Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/181

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A. D. 1529. Anno vicefimo primo He nrici VIII. C. 13. 143 c a p. XIII. Spiritual Perfons abridged from having Pluralities of Livings, and from taking of Ferms, Gfc. « T70R the more quiet and virtuous Incrcafe and Maintenance of divine Service, the preaching and The (,ren}He- ' J/ teaching the Word of God, with godly and good hxample giving, the better Difcharge of Curates, ncfits em'uing • the Maintenam e ol Hofpitality, the Relief of poor People, the Incrcafe of Devotion, and good Opinion '•>£ I'crf.imincc ' oftheLay-Fee toward the fbiritual Perfons: (z) Be it enacted, ordained, and cftabliihedby the King our sLu'ii^'hob. Sovereign Lord, with the Aflent ol the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent , „. ^Roiugp. iment allcmblcd, and by Authority of the fame, That no fpiritual Perfons, fecular or regular, of what 3 Leon. ■«, Degree focver he or they be, (hall from henceforth take to fertti to himfelf, or to any Perfon or Perfons to Nofp^iiuaiPcr- his Ufe, of the Leai'e or Grant of the King our Sovereign Lord, nor of any other Perfon or Perfons, by c " n * Letters Patents, Indentures Writings, by Words or otherwife, by any Manner of Means, any Manors, J^n, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments for Term of Life, for Term of Years, or at Will, (3) upon 2 Bu'lftr. 13. Pain to forfeit Ten Pounds for every Month that he, or any other to his Ufe, ihall occupy any fuch Perm, iLutw. 114, by reafon of any Inch Leafe or Grant hereafter to be made; the One Half of which Forfeiture to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half thereof to every fuch Perfon that will fue for the fame by original Writ, Bill, or Plaint of Debt, or by any Information in any of the King's Courts ; (4) in which Action and Suit no Wager of Law (hall be admitted for the Defendant, nor any Lflbin or Pro- tection allowed. Jf. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that all and every fuch fpiritual Perfon or Perfons The fpiritoal •which now have, or occupy in Ferm, by themfelves, or by any other to their Ufe, any Manors, Lands, Perfon which Tenements, or Hereditaments, of the Leafe, or Grant of the King our Sovereign Lord, or any other 1,; " n in y Ferrn Perfon or Perfons, for Term of Life, or for Years, or at Will, by any Writing or otherwise, or that now ° r Pro ^ 1 t< J[' t ,° f have any annual R.ents, or other annual Advantage, or Profit, by Occafion or Colour of any fuch Leafe or i/f^rthwith" Ferm, mall clearly bargain, fell, give, or grant away on this Side the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, to any fuch lay Perfon or Perfons, as they will at their own Nominations and Appointment, ' all fuch Leafe, Term, Intereft, and Profit, as any fuch fpiritual Perfon, or any other to his Ufe, now hath or have, in or by reafon of any fuch Ferm ; (z) fo that in no wife any fuch fpiritual Perfon or Perfons at Djer,.f. 351,' any Time after the fame Feaft, by themfelvcs, or any other to iheirUfe, by any Manner of Means, Fraud, or Male Engine, fhall have, ufe, or occupy in Ferm, any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, of the Demife, Leafe, or Grant of any Perfon or Perfons heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, to themfelves, or to any other to their Ufcs ; (3, 1 nor from the faid Feaft fhall take any annual Rent, or other annual Advantage or Profit, by Occafion or Colour of any fuch Leafe or Ferm by any Manner of Aleans, (4) upon Pain to forfeit for every Month fo occupying any fuch Ferm, at any Time after the faid Feaft, 27 h. 8. f. 11, contrary to this prefent Act, Ten Pounds, and upon Pain to forfeit Ten Times as much as any fuch fpi- ritual Perfon, or any to his Ufe, fhall take in any annual Rent, Advantage, or Profit, by Occafion or Colour of any fuch Leafe, at any Time after the faid Feaft; the One Half of which Forfeitures to be to the King oir sovereign Lord, and the other Half to him that will fue for the fame by original Writ, Bill, or Plaint of Debt, or by Information in any of the King's Courts ; (j) in which Action and Suit no Wager of Law iliall be admitted for the Defendant, nor any Eftbin or Protection allowed. III. And be it alfo enacted, That all fuch Leafes made, or hereafter to be made, unto any fuch fpiritual Leafes made t» Perfon or Perlons, or to any other to their Ufe, for Term of Life, Term cf Years, or at Will, of any fpiritual Perfons, Manors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, whereof they, or any of them, fhall take any Profit or° rt ." ol . f,m,l> medling by themfelves, or by any totheir Ufe, after the faid Feaft of Saint Michael, by Colour of any fuch be'void' ' Leafe or Grant, and not by them bargained, granted, and fold away before the faid Feaft, as is before limited, ihall from henceforth be utterly void, and of none Effect, as well againft the Leafor or Leafors, Grantor and Grantors, their Heirs and Affigns, and againft every of them, as againft the Leafee, or Eeafces, and t! Executors and Afiigns, and every of them. IV. Provid I alway, That this preient Act fhall not extend to any fpiritual Perfon or Perfons, in and for in fnme Cafes taking to fei n any Temporalities, during the Time of Vacations of any Archbifhopricks, Bifhopricks, a fpiritual Perfon Abbeys, Prio ies, or other Collegiate, Cathedral, or Coventual Churches, (2) nor to any fpiritual Perfon ""y'afce toferm rfons th C hall tender or make any Traverfe upon any Offices or Office, concerning his or their ^fVrrhr, "" Freehold. V. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no fpiritual Perfon or Perfons, fecular or re- N f • -.^lp gular, of what Eftate or Degree foever they be, fhall from henceforth by himfelf, nor by any other for him, r on (hall buy to nor to bis Ufe, bargain and buy to fell again for any Lucre, Gain, or Profit, in any Markets, Fairs, or fell again any 1 Places, any Manner of Cattle, Corn, Lead, Tin, Hides, Leather, Ta'iow, Fifh, Wooll, Wood, or Merchandife, any Manner of Victual or Merchandife, what Kind foever they be of, upon Pain to forfeit Treble the Va- ? cr ' J -* CaU,<; > lue of every Thing, by them, or by any to their Ufe, bargained and bought to fell again, contrary to , this prefent Act; (2) and that every fuch Bargain and Contract hereafter to be made by them, or by any to their Ufe. contrary to this Act, fhall be utterly void, and of none "Effect ; (3) and the One Half of every fuch Forfeiture to be to the 'King our Sovereign Lord, ana the other Half to him that will fue for the by original Writ of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any of the King's Courts ; in which Action luit no Wager of Law for the Defendant fhall be admitted, nor any Effoin nor Protection allowed. [. Provided alway, That if any fuch fpiritual Perfon or Perfons fhall happen hereafter without Fraud i n «-hatC.-,i>a or Covin to buy any Horfes, Mares, or MuleSj to he only Intent to occupy for himfelf or his Servants, to foiritBaUJcrfoa; ride to and fro upon his neceflary Bufinefs, or any other Catdes- or Goods, to the only Intent and Pur-r.-.ay feij agio 4 • I>ofe