Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/186

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xR.3 1. Ji. 148 C. 16. Anno vicefimo primo Henrici VIII, A. D. 1529. ' lage within this his Realm, fhould pay, bear, and fuftain all fitch and like Charges, as our faid Sovereign ' Lord his Subjects of like Craft and Myftery do always ufe to pay. 34&15 H. 8. ' HI. And if any of them refufed, or denied the fame, or any Part thereof, then he or they fo denying, ' or refilling fo to do, fhould not any longer occupy any Handicraft, upon the Pains, Damages, and Perils ' fpecified, as well in the Acts or Statutes made in the xiv. and xv. Years of the Reign of our now Sove- ' reign Lord, as in One Statute made in the Firft Year of the Reign of King Richard the Third. ' IV. And that the fame Strangers, Denizens or no Denizens, Houfholders, which would remain and ' abide within our faid Sovereign Lord his Realm, fhould upon lawful Warning to them given, by the ' Matters and Wardens of divers and fundry Myfteries, mentioned and fpecified in the faid Decree, with- ' in the faid Cities and Towns, prefent themfelves in the Common-hall or Meeting-Place of the faid Crafts, ' and there to receive, and take their Oath, and be fworn upon the holy Evangelifts, before the Mafter ' and Wardens of their faid Craft, to be faithful and true to the King our Sovereign Lord, and his Heirs,, ' Kings of England, and to be obedient to him and them, and his and their Laws. Aliens (nail be 'V. Alfo that no Stranger Artificer, or Handicraftfman, bom out of our faid Sovereign Lord his Obei- fworn to b= true ' fance, not being Denizen, which was not a Houfholder the Fifteenth Day of February abovefaid, fhould to the King, to t no( . { ei ^ ne j^ggp an y Houfe, Shop or Shops, or Chamber, wherein they fhould exercife or occupy any hisLaws anJ ' Handicraft or Myftery within this our faid Sovereign Lord his Realm, upon Pain to incur and run into ' fuch Penalties as be contained in the Statutes before this Time made and enacted, as is aforefaid. by other Place and Time, or in any other Manner, upon the Pain afore exprefTed : As by the faid Decree ' fhewed and exemplified, and hereunto annexed, under our faid Sovereign Lord the King his Great Seal,. ' more plainly, and at large, it may and doth appear.' The forefaid VII. That for the Common Wealth abovefaid, it may be enabled by the King our Sovereign Lord, the- Decreemadeby Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Au- s'r L cha S 'b thC tnor ' t y °f the i~ ame > That the faid Order and Decree, had, given, and made by our faid Sovereign Lord' confirmed? " the King his moft honourable Council, and all and every Thing therein contained, fpecified, and de- clared, be holden and obferved firm and ftable, and duly to be put in Execution in every Point and Ar- ticle, in Manner and Form as is above rehearfed, according to the Purport, Effect, and, true Meaning of" the fame. / The Statute VIII. Be it furthermore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Act made in the Parliament be- made 14 & 15 g un at ]_ ont: l on t he Fifteenth Day of April, in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord toudiines'tian- the King that now is, and from London adjourned to JVejiminJicr the laft Day of July, in the Fifteenth ge"s Artificers " Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, concerning Strangers Artificers, for the taking of Appren- taldngof Ap- tices, Journeymen, and Covenant Servants, and every Article and Provifion contained in the fame Act, prentices made fhall De from henceforth put in due Execution, according to the true Intent, Meaning, and Purport of the perpetual. fame, as well within the City of London, as in all other Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate within this Realm, and the fame to endure perpetually; any Thing contained in the faid Act or Decree to the contrary notwithftanding. No Alien dwell- j^ provided always, That no Artificer, Alien or Stranger, born out of the King's Obeifance, being a C?mbrid«e Vr Houfholder, or inhabiting within any of the Univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge, or within the Sanctuary Great St! Mar- of St. Martin le Grand, within the City of London, fhall from henceforth have or retain in their Service tins (hall have Journeymen or Apprentices, being Aliens or Strangers born, above the Number of Ten Perfons at one above x. Perfons Time, u p n Pain of the Penalty contained in the faid Act, made in the faid Fourteenth and Fifteenth Houfe '" IS Year of our faid Sovereign Lord; the Provifions contained or fpecified in the fame Act notwithftanding. Alter id and amended by 32 H. 8. c. 16. and fee 5 El. c. 4. The Decree made in the Star-Chamber for Artificers Strangers, by the King's moft Honour- able Council, the Twentieth Day of February, in Twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sove- reign Lord King Henry the Eighth. u X. O ENRICUS Odtavus Dei gratia Anglise & Franciae Rex, fidei defenfor, & Dominus Hibernise : " O omnibus ad quos prasfentes literx perver.erint, falutem. Infpeximus quoddam breve noftrum, " de certiorand' Thomre Eliot clerico confilii noftri direct. Sz ' in filaciis cancellar. noftne refiden. in hnec 4C verba : Dilecto fibi Thomae Eliot armigero, clerico confilii noftri, falutem. Volentes certis de caufis " certiorari fuper tenore cujufdam finalis decreti coram nobis & confilio habit, de & fuper executione " quorundam ftatutorum & ordinationum contra alienigen' exercentes artes & artificia manualia, inhabi- " tantes infra regnum noftrum Anglis edit. & provif. tibi prsecipimus, quod tenorem finalis decreti prce- " diet' cum omnibus eum tangentibus nobis in cancellar. noftram fob figillo tuo diftincle & aperte, fine " dilatione, mittas, & hoc breve. Tcfte meipfo apud Weftmonaft. xiv. die Aprilis, anno regni noftri xx.' " (2) Infpeximus etiam quoddam decretum per nos & confilium noftrum apud Weftmonaft. in Camera " ftellata redditum, & in filaciis ejuldem Cancellar. iimiliter refiden' in haec verba." The Supplica- ' XI. "VX7HERE of late our true and faithful Subjects, Artificers, and Handicraftsmen, born under our tionandCom- « YV Obeifance, inhabiting within our City of London, and the Suburbs of the fame, exhibited piamt made by t vm j ug a l amen t a bl e Bill of Complaint, containing, That notwithftanding many good and neceflary Sta- ' tutes