Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/166

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128 C. 3. Anno xiv & xv Henri ci VIII. A. D. 1522-3. fels or Wares to Workman {hip of any Stranger falfly and deceitfully made, to the Hurt of the King's liege People, and fo adjudged by the faid Wardens and One Stranger, that then fuch Worker or Owner, in whofe Poffeffion the fame falfe and deceitful Wares fhall be found, fhall forfeit the fame Wares; (2) the one Half thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half thereof to the firft Finder thereof fuing for the fame in any of the King's Courts by Action of Detinue, in which Aftion the Defendant nor Defendants fhall not be admitted to wage their Law, nor Protection ne'Effoin be to them herein allowable. Wardens, Bai- VIII. Be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Wardens and Mailers of Feliowfhips of all lifts, &c of and every fuch Handicrafts within any fuch City, Borough, or Town Corporate within this Realm, Towns c ° r P°- where any fuch Wardens happen to be, and in fuch Boroughs and Towns Corporate where no Wardens and reform"' of Handicrafts are, the Bailiffs, or the Governor or Governors of the fame Boroughs or Towns fo lacking Strangers. Wardens, fhall have like Power and Authority with the Bailiff or Bailiffs of the Liberties with them, where any fuch Liberty fhall be, being content fo to do, to view, fearch, and reform Strangers born out of the King's Obeifance, inhabiting and tiling within any fuch City, Borough, or Town Corporate, any Manner of Handicraft, in as large and ample Manner, as the faid Wardens and Fellowfhips of the faid City of Lon- don may do, by virtue of this prefent Aft; (2) and that all Strangers ufing any of the faid Handicrafts in any of the faid Cities, Boroughs, or Towns Corporate, be bounden to do and obey in every Thing, ac- cording to the Tenor of this prefent Act, upon like Pains and Forfeitures as is above remembered, to be had and recovered in Form above rehearfed. Remedy for IX. Provided alway, That if the Wardens of any Fellowfhip or Myflery beforefaid, Bailiffs, Governor Strangers who or Q ove rnors before faid, wrongfully will intreat any Stranger in executing of this Aft, or any Thing Wardens' 1 &c therein contained, that then the Stranger fo grieved may, by Authority of this Aft, by Bill or Information, complain to the Lord Chancellor and Treafurer of England, or the Juftices of Affife in the County for the time being, which, by their Examinations, fhall have full Power and Authority to hear and determine the fame Complaint, and to award to the Party Complainant fuch Amends, as by their Difcretion fhall be thought reafonable. X. Provided alfo, That it fhall be lawful for and to every the faid Strangers born out of the King's Obei- fance, being a Houfholder, to have and retain as well all and every fuch Strangers born out of the King's Obeifance, being the Time of this Parliament with him retained as a Journeyman, as to have and retain every fuch Stranger being born out of the King's Obeifance, being Apprentice with him the Time of this Parliament, this Aft notvvithftanding. (2) This to endure to the laflDay of the next Parliament. Strangers dwell- ^I. p rov jded alfo, That this Aft extend not to the Inhabitants, Strangers that now be, or hereafter Cambridge St. ^ )a " be, In the Univerfities of Oxford or Cambridge, or within the Sanctuary of St. Martins U Grand> Martins. ' within the faid City of London. The Wardens XII. Provided always, That if the faid Wardens of the faid City of London, with a Stranger, or Go- refufmg to mark vernor or Governors of any City or Borough Corporate within this Realm, refufe to mark the Wares of the Wares. an y Stranger, after that they be required fo to mark; that then it fhall be lawful to the fame Eftranger or Eflrangers, to whom fuch Refufal fhall be fo made, to fell and put to Sale his faid Wares fo required to be marked, and refufed, this Aft notwithftanding. To what Crafts XIII. Provided alfo, That this Aft extend not to any other Handicrafts, than to the Crafts of Joyners, do"h S notex- Pouchmakers, Coopers, and Blackfmiths, for or concerning the forefaid Articles of marking of Wares of tend- the faid Eflrangers. Who may re- XIV. Alfo that it fhall be lawful to any Lord of the Parliament, and every other of the King's Subjefts, tain Aliens. having Lands and Tenements to the yearly Value of One hundred Pounds, to take and retain Eflrangers, Ibh Aa made j y liers , and Glafiers, in their Service, from time to time, to and for the exercifing with them their Crafts, wr&s e.! 6. this Aft notwithftanding. 22 H. 8. c. 13. Altered and amended by 32 H. %. c. ifi, CAP. III. Touching Worfted-Weavers of Yarmouth and Linn. Confirmed ' "OE CAUSE it is difcreetly confidered in this prefent Parliament, that the true making and draping of a6Hen. S.c. 16. ' JJ Worfleds, Sayes, and Stamins, is one of the moft profitable Occupations of this Realm, and that ' the fame Worileds, Sayes, and Stamins, truly and fubflantially made and wrought, been right accept- ' able, and commodious Merchandifes, as well in this Realm of England, as in other foreign Regions and ' Countries; (2) for Eflablifhment and good Order whereof, divers good and laudable Statutes, Afts, and ' Ordinances heretofore have been made and enafted; and namely, in a Parliament holden at PFe/hninfler ' the Third Day of "June, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of the late King of famous Memory, Ed- 7 Ed. 4. c r. ' ward the Fourth; (3) fithen which Parliament the making of the faid Worfleds, Sayes, and Stamins," i2 H. 7. c 1. ' hath much increafed and been multiplied in the City of Norwich, and in divers Towns and Places in the 5 H. S. c. 4. ' County of Norfolk; (4) and becaufc the Towns of Great Yarmouth, and Linn, in the faid County, been

  • Towns corporated, and the Inhabitants of the fame Towns now daily praftife and ufe the making and
  • draping of the faid Cloths of Worileds, Sayes, and Stamins, more bufily and diligently than they have
  • done in Times pafl, to whom it is painful and coflly to transport and convey their faid Cloths to the faid
  • City_ of Norwich, or to Places within the faid County of Norfolk which been far diftant from either of
  • the faid Towns, to be fearched and fealed by the Wardens of the Worried-Weavers of the fame City
  • of Norwich, or County, according to the faid Aft of Parliament made the faid Seventh Year of King

' Edward the Fourth :' (5) It is therefore ordained, eftablifhed, and enafted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament ailernbled, and by Authority of the fame, That the Craftfmen called Woriled- Weavers inhabited in the faid Town of