Authority, That all Offices of Conftables of Caftles, Fortrefles, or other Places, and all othet within this Realm of England or IVales, not requiring actual F.xcrcifc in any of the fame Offk' them to whom fuch Grant or Office is made or granted, or by their Deputy or Deputies, granted by the b * c v '^j". King our Sovereign Lord that now is, to any Perfon or Pcrfons for Term ot Life or Lives, and the Letters Patents of the fame, Ihall be from the Feaft of Pafcbe next coming utterly repealed, adnulled, void, and T1,c of no Force ne Effect in the Law. (14) And this Act, as concerning the Penalties aforefaid, and every of *"„^.° inl'p e . them, to endure to the next Parliament, and no longer, (1-5) Provided alway, That neither the Sheriff* ogiciet. of the County of Surrey for the time being, nor any other Sheriff", have any Rule, Cuftody, or Governance The sbenfi" of cf the Gaols of the King's Bench and Marjludfca, or of either of them, by Rcafon or by Authority of the Surrey C-nil not f.iid Aft ; but that Sir Thomas Brandon Knight, and Sir John Digby Knight, and either of them, have and . . e '!|5 enjoy the Cuftody and Keeping of the fame Gaols, according unto their feveral Grants to them made, jjf"-, 7: this Act notwithftanding. (16) Provided alway, That the faid Act: of Refumption, or any Articles therein an j m„ contained, extend not, ne be in any wife hurtful or prejudicial to Edward Courtney Earl oi Devon, for the Edward Couit- avoiding and repealing of any Letters Patents, or Grant to him made by the King our Sovereign Lord, of nc i Ear! of De- and for the Conftablefhip of the Caftlc of Rejhrmell, otherwife called Rejlormin, in the County of Com- V0 " Dlir «" s Pa - wall, but that fuch Letters Patents or Grants of the fame Office, be of as great Force, Strength, and Ef- tcn feet, and to the faid Earl as available, as they fhould or might have been, if the faid Act of Refumption had never been had ne made. (17) Provided alway, That this Act of Refumption, or any other Act made John Mm or to be made in this prefent Parliament, extend not, ne in any wife be hurtful or prejudicial unto any Pit - n ' - x Manner of Grant made by the King our Sovereign Lord by his Letters Patents to 'John Morgan, of or for the Parkerfhip of the Park of Car/ion with the Profits of the fame within the Lordlhip of UJke in South Wales', but that the faid Letters Patents, and every Thirg in them contained, be from henceforth good and effectual to the faid John, according to the Tenor and Purport of the fame, the forefaid Act or Acts in any wife notwithftanding. II. Provided always, That this Act of Refumption, nor any other Act or Acts of Refumption, or re- pealing or avoiding of any our Letters Patents in this prefent Parliament made or to be made, extend not, nor be prejudicial to our trufty and well-beloved Servant Henry Hyatt, late Clerk of our Jewels, as of, to, and for our Letters Patents to him, and to Thomas Eitzivilfiam, late deceafed, by us made and J the iiij. Day oi April, in the v. Year of our Reign (among other) of the Offices of Conftable and Porter of our Caftle of Cony/borough, in our County of York, to have, occupy, and exercife for Term of their Lives, and of either of them overliving, nor to any Wages, Fees, Profits, and Commodities to the lame Offices, or either of them belonging to be perceived ; nor alio as to and for the Office of Conftabls- Ihip of our Caftle ofTyihill, Parcel of our Duchy of Lancafter, in our faid County of fork, and of the Of- fice of Porter or Porterfhip of the fame Caftle to him by our Letters Patents under the Seal of our Duchy of Lancafter, bearing Date the xxv. Day of June, in the xv. Year of our Reign, granted during our Plea- fure ; nor to or for any Fees or Wages to or for the fame in any wife belonging or to be perceived ; nor over that, of, to, or for the Office of Warner or Warnerfhip of the Warren of Metlnvolde, in the County of Norf, Parcel of our faid Duchy of Lancafter, to him by us by our Letters Patents under the Seal of our faid Duchy granted for Term of his Life ; nor to or for any Wages and Fees to the fame Office pertaining, or for the fame yearly to be perceived or had in any Manner wife ; but that every of the faid Letters Patents, and all Things in them and every of them contained, be good and effectual to him in all Things, accor- ding to the Form, Purport, and Effect of the fame Letters Patents, and of either of them, this Act ncs- withftanding. CAP. XL For Deer-hays and Buck-ftalls. TT Orafmuch as it is well underftood and known, that the greateft Destruction of Red Deer and Fallow 1; r. 2 . flat, i> ' Jr within this Realm in Time paft hath been, and yet is, with Nets called Deer-hays and Buck-ftalls, <■ '3-

  • and (biking with Beafts, to the great Difpleafure of our Sovereign Lord the King, and of all the Lords JI !i - "• ■■ : '

' and other Noblemen within this his Realm, having Forrefts, Chafes, or Parks in their Poffeffion, Rule, ' or Keeping ; fo that if the faid Nets or Stalking fhould unlawfully be ufed and occupied in Time coming,

  • as they have been in Time paft, the moft Part of the Forefts, Chafes, and Parks of this Realm fhould be

' therewith deftroyed :' (2) Be it therefore eftablifhed and enacted, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal,, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, That any Perfon