Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/141

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A. D. 1503. Anno dcciino nono Henrici VII. C. 14 — 17. io; , of the faid Jufti forfeit xx. //. if the fame Jufl and Sheriff, or Under-Shcriff, I Excufc for non-certifying pf the farae; (10) which Cer- , i(, c ,i I] if the ttcr contained in the fame w : tu«i duly found by the Verdi of Twelve Men: n And every Perfon duly proved to be a Maintainer or<>> M*i | the fame G to cm faid Sovereign Lord xx^li. andas well the fame Maintained as "* E?'*'*!^ ,,, I mbraccrs Audi be committed to Ward, there to remain by the Difcretion of the Jufticcs. u iSt foJoa."'

• xl II. S. c. 10. 3^4 Ed. 6. t. 5. lMjr.fiJ,',!. t. iz. 1 I 7 -', e. .anJ I Git. i.Jlat.z. c. 5. bj wli.b I aft Aft certain Rial
are excluded Clergy.

C A P. XIV. exp. 1 R. i. c. 7, The Penalty for giving or taking any Livery, cjV. or for retaining, or being retained with another, during i h. 4. c. 7. the King's Life. * "• <■■*'• a 8 Ed. . , z. CAP. XV. 7H.4-.-14. Several Charges impofeJ upon the Lands and Pcrfons of Ce/luy que ufe. The fcveral Inconveniencies that bf. iwe :hr many did receive by Cefluv que life. The Lands of Cefluy que ufe fhall be put in Execution for his Debt > du( by Judgment, iffc. The Lands .of Cr/luy que ufe fliall fatisfy the chief Lord of his Relief, Heriot, c. 10. and other Duties. Ceftui que ufe fliall have iucn Advantages as he might have had, if he had been Te- ' Co - ,2 3' ii.nit of the Laud. Ccjluy que ufe being a Bondman the Land may be ieiled by his Lord. ] R "'. F ^'J f; " 4H.7. c. 17. 27H. 8. c. 10. Co. Lit. 91.2. 117, 1, CAP. XVI. The Statute of 11 H. 7. c. 26. touching the Ability of Jurors impanelled in the Sheriffs Turns in Surry, B,X r, Sr/f/ex, and Hampjljire, continued until the next Parliament. C A P. -XVII. Shearing Worfted. jRayen the Commons in this prefent Parliament aflembled, That whereas the City of Norwich is an an- A Cor. r . - cient City, and in the fame City without Time of Mind among other Crafts hath been ufed a certain of l>art o( 'he their Liberties and Freedom in their Occupation by the Name of the Shearmans Craft generally, and ■ none otherwife; (2) and there have every Year ufed within the faid City to be chofen and fworn Two ' Wardens of the fame Craft, and all Defaults by the faid Wardens, in their Craft found, to be prefented

  • before the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, and the Offenders in that Behalf to be puniflied
  • according to the Cuftom of the fame City; till now of late Times divers Perfons for their own Angular
  • Profit, contrary to the common Weal of the faid City; feigning to have a Craft of Worfted Shearing,

' feparate from the faid Craft of Shearmans Craft, furmitted a Bill into the Parliament holden at JFeJlnun- 1 Jler the Fourteenth Day of QSfdber, the Eleventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King that

  • now is; by Force of which pretended Bill it was in the faid Parliament enacted and ordained, That from
  • thenceforth no Man fliould take upon him to fhear Worfteds within the faid City, but if he had been

' Apprentice to the faid Occupation of Worfted-fhearing by the Space of Seven Years, or fuch other as the

  • Mafters of the faid Occupation within the faid City for the time being, approving their Cunning, with
  • the Advice of the Mayor for the time being in the faid City, will admit. (3) And furthermore in the

' End of the fame Act it was provided, That the faid Occupation of Wbrfted-fcearing fliall not make, nor ' do to be made, any Ordinance concern (Tig the faid Occupation among themfelves, but fuch as the Mayor

  • of the faid City for the time being with>his Brethren Aldermen fliall think neceflary and profitable for the
  • ' Weal of the King's Subjects, as more plainly in the faid Act amongft other Things doth appear. () It T .' ie Inc "~

' is fo, that fith the making of the faid Act, by Colour of the fame, the Worfted Shear-men within the have^Vued t ' faid City within themfelves, without the Advice or Confent of the Mayor of the faid City, have chofen the Shcnnen

  • Wardens of Worfted-fhearing, and feparated the fame pretended Craft from the forefaid Craft, called of Norwich by
  • Shearmans Craft, contrary to the Liberties and good Cuftoms of the faid City in time paffed ufed and ap- t,v - Suttte of .

' proved: (5) And over that, the faid pretended Wardens, with their Company to them confedered, divers U. H '-' 'f 11 ' 4 and many times aflembled and made Ordinances among themfelves, contrary to the common Weal ofp r!^:' ' the faid City, without any Advice of the Mayor of the faid City, intending to bring the Shearing 1 ' fteds into few Mens Hands, and to inhance the Price of Shearing of Worfteds ac their Pleafure, infon • ' that they will not admit to Shearing of Worfteds but certain Perfons, where maiiy other , . ' City be as perfect, and have as great Cunning in the faid Shearing of Worfteds, as they th

  • pretended Wardens do daily fuffer to fhear, have; and will not admit any?>Jan to the Shearing of V. ■
  • fteds, though he have fufficient Cunning therein, without he will compound with them, and :
  • and importable Fines;. by Force- whereof . divers and many of the Shearmen,, lately inhabitants 6