Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/182

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144 C. 13. Anno vicefimo primo Hen rici VIIT. A; 0.1529. the Things p fe at the buying thereof to be imployed and put in and about his necefTary Apparel of his own Houfe ™'" ch hcl " tn or of his Perfon and Servants, or in, for, and about the only occupying, manuring, or Tillage of his own glebe or demean Lands annexed to his Church, or for the necefTary Expences of his own Houfhold-keep- ing, and after the buying of any fuch Horfes, Catties, or Goods, or Exercife of them, or any of them happeneth to miflike any of them that they fhould not be good, profitable, nor convenient for any of the Purpofes abovefaid, for the which they were bought; that then every fuch fpiritual Perfon or Perfons may lawfully bargain and put away fuch Things fo by him bought, without Fraud or Covin, for any of the Purpofes abovefaid at his Pleafure and Advantage; this Act or any Thing therein contained notwithstanding. Certain Houfes VII. Provided alway, That all Abbots, Priors, AbbelTes, Priorefles, Provofts, Prefidents, Mailers of «f Religion may Colleges and Hofpitals, and all other fpiritual Governors and Governeffes of any fpiritual Monafteries, or Lands 'intheir Houfes of Religion, by what Name or Names foever they be called, having Manors, Lands, Tenements Hands for the and Hereditaments, and other yearly Profits in the Right of their Monafteries or Houfes, of the yearly Maintenance Value of vlil. C. Marks^ or under, and not above, may ufe and occupy as much and as many of their de- cf their Houfes. mean Lands, Fee-ferms, and Ferms, to their moil Advantage, Commodity, and Profit, to and for the only Maintenance of their Houfholds and Hofpitalities, in as ample and large Manner as they or any of them or their Predecefibrs, or the Predeceflbrs of any of them, at any Time by the Space of One hundred Years laft paft before the making of this Aft have done, ufed, and occupied; any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary notwithftanding. Spiritual Perfons VIII. Provided alfo, That every other fpiritual Perfon or Perfons, not having fufficient glebe or derrtean Ferm'for the Lands in their own Hands in the Right of their Churches, Monafteries, and Houfes for Pafturage of Cattle, Maintenance of °r for Increafe of Corn, to and for the only Expences of their Houfholders, and for their Carriages or their Houfes. Journies, may take in Ferm other Lands, and buy and fell Corn and Cattle for the only Manurance, Til- 2 Bulitr. 18. lage, and Pafturage of fuch Ferms, (2) fo that the Increafe thereof be alway imployed and put to and for Savjl 32. t j le on ly Expences in their Houfholds and'Hofpitalities, and not in any wife to buy and fell again for any other Commodity, Lucre, or Advantage, any Corn or Cattle, renewing, coming, or growing in and upon any fuch Ferm or otherwife, but only the Remain and Overplus above their Expences of their Houfholds- if any fuch fliall happen, of the Breed and Increafe thereof, without Fraud or Covin; any Thing in this pre- fent AcT: to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. Pl h r u e ief ty ° f ^" An ^ be it: enaa:ed W trie Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons having One Benefice CrcNEl.'eoi with Cure of Soul, being of the yearly Value of viii. Pound or above, accept and take any other with Cure 853'. 1 Leonard of Soul, and be inftituted and inducted in PoiTeiTion of the fame, that then and immediately after fuch Pof- 316. March 84. feffion had thereof, the flrft Benefice fliall be adjudged in the Law to be void. X. And that it fhall be lawful to every Patron, having the Advowfon thereof, to prefent another, and the Prefentee to have the Benefit of the fame, in fuch like Manner and Form as though the Incumbent had died or refigned; any Licence, Union, or other Difpenfation to the contrary hereof obtained notwithftand- ing. And that every fuch Licence, Union, or Difpenfation had, or hereafter to be obtained contrary to this prefent Act, of what Name or Names, Quality or Qualities, foever they be, fhall be utterly void, and Co. pi. f. 368, x. And that it fhall be lawful to every Patron, having the Advowfon thereof, to prefent another, and !"• h ' Cr f T p r / the Prefentee to have the Benefit of the fame, in fuch like Manner and Form as though the Incumbent had 35^ e~o™ - 8^3. died or refigned; any Licence, Union, or other^Difpenfation to the contrary hereof obtained notwithftand- £>yer2 37,255, 3+7. 35'. 377- 4 Co. 75, 78, b. f none Effect. vtughan 13 1. 9 ' XI - And if an y P er 'f° n or Perfons at any Time after the Firft Day of April, in the Year of Our Lord a Roll 451. ' God M. D. and *•*■"*■. contrary to this Act-, procure and obtain at the Court of Rome, or elfewhere, any F. N. B. 44. h. Licence or Licences, Union, Toleration or Difpenfation, to receive and take any mo Benefices with Cure 51. L. Goidft. than is above limited, or elfe at any Time after the faid Day put in Execution any fuch Licence, Toleration j6z. pi. 97. .. rsir. y-_^_„ Any Difpenfati this Statute fhall Union, Toleration, or Difpenfation, that is to fay, "the fame Perfon or Perfons only and none other, fhall fce void. for every fuch Default incur the Danger, Pain, and Penalty of xx. li. Sterling, and alfo lofe the whole Pro- Dye/ 352. ft ts f every fuch Benefice or Benefices as he receiveth or taketh by Force of any fuch Licence or Licences,. Sav ^'| 6 ^ 2J Union, Toleration, or Difpenfation; (2) the One Half of which Forfeiture to be to the King our Sove- Kepeale'd by ' reign Lord, and the other Half thereof to him that will fue for the fame by original Writ, Bi'lf, Plaint of or Difpenfation, before that obtained contrary to this Act, that then every fuch Perfon or Perfons, fo after the faid Day fuing for hirnfelf, or receiving and taking fuch Benefice by Force of fuch Licence or Licences, Union, Toleration, or Difpenfation, that is to fay, the fame Perfon or Perfons only and none other fhall for every fuch Default incur the Danger, Pain, and Penalty of xx. li. Sterling, and alfo lofe the whole Pro- fits of every fuch Benefice or Benefices as he receiveth or taketh by Force of any fuch Licence or Licences,. Union, Toleration, or Difpenfation; (2) the One Half of which Forfeiture to be to the King our Sove- lepealed'by " reign Lord, and the other Half thereof to him that will fue for the fame by original Writ, Biil° Plaint of &2PI1.&M. Debt, or Information in any of the King's Courts; (1) in which Action and Suit no Wager of Law, Ef- . 8.f. 4. foin, or Protection for the Defendant, fhall be admitted or allowed. . XII. Provided always. That this Act concerning the not keeping of mo Benefices with Cure of Souls otherwife give up all and every fuch Benefice and Benefices as he fliall be fo intitled and poflefied of, above the faid Number, that then it fhall be lawful for every Patron, having the Advowfon of any fuch Bene- fice, over the Number aforefaid, to prefent another, and the Prefentee to have the Benefit of the fame, in iRoll456,46o, like Manner and Form as though it had been void by Death, or Refignation of the Incumbent j any Li - "' afe to fices, with Cure of Soul; (2) and that all other being the King's Chaplains, and not fworn of his Coun- B^Wwith cil > the Chaplains of the Queen-, Prince, orPrincefs, or of any of. the King's Children, Brethren, Sifters, Uncles,