Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/167

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A. D. 1522-3. Anno xiv & xv HeNRICI Vllf. C. 3. 129 ■,// Yarmouth, fh.dl have Power ami Authority by thi> preftnl Aft, (mm henceforth to cleft, and JfetSloo of «  r, in the Monday ncxi aftei the Feafl ol /'>.' " One honefl Man of the fame* Mylti-iy and Occupation, being an Houfholder within the (aid Town "i G art Yarmouth, and having of Cl his 1 Is and Chattels to the Value ol Ten P or] ' andTenen folic i tft to th cl irvca '• lue of xx.s. to be Warden of the f.tmc I . Illuv for the Year next enfuing, {(>) which Man fo elefted and chofen, (hall perfonally appear bc- the Mayor ol the faid City ol A u ch foi the til n Kt after the Feafl Of Corpm Chrj/li then next enfuing, then and there to be fworn and charged by like Oath, concerning the true and ntial making of the faid Cloths within the faid T it Yarmouth, a> the Four Wardens of the ch, by virtue of the laid Aft "I Parliami nt made in the faid Seventh Yuar of King Ed- the Fourth, bci n « h irged and fwom for the fame City of Norwich; (7) and if the faid Mayor hap- pen to be abfenl the laid Monday after Corpus Chrtfli, or elfe then refufeth to receive or take the faid O^th; * then the faid W arden fo elect, within Four Days next after the fame Monday, fhall come before the I lit!":; of the faid Town of Great Yarmouth for the time being, or before One of them, the other being ab- lent, and then and there receive a corporal Oath for the true exercifing of the fame Office of Wardenfhip, after the Tenor of the Oath accuftomably ufed to be given to the faid Wardens of the faid City of Ac; u II. And that the laid Warden of the laid Town of Great Yarmouth for the time being, fo elected and Tl may ordain and appoint a Seal with this Letter }'". to be engraved in the fame Seal, and may have ^J"' 1 full Power and Authority to view, fcarch, feife, and feal in Lead with the fame Seal fo to be appointed and engraven, and none other, all Worfteds, Sayes, and Stamins within the faid Town of Yarmouth, and Sub- urbs of the fame, made, or to be made, and not elfewhere, in as large and ample Manner as the faid War- dens of the faid City of Norwich, and Wardens of the faid County of Norfolk, or any of them, hath or have within the faid City or County, or in any wife may do in that Behalf, by Authority or Virtue of the before remembered Aft, made in the faid -Seventh Year of King Edward the Fourth, any Thing in the fame Aft contained to the contrary notwithftanding. III. And that no Perfon inhabiting within the faid Town of Great Yarmouth, or Suburbs thereof, weave Every Pcrfrn any Worftcds, Sayes, or Stamins within the fame Town, except he be an EngHJhman born, and have been ft,al1 ' Tark h '» Apprentice to the faid Occupation, and without he weave therein fuch proper Mark as fhall be limited & * d t!' h S - J>s ' and appointed by the faid Warden of the faid Town for the time being, eleft, and fworn as is aforefaid, revendMirk*. upon rain of Forfeiture thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord ; (2) and that every Warden of the laid Town fhall limit diftinft and fevcral Marks to every of the faid Worfted-Weavers of the fame Town of Great Yarmouth, and the fame Marks by the faid Warden to be regiftered in a Book. IV. And alfo be it enaftcd by the Authority aforefaid, That if, and whenfoever hereafter the faid Town Election of a of Linne fhall be inhabited with Ten fundry Houfholders, or more Number of Houfholders exercifing and ^^ nofw ° r " ufing the laid Craft or Myftery of Worfted-Weavers, then, and from thenceforth, that is to fay, as long Linn in Norfolk. as the fame Town of Linnc fhall be inhabited with the Number of Ten fuch Houfholders at the leaft, it fhall be lawful to the fame Inhabitants of the faid Town of Linn e yearly, on the Monday next after the Fcaft of Pentecojl, to eleft and choofe of themfelves One Warden of the faid Craft and Myftery of Wor- ftcd-Weavers, to be of the Value in Lands and Goods as is aforefaid of the Warden of Yarmouth ; (2) which Warden, fo eleft, fhall yearly be fworn and charged at the faid City of Norwich, in like Manner, and at like Day, as is before limited to the Wardens of Yarmouth; or in Default of the faid Mayor of Norwich, then the faid Warden fo to be eleft for the faid Town of Linnc, to take a corporal Oath before the Mayor of the faid Town of Linnc, within fuch Time, and after fuch Form, as is before limited unto the Warden of Yarmouth ; (3) and that the faid Warden of the faid Town of Linnc for the time being, fo eleft and The Warden of fworn, by himfelf may ordain and appoint a Seal with this Letter L. to be graven in the fame Seal, and Linn's Seal ani may have full Power and Authority to view, fearch, feife, and feal in Lead with the fame Seal fo to be Autii0rit y- engraven, and with none other, all Worfteds, Sayes, and Stamins within the faid Town of Linnc, and Suburbs of the fame, made or to be made, and not elfewhere, in as large and ample Manner as the faid Warden of the faid City of Norwich, and .Wardens of the faid County of Norfolk, or any of them hath or have within the faid City or County, or otherwife may do by Authority or Virtue of the before remem- bered Aft made in the faid Seventh Year of King Edward the Fourth ; any Thing contained in the fame Aft to the contrary notwithfianding. V. And that no Perfon inhabited within the faid Town of Linnc, or Suburbs thereof, make any Wor- Every Worfled- fteds, Sayes, or Stamins within the fame Town, except he be an EngHJhman born, and have been Ap- maker to be an prentice to the fame Occupation, and without he weave therein fuch proper Mark as fhall be limited and Enahftman appointed by the faid Warden of the fame Town of Linnc for the time being, upon Pain and Forfeiture havi'his'own thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord ; (2) and that every Warden of the faid Town fhall limit diftinft Mark. and feveral Marks to every of the faid Worfted-Weavers of the fame Town, and the fame Marks by the faid Warden to be regiftered in a Book. VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from the Feaft of St. Michael the Arch- A Warden of angel next coming, unto fuch Time as the faid Town of Linne fhall be inhabited with the faid Number of Norwich orNor- Ten Houfholders of the faid Craft of Worfted-Weavers, and always after, when that Number of Ten [^flZT Houfholders fhall happen to fail, and not be inhabited in the faid Town of Linnc, the faid Wardens of the there is npWar- faid City of Norwich, and their Succeflbrs, fhall procure and caufe One of themfelves, or One of the War- d ;n there, dens of the faid Craft of the faid County of Norfolk, perfonally to come and be every Twenty eighth Day from and after the faid Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel, in and to the faid Town of Linne, or within Six Days next after every fuch Twenty eighth Day, and there to continue and abide by fo long Time as he may fearch and feal all fuch Worfteds," Saves, and Stamins made in the fame Town of Linne, as then fhall be brought to him to be fcaled within the Space of one whole Day ; (2) and the faid Inhabitants of Wor- Vol. II. • . • S fled-