Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/151

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A. D. i 5 1 1 . Anno tcrtio Hf.nrici VIII. C. 9 — 12. 113 that he (hall be in any fuch Office, without any Tiling therefore to forfeit; the (aid Statute, Ac"r, an J Or- , or any other Ad or Ads, Ordinance, or Statute to the contrary made in any wife notwithftai Prodded alwav, That this Ad, or any Thing therein contained, extend not to difchargc any rVfini-Th*< "' xMin the Cities of London, Tori, and Coventry, nor none of them, for any Wine or Victual to I Retail within any the find Cities of London, Tori, and Coventry.

  • 0R.J.C.9. Sttfurtber Regulation concerning yicluali, 15 M.S. r. X. % fif yZi. 6, C. I j. S» ST »J Cur. t. t, 19. Jl(7». 1. . *8. WjiOVo. *.e, I.
  • Read 6/1.*.

CAP. IX. Mummers (hall he imprifoned Three Months, and fined at the Juflices Discretion. The Penalty for felling v. x P. of Vifors, or keeping them in a Houfc, is to forfeit xxs. for every Vifor, and to be imprifoned at the Dn- crction of the Juitices. To endure to the next Parliament. CAP. X. No Alien fhall buy any Leather but in open Market. The Wardens of Curriers in London may make feaxch Rep. 5 Eh c.8. for Leather inJ'uffieiently tanned, feife the Leather, and commit the Offender to Prifon, fcijici.c.ii. iH. --.c. 5. CAP. XI. r 9 H. 7 .c,j. An Aft for the appointing of Phyficians and Surgeons.

  • T* O the King our Sovereign Lord, and to all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, incnnvenlrndcs
  • X in this prelent Parliament affcmbled. Forafmuch as the Science and Cunning of Phyfick and Sur- enfuing by igno-
  • g cr y ( to the P cr f e< d Knowledge whereof be requifite both great Learning and ripe Experience) is daily ""iJJf 2L
  • within this Realm exercifed by a great Multitude of ignorant Perfons, of whom the greater Part have no gi 0* Siufeerr.

x Manner of Infight in the fame, nor in any other Kind of Learning; (2) fome alfo can no Letters on the

  • Book, fo far forth, that common Artificers, as Smiths, Weavers, and Women, boldly and accuftomably
  • take upon them great Cures, and Things of great Difficulty, in the which they partly ufe Sorcery and

1 Witchcraft, partly apply fuch Medicines unto the Dileafe as be very noious, and nothing meet therefore,

  • to the high Difpleafure of God, great Infamy to the Faculty, and the grievous Hurt, Damage, and De-

' ftrudion of many of the King's liege People, mod efpecially of them that cannot difcern the uncunning |j? v? m ev "^

  • from the cunning:' (?) Be it therefore (to the Surety and Comfort of all Manner People) by the Au-» Sul *^* , ]j^ bB

thority of this prefent Parliament enaded, That no Perfon within the City of London, nor within Seven allowed. Miles of the fame, take upon him to exercife and occupy as a Phyfician or Surgeon, except he be firft exa- 14 & 15 H. g. mined, approved, and admitted by the Bifhop of London, or by the Dean of Pauls for the time being, call- c> c - 3' * J5 ing to him or them Four Dodors of Phyfick, and for Surgery other expert Perfons in that Faculty, and for??• 3 - ^ s - the firft Examination fuch as they fhall think convenient, and afterward alway Four of them that have been %J£ {Ji 3 ' n y fo approved, (4) upon the Pain of Forfeiture for every Month that they do occupy as Phyficians or Sur-Pcrfon undcr- gcons, not admitted nor examined after the Tenour of this Ad, of v. It. to be imployed the one Half there- (Unding Heibs, of to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half thereof to any Perfon that will fue for it &c - ma > """'- by Adion of Debt, in which no Wager of Law nor Protedion fhall be allowed. j^" °^ ward ' II. And over this, That no Perfon out of the faid City, and Precind of Seven Miles of the fame, except a Phyfician or he have been (as is afore laid) approved in the fame, take upon him to exercife and occupy as a Phvfician Surgeon allowed or Surgeon, in any Diocefe within this Realm, but if he be firft examined and approved by the Bifhop of by theBifhopof the fame Dioccfe, or, he being out of the Diocefe, by his Vicar General; cither of them calling to them the D,oce ^ - fuch expert Perfons in the faid Faculties, as their Difcretion fhall think convenient, and giving their Letters Teftimonials under their Seal to him that they fhall fo approve, upon like Pain to them that occupy the con- trary to this Ad (as is above faid) to be levied and imployed after the Form before expreffed. III. Provided alway, That this Ad, nor any Thing therein contained, be prejudicial to the Univerfities The Privilege! of Oxford or Cambridge, or either of them, or to any Privileges granted to them.' (2) Mcmorand. That of Oxford and ' Surgeons be comprifed in this Ad like as Phyficians, for like Mifchief of ignorant Perfons prefuming to Cambndgefaved. 1 exercife Surgery.' Safi^S^. Urions concerning Piyftc'wu ar.d Surgeons, &c. 5 II. S. .-. 6. 31 U. S. c. 4c, £? 4a.. 34 &? 35 H. S. c-8. 1 Mar. fiat. 3. c. 9. 6 If. 3. r.4. and 18 Cat » c. 15. CAP. XII. The Act that Juftices may return Impanels for the King by their Difcrctions. ' XT7HEREAS great Extortions and Oppreflions be, and have been within the more Party of all the ^hc ineonveni-

  • W Counties and Shires within this Realm of England, by the Subtilty and untrue Demeanour of She- encics enfuins

' rift's and their Minifters, committed and done unto many Perfons in great Number of the King's Subjeds, by the Sheriffs

  • by mean and making and returning at every Seffions holden within the faid Counties and Shires, for the returnin s of . Pa "
  • Body of the Shire, in taking and putting in, and returning of Names of fuch Perfons, as for the fingular "^h^Vc^oU

' Advantage, Benefit, and Gain of the faid Sheriffs and their Minifters, will be wilfully forfworn and per- mentof any.™* 1 jured, by the finifter Labour of the faid Sheriffs and their Minifters; (2) by reafon whereof many and ' divers fubftantial Perfons (the King's true Subjeds) contrary to £ood Equity and rightwifenefo, have di- Voi. II. Q_ « vers .