Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/185

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A. D. 7529. Anno viccfimo primo IIenrici VII F. C. i-j— 1 fc. :.<- ployed and fpent (or the only Maintenance, Sufttntation, and keeping of hi: <.r tl • pitalities, without Fraud or Covin j any Thing in this prefent Ail to the conti XXXV. Provided alway, That it may be lawful to every Spiritual Perfon oj any Mcilcs, Man/ions, or Dwclling-houfes, having but only Orchards or Gardens, in any City, i rough, and Town, tor their own Habitation or Dwelling, any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwith- standing; ( 2 ) f° that no Perfon Spiritual, oilier than be above provided for, for their Non-refidence, have ■ ■ •• ai»y Liberty of Non-refidence by Colour of this Provifo. Enforced by 2 5 H. 8. c. 21. which it . 1 & 2 P. & M. c. 8. and revived by t Eliz. c. I. ' pi. 100. C A P. XIV. •' S9 °' Of what Length and Breadth every whole Piece and half Piece of Dowlas and Lockeram, brouj-ht into Pc '- *' J "• *• this Realm, (hall be. c - «• CAP. XV. Fermors fhall enjoy their Leafes againft Recoveries by feigned Titles, fefa

  • T7Hcrc afore this Time divers Perfons have made Leafes of their Manors, Lands, Tenements, and 13 Co. f.

4 VV other Hereditaments, fometime by their Indentures, and fomctime without Writings, to other ' Kcii 443* ' P. rfons for Term of Years, taking of them great Fines for the Incomes of the fame Leafes ; and after the

  • lame Leafors, their Heirs, or Afligns, have caufed and fuffered Recoveries to be had againft them in the

c Court of our Sovereign Lord the King, and in other Lords Courts, upon feigned and untrue Titles, by 4 Craft or Covin to put the fame Termers from their faid Terms ; (2) and after fuch Recoveries had, the 3 Bulft. 345,

  • fame Recoverees, by Rcafou of fuch Recoveries and Judgements, have entered into the fame Manors, 2 4 s -

' Lands, Tenements, and other Hereditaments lb to Ferm letten, and thereof have expulfed the faid Fer-

  • mcrs, contrary to their faid Leafes, Covenants, and Agreements; (3) and becaufe it was doubted to
  • fome Perfons, whether the laid Termers might falfify fuch Recoveries, or not :'

II. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and 11 Co. 3*. Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, * Lc °"- 6 5- That all fuch Termers fhall and may falfify for his Term only fuch Recoveries, as well heretofore had, as Tenant fcr hereafter to be had, in fuch wife and Form as a Tenant of a Freehold fhall and may do by the Courfe of the fjfify a ' Common Law, where fuch Tenant of Freehold was neither privy nor Party to the fame Recovery. feigned Recore. III. And that the fame Termers, their Executors, and Afligns, notwithstanding fuch Recoveries fo had, ry had againft (hall retain, hold, and enjoy their faid Terms, according to their faid Leafes againft all fuch Recoverees, him in the Re- their Heirs, and Afligns, as they fliould or might have done againft the faid Leflors, if fuch Recovery had T'S'?"' not been had ne fuftered ; and that the faid Kccoverers, their Heirs, and Afligns, after fuch Recovery fo c _ .,' had, (2) fhall have like Remedy againft the faid Termers, their Executors, or Afligns, by Avowry or Ac- The Remedy of tion of Debt, for the Rents and Services referved upon the fame Leafes, being due after the fame Re- the Reco»erere coverics ; (3) and alfo like Actions againft them for Wafte done, after the fame Recoveries fo had ; in' ■B" nft ' :ren «n t like Manner and Form, as the faid Leafors fhould or might have had, if the fame Recoveries had never „ ^ e: : , ,or ... ' a ' Rent or W afte. been had. IV. And alfo be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Manner of Statute of the Staple, r Statute or Statute Merchant, nor Execution by Elegit, be hereafter avoided, or in any wife made fruftrate, by Means Execution by of any fuch feigned Recovery ; (2) but that all Perfons having any Lands, Tenements, or other Heredita- Elegit (hall be, ments in Execution, or being inti tied to have Execution of any Manors, Lands, or Tenements by any fuch "otdedby » Means, fhall have by Force of this Statute like Remedy to avoid and falfify the fame Recoveries, as before T "f° e is ordained and provided for the Leafe for Term of Years. Co.' Lit. 104. b, CAP. XVI. Touching Artificers Strangers, what they may do as concerning retaining Apprentices, Jour- neymen, C5V. f P Raven the Commons in this prefent Parliament aflembled, That where in the xv. Day of February, in Nn Stranger Ar-

  • 1 the xx. Year of the Reign of our now moft gracious Sovereign Lord the King, Henry the Eighth, tificerinhal

4 by our faid Sovereign Lord the King his moft honourable Council in his Star-Chamber at We/hhtnfler, w " h: /> an y Cll J 4 for the Common Wealth of his natural Subjects born within this his Realm, by great and deliberate j^jj k * '{"hh

  • Advice it was deemed, adjudged, and decreed, That no Stranger Artificer, born out of our faid Sove- Houfc but mo

4 reign Lord his Obeifance, inhabiting within any City, Borough, or any other Place within this his Strangers bom.

  • Realm of England, from henceforth lhould keep in his or their Houfe or Houfes any Manner of Stran- Re P- 5 EI - c - 4«

' gers Servants born out of his Obeifance, but only Two Servants Strangers, and no more at one Time. ' 32- ' II. And alfo all and fingular Strangers that then were, or after the making of the faid Decree fhould Aliens Houfe - 4 be made Denizens, that at the Time or after the making thereof would inhabit within the City of Lou- keepers (hall bear

  • don. Suburbs, or within Two Miles Compafs of the fame, and keep or would keep Houfes, or occupy f " c _ hch ' r ;^ :'

' their Craft, fhould be Contributories to and with our faid Sovereign Lord his "Subject Artificers within -JL d '£ 6 s 4 the faid City of London, paying, bearing, and fuftaining fuch Charges as hereafter fhall be exprefled,

  • that is to fay, that all other Strangers, Artificers, Denizens or no Denizens, of every Handicraft or

4 Myftery, inhabiting as well within the City of London, as in any other City, Town, Borough, or Vil- li 2 lage