Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/183

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A. D. 1529. Anno vicefimo primo Hen rici VIII. C.i<ji 145 Aunts, may femblably purchafe Licence, or Difpenfation, and retain and I I ; : fon- cur? of so-;ii encfices with Cure of Soul. Ami in like wife, that every Archbifliop and Duke miy ha , whereof everyCfoe I 1 purchal Licence or Difpenfation, and take, receive, .:nd keep Two Parfonages ot Bene* ..jih Cure of Soul. that every Marquis, and Earl, may have Five Chap] i every One may purchafe

or Difpenfation, and take, receive, and keep Two Parfonag fices with Cure of Soul.

XVI. An! that every Vifcount, and other Bifliop, may have Four Chaplains, whereof every One may purchafe Licence, and receive, have, and keep Two Parfonages or Bern (ices with (Jure of Sou!, . aforefaid. XVII. And that the Chancellor of Eng land for the time being, and every Baron, and Knight of the . c . fo , iin. Garter, may have three Chaplains, whereof every One fliall now purchafe Licence or Difpenfation, and receive, have, and keep Two Parfonages or Benefices with Cure of Soul. XVIII. And that every Duchefs, Marchionefs, Countefs, and Baronefs, being Widows, may haveTwo Co. pi. 205, 511. Chaplains, whereof every One of them may purchafe Licence or Difpenfation, to receive, have, and keep C10. tl. 723. i Two Benefices with Cure of Soul. XIX. And that the Trcafurer, and Comptroller of the King's Houfe, the King's Secretary, and Dean 4 c . 7', go, of his Chapel, the King's Amner, and the Matter of the Rolls, may have every of them Two Chap- 117. 1 tins; (2) and the Chief Juftice of the King's Bench One Chaplain; (3) and the Warden of the Five Ports for the Time being, One Chaplain ; whereof every One may purchafe Licence, and receive, have, and keep Two Parfonages or Benefices with Cure of Soul. XX. And that the Brethren and Sons of all Tempoial Lords, which are born in Wedlock, may every of 1 Anderf. 100. them purchafe Licence or Difpenfation, and receive, have, and keep as many Parfonages or Benefices with Cure, as the Chaplains of a Duke, or an Archbifliop. XXI. And likewife the Brethren and Sons born in Wedlock of every Knight, may every of them purchafe Licence or Difpenfation, and receive, take, and keep Two Parfonages or Benefices with Cure of Soul. XXII. Provided always, That the laid Chaplains fo purchafing, taking, receiving, and keeping Bene- The chaplains fices with Cure of Soul, as is aforefaid, fhall be bound to have and exhibit, where need fhall be, Letters "" u " lew ,he . under the Sign and Seal of the King, or other their Lord and Mafter, teftifying whofe Chaplains they be, ^ tB Vj 1 ' and elfe not to enjoy any fuch Plurality of Benefices by being fuch Chaplain, any Thing in this Act [crs- notwithftanding. XXIII. Be it alfo provided, That all Doctors, and Batchelors of Divinity, Doctors of Law, and Bat- DofleT; and Ba- chelors of the Law Canon, and every of them, which fliall be admitted to any of the faid Degrees by chclors ofDivi- any of the Univerfities of this Realm, and not by Grace only, may purchafe Licence, and take, have, "">' and J* w and keep Two Parfonages or Benefices with Cure of Soul ; (2) fo that always the faid Liberty, by any oFjJ2^J >1 ^" the Provifions aforefaid given to any of the faid Counfellors, Chaplains, and other Perfons before fpecified, Benefices with to purchafe Licence or Difpenfation, and take, receive, and keep more Benefices than One, after the Man- Cure. ner and Form aforefaid, be taken and underftood to extend in Number to no mo Benefices with Cure of N *° Difpenfation Soul, than is above limited, accounting in the fame, and as Parcel thereof, fuch Benefices with Cure of ca " licen( <= an > Sou!, as any the faid Perfons fliall have in real Title, or in their Poffeffion, at the faid Firft Day of April, Two Benefice^ in the Year of our Lord'Af. D. and xxx. XXIV. Provided alfo, That every Archbifliop, becaufe he mull occupy Eight Chaplains at Confecra- Every Archbi- tions of Bifliops, and every Bifliop, becaufe he mufl occupy Six Chaplains at giving of Orders, and Con- (hop may have fecration of Churches, may every of them have Two Chaplains over and above the Number above limited Egotcaiaptaini, unto them-, whereof every One may purchafe Licence and Difpenfation, and take, receive, and keep as % nieyer y. Bifliop many Parfonages and Benefices with Cure of Soul, as is before affigned to fuch Chaplains. XXV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons, to whom Advancement to any Number of Chaplains, or any Chaplain, by any of the Provifions aforefaid is limited, fliall in any wife, ^"^ Benefices by Colour of any of the fame Provifions, advance any fpiritual Perfon or Perfons, above the Number to ,han be fppo'nt- them appointed, to receive or keep any mo Benefices with Cure of Soul, than is above limited by this Aft, s av ;f_ Aa " any Thing fpecified in the faid Provifions notwithstanding; (2) and if they do, then every fuch fpiritual Co. pf;X eie.' Perfon and Perfons, fo advanced above the faid Number, to incur the Pain and Penalty contained in this Act. Moor 561. p!. XXVI. Be it alio further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That as well every fpiritual Perfon now 7^3- being promoted to any Archdeaconry, Deanry, or Dignity in any Monaltery, or Cathedral Church, or other ^° or -■*?• P'* Church, Conventual or Collegiate, or being beneficed with any Parfonage or Vicarage, as all and every ' '."' • _°° r fpiritual Perfon and Perfons, which hereafter fhall be promoted to any of the faid Dignities or Benefices, RaX plaff. rno; with any Parfonage or Vicarage, from the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, fliall be perfo- Savil 32. 135. nally refident, and abiding in, at, and upon his faid Dignity, Prebend, or Benefice, or at One of them at z Ro!I 9°. the leaft ; (2) and in cafe that any fuch fpiritual Perfon at any Time after the faid Fea It, keep not Refi- V™} * a '| h ' dence at One of his faid Dignities, Prebends, or Benefices, as is aforefaid, but abfent himfelf wilfully by re j-„j e n" ce a ° n n / the Space of One Month together, or by the Space of Two Months, to be accounted at feveral Times in the Penalty ' any One Year, and make his Refidence and Abiding in any other Places by fuch Time, that then he thereof, fhall forfeit for every fuch Default x. li. Sterling ; the One Half thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord, £«•. E1 - S9°> and the other Half of the fame to the Party that will fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts by 01 i- Qr >' 7 -,* 9- , ginal Writ of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information ; in which Action and Suit the Defendant fhall not wage 6C0. -i,' ' his Law, nor have any Efibin or Protection allowed. 1 Lutw. 13S. XXVII. And if any Perfon or Perfons procure orobtain at the Court of Rome, or elfeWriere, any Man- Tae.Peoalty ner of Licence or Difpenfation to be non-refident at their faid Dignities, Prebend, or Benefices, contrary for piocurin'g of to this Act, that then every fuch Perfon or Perfons putting in Execution any fuch Difpenfation or Licence D'lpenfations to for himfelf, from the faid Firft Day of April, in the Year of our Lord God M.D. and xxx. fliall run and h ? ^on-xcu^nu incur in the Penalty, Damage, and Pain of aw. //. Sterling for every .Time fo doing, to be forfeited and re- Vol. II. U covered