Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/152

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Ji4 C. 13—15. Anno tertio Henri-ci VIII. A.D. 151 1. 'Panels returned by the Sheriffs may be reformed by the Juftices. J2 Co. 99, 6S. Jj H, 7. c. 24. ' vers Times and many wrongfully been indicted of divers Murders, Felonies, and ofher_Mifbehaviour, by ' their Covin and Falfhood, to the utter undoing of their Lives, Lofs of their Goods anil their Lands; by ' reafon whereof they and every of them, in avoiding the untrue Trouble and Vexation which to them ' might come and enfue by Reafon and Occafion of the fame falfe Indictments, (3) and alfo fometime by 4 Labour of the faid Sheriffs, divers great P'elonies and Murders concealed, and by the faid Perfons alfo by 1 the faid Sheriffs and their Minifters partially returned, not prefented, be and have been compelled to make ' Fines and give Rewards to the faid Sheriffs and their Minifters :' (4) Wherefore be it enacted, ordained, and eftablifhed by the King our Sovereign Lord, and by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That all Panels to' be returned, which be not at the Suit of any Party, that fhall be made and put in by every Sheriff and their Minifters afore any Juftice of Gaol-delivery or Juftice of Peace, whereof one to be of the Quorum, in their open Seflions, to inquire for the King, fhall be reformed by putting to and taking out of the Names of the Perfons which fo be impanelled by every Sheriff and their Minifters, by Difcretion of the fame Juftice be- fore whom fuch Panels fhall be returned: (5) And that the fame Juftice and Juftices fhall command every Sheriff and their Minifters in his Abfence, to put other Perfons in the fame Panel by their Difcretions; and that the fame Panels fo reformed by the faid Juftices be good. and lawful : (6) And that if any Sheriff, or any their Minifter, at any Time do not return the fame Panel fo reformed, that then, every fuch Sheriff or Minifter fo offending, for every fuch Offence fhall forfeit Sterling Money oi England; the one Half thereof to our Sovereign Lord the King or his Heirs, and the other Half to him or them- of his Subjects that will fue for the fame by Action of Debt at the Common Law, or Bill, or Plaint, where it fhall fortune any fuch to fall and be ; (7) and that ne Effoin ne Protection be allowed for the Defendant or Defendants in that Action or Plaint, (8) nor that the faid. Defendant nor Defendants therein beadmitted to wage their Law : (9) And that the King's Pardon fhall be ho Bar againft the Party and Parties in the fame, that any fuch Action fhall fiie. CAP. XIIL ' Rep. £H.'S. c A Confirmation of the Statute of.19 Lf. 7- <-- 4. ordained againft fhooting in Crdfs-bows j and all Placards

  • }• granted for fhooting in Crofs-bows fhall be void.

CAP. XIV. An Act for fearching of unlawful Oils. ' T)Rayen your Highnefs, the Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, That whereas divers Man- e I ner of Oils being brought into this Realm, as well into the City of London,- as to divers other Places ' within this fame Realm, which be daily ufed and miniftred as well for Man's Suftenance and Comfort, as ' for Neceffaries for draping of Woollen Cloths, and for other divers Neceflaries ufed for the Weal of your

  • Subjects; and for lack of good Overfight, Search, and Correction of fuch Oils, many fimple Perfons

' (Buyers of the faid Oils to fell afterward) falfely and deceiveably by crafty Means do mix and alter the

  • fame Oils from their former Nature and Goodnefs, to the. great Lofs, Jeopardy, Danger, and Deceit of

c your Subjects :' Wherefore be it by your Highnefs, by the Advice and Affent of your Lords Spiritual ani Temporal, and of your Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, or- dained, enacted, and eftablifhed, That the Mayor of the City of London for the time being, with the Ma- tter and Wardens of the Myftery or Craft of Tallow-Chandlers of the fame City for the time being, fhall from henceforth have full Power and Authority to fearch all Manner of Oils brought into the faid City of London to be fold, in whofe Hands foever they be or fliall be found, and that as often as the Cafe fhall re- quire: (4) And that the faid Mayor, with the faid Matter and Wardens of the Laid Myftery or Craft off Tallow-Chandlers for the time being, fhall truly fearcli and overfee, that the fame Oils to be put to Sale be not mixt nor altered from their right Kinds, but that they be good and lawful as they ought to be. (5) And that it fhall be lawful to the faid Mayor, with the faid Matter and Wardens for 'the time being, to damn, avoid, and utterly to caft away all fuch Oils as they fhall find defective, or falfely or deceivably mixed, and altered from their right Kinds, as is afore faid, without any Let or Perturbance of any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever they are or fhall be; (6) and alfo the faid Mayor, Matter, and Wardens, to commit fuch Per- fon or Perfons, as fhall be found defective for ufing of fuch Deceit or Craft, to Ward, and to punifh him or them therefore by their Difcretions, according to the Laws and Cuftoms within the faid City or Liberty of London ufed, had, and made of and for other Mifdoers and Offenders in the faid City. (7) And be it fur- ther enacted by the faid Authority, That the Mayor in every City, Borough, and Town within this Realm (where a Mayor is) for the time being, or the Governor or Governors, or Rulers of every other City, Bo- rough, and Town Corporate within this Realm alfo for the time being, fhall have within their Jurisdiction, Liberty, and Franchife, every of them, like Authority and Power to make and do like Search, Order, Di- rection, Correction, Punifhment, and Execution of the fame, of, for, and upon all Oils being defective, or deceivably or fa 1 fly mixed and altered, by any Perfon or Perfons within their Liberties and Franchifes, in Manner and Form as afore rehearfed, as the faid Mayor, Matter and Wardens of the faid City of London, by this prefent Act have, or might have, of, for, or upon any Oil fold or to be fold within the faid City of London. C A P. XV. All Statutes made for Hats and Caps repealed. Who only may buy Hats and Caps wrought beyond the Sea. The Prices of feveral Sorts of Hats and Caps. Statuits Who may fearch ■for and puniih fuch as fell falfe < Oils. '$Snft. 201,204.. Rep. I Jac, 1. c. 25. Si Ed. 4. e. 5, 4 H. 7. c. 9, ai M. 8. c. 9. 7/id, 6. c* S»