Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/140

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102 C. 12, 13, Anno decimo nono H e n r i c i VII. A. D. 1503. The Penalty of keeping of Deer- hays or Buck- falls. The Penalty for {talking, or cau- sing another to ftalk at a Deer without Licence. The Penalty for talcing of young Herons out of the Neft. Two Juftices of Peace may exa- mine any Per- fons fufpefted, andpuniihthem. See farther H® J S H. 8. c. 10. 25 fl. 8. c. 11, and zS Geo, 2. t r 3 H. 4. c 7. or Perfons, Spiritual or Temporal, having no Park, Chafe, nor Forreft of their own, keep, nor caufe to he kept any Nets called Deer-hays, or Biick-Jlalls, by the Space of a Month next after the Proclamation of this Act made; (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Month that he or they fo keep or caufe to be kept the fame Nets, Hays, or Buck-ftalls, (4) And that no Perfon from henceforth ftalk, nor caufe any other Perfon to ftalk, with any Bufh or Beafts to any Deer, being in any Park, Chafe, or Forreft, or without, but if it be within his own Ground, Chafe', Forreft, or Park, without Licence of the Owner, Mafter of the Game, or Keeper of the fame Ground, Chafe, Forreft, or Park, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Time that he or they fo ftalketh, x. It. (5) And furthermore, That no Perfon ne Perfons with- out his own Ground flay, take, or caufe to be taken by Mean of Craft or Engine, any Herons, without it be with Hawking, or with a Long Bow, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Heron taken or flain in. s. viii. d. (6) And that no Perfon or Perfons without his or their own Ground take any young Herons out of the Neft, without Licence of the Owner of the Ground where the faid Neft is, upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Heron fo taken out of the Neft, x. s. (7) And that every Man that will, may and fhall be admitted to fue for every of the faid Forfeitures by Action of Debt, and like Procefs to be had and made therein, as j in other Actions of Debt at the making of this Act; (8) and that the Defendant be not admitted totend nor to do his Law in any fuch Aition, nor any Effoin nor Protection to be allowed for the Defendant ia the fame. (9) And that Two Juftices of Peace in their Seifions, fhall have Authority to call before them any Perfon fufpected of the Premiffes, and by their Difcretions to examine them in the Premiffes. (10) And if by their Examination the Party fo examined be found in Default contrary to the Premiffes, then that Perfon fo found in Default to be committed to Prifon till he have found Surety for Payment of the fame Forfeitures to the King; (n) and that thofe Juftices that fo examine them, fhall have the Tenth Part of every fuch Forfeiture for their Labour in that Behalf. I Jac. 1, c. 27. 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 25. 4 & 5 W, & M. c. 23. 5 Ann. d 14. 9 Am. c, 25. 3 Geo. I, c. II, 8 Geo. 1. c. 19',

. 12.

CAP. XII. An Act touching the Punifhment of Vagabonds for their firft Offence, arid for their fecond Offence, and of them that do relieve them. A Remedy to provide for Beggars not able to work. Which Officers and Perfons may punifh Vagabonds, and their Penalty if they do not. Exp. 39 El. c. 4. (2) Certain Per- fons prohibited to play at unlawful Games. Exp. 33 H. 8. e.g. (3) Two Juftices of Peace may reject common felling Ale or Beer. Altered 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 25. & Rep. 21 Jac. 1. c. 28. CAP. XIII. Riot, ,-. JHereas in the Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the Tuefday the Morrow next,after All Souls, the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fourth, among other Things it was enacted, Riots, and th Iffues returned thereupon. The Punifhment of Maintainers, whereby a Riot is not found. Jurors impanel- ' ordained, and eftablifhed, That if any Riot, Affembly, or Rout of People againft th led to inquire of f in any Part of the Realm, that the Juftices of the Peace, Three or Two of them at the leaft, and the • Sheriff on Under-fheriff of the County where fuch Riot, Affembly, or Rout fhould be done, after the ' fame Statute, fhould come with the Power of the Shire, (if Need fhould be) to arreft them, and them ' fhould arreft; (2) and the fame Juftices and Sheriff, or Under-fheriff, fhould have Powej to record that ' that they fhould find fo done in their Prefence againft the Law, (3) and that by the Record of the fame Juf- ' tices and Sheriff, or Under-fheriff, the fame Trefpaffers and Mifdoers fhould be convicted in Manner ' and Form as it is contained in the Statute of Forcible Entries; with divers and many other Articles ' touching and concerning the Premiffes, as in the fame Statute made the faid xiij. Year more plainly at ' large it appeareth, (4) which Statute is thought good and neceffary : Wherefore by the Advice and Affent ' of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by ' Authority of the fame,' Be it therefore ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted, That the faid Act made in the faid xiij. Year of King Henry the Fourth, concerning Riots, Affemblies, and R.outs of People, and all and every Article and, Articles comprifed in the fame, and alfo all other Statutes .before this Time made concerning the Punifhment of Rioters, at the Time of the making of this Act being in Force, from hence- forth ftand in their Force, and be duly put in Execution after the Tenors and Purports of the fame.' (5) ' And forafmuch as in the faid Statute jnade in the faid xiij. Year, it is not expreffed of what Sufficiency the ' Jurors impanelled fhould be, or what Iffues they fhould lofe, if they appear not, nor no Mention therein ' made of any Punifhment of the Maintainers and Embracers of the Jurors that fo fhall be impanelled, ' fhould have for their Mifdemeanors, if any be :' (6"! It is therefore furthermore enacted by the faid Au- thorityjin this_ prefentF"arliamerit, That if any Riot, Rout, or unlawful Affembly, be committed and done c. 7. >. fat. I. 15 R. 2. 17 R. 2. 2H. S . . c. S. How many Ju- jors fhall be re- turned to inquire at any Time after the Firft Day of May next corning, 'within this Realm of England,' that the Sheriff havL, 6 °, a Precept directed tohim, fhall return xxiv. Perfons dwelling within the Shire where fuch Riot, Rout, or of a R what Sufficiency unlawful Affembly fhall be fo committed and done, whereof every of them fhall 'have Lands and ' within the fame Shire to the yearly Value of xx.s. of Charter Land- or Freehold, or xxvi.s. viii d. of Co- pyhold, or of both, over and above all Charges, to inquire of the faid Riot, Rout, or unlawful Aflembly! (hall (7) And he fhall return upon every Perfon fo by him impanelled, in Iffues, at the Firft Day xx. and at the be returned upon Second Day xl. s. if they appear not and be fworn to inquire of the Premiffes at the Firft Day. (8) And if the Jurors. Default be in the Sheriff or Under-Sheriff, for returning of other Perfons, not being of the. faid Suffi- ForfeituVefor clenc Y,-> or return not Iffues in Form aforefaid, that then the faid Sheriff fhall forfeit to our Sovereign Lord omiSngnisDu- the King, for either Default therein, xx. li. (9) And if the faid Riot, Rout, or unlawful Affembly be not ty. found