Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/190

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152 C 20, 21 i Anno vicefimo primo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1,529, jiamjiig his Te- Tenements, or Hereditaments be fo holden, may avow, or his Bailiff or Servant make Gonifance, orjufti- 1 "" lt - fy, for taking of the faid Diftrefles upon the fame Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments fo holden, as in a-- V'n'fc- Lands or Tenements within his Fee or Seigniory, (2) alledging in the faid Avowry, Gonifance, and Jufti- cond Delive- " fication, the fame Manors, Lands, and Tenements to be holden of him, without naming of any Perfon ranee. certain to be Tenant of the fame, and without making any Avowry, Juftification, or Conifance upon any •S.7H.8. f. 4, ao. Perfon certain; (3) and likewife the Lord, Baily, or Servant to make Avowry, Justification, or Coni- 9 Co. 22, 36, r ance; n jj[ ce Manner and Form upon every Writ fued of fecond Deliverance. Co! Lit. 263. b. TJj> And alio be it enacted by the faid Authority, That every Avowant, and every other Perfon or Per- 312. a.' ' fons that make any fuch Avowry, Juftification, or Conifance, as Baily or Servant to any Perfon or Per- The 'Avowant > ons in any Rcplegiare, or fecond Deliverance, for Rents, Cuftoms, Services, or for Damage fefant, or Vhall recover' other Rent or Rents, upon any Diftrefs taken in any Lands or Tenements, if the fame Avowry, Coni- Damages and fance, or Juftification be found for them, or the Plaintiffs in the fame be nonfuit, or otherwife barred, Cofts of Suit. tnat t h en the y {hall recover their Damages and Cofts againft the faid Plaintiffs, as the fame Plaintiffs mould BrT Da naees ^ave ^ one or ^ a ^' ^ ^y ^ad recovered in the Replegiare, or fecond Deliverance found againft the faid 3 5, ' ' Defendants. a Roll 37, 140,212. March 2S. 1 Salk. 9/5. Cro, El. 257, 329. 2 Cr. 520. Cro. Car. 498, 533. Like Pleas and IV. And be it alfo ordained, That the faid Plaintiffs and Defendants in the faid Writs of Replegiare, Aid-prayers at or writs of fecond Deliverance, and in every of them, fhall have like Pleas, and like Aid-Prayers in all Law.° mm0n fuch Avowries, Conifances, and Juftifications (Pleas of Difclaimer only except) as they might have had before the making of this Act, and as though the faid Avowry, Conifance, or Juftification had been made after the due Order of the Common Law. Like joinder in V. And it is further enafted by the faid Authority, That all fuch Perfons as by the Order of the Corn- Aid as at the mon Law may lawfully join to the Plaintiffs or Defendants in the faid Writs of Replegiare, or fecond De- S^TceoT* hverance, as well without Procefs as by Procefs, fhall from henceforth join unto the faid Plaintiffs or De- c 19. fir pre- fendants, as well without Procefs as by Procefs, and to have like Pleas, and like Advantages in all Things ■venting Frauds (Difclaimer only except) as they might have done by the Order of the Common Law before the making h %&anib of this Acl. . CAP. XX. The Prefident mail be affociate with the Chancellor, &.c. in Examination and Punifhing of Riots, cjV, Obf. 1 6 Car. 1. c. 10. CAP. XXI. EXP. The Statute made 14 tjf 15 H. 8. c. 3. concerning Worfted Weavers in Yarmouth and Linne, rehearfed and a€ H, S. c, 16. continued until the next Parliament. Statutes made at Weftminfterj Anno 22 Hen. VIII. a?id Anno Dom. " QTatuta bonum publicum concernentia edita in parliamento tento apud Weflmonafterium decimo fe.xto. " C3 die Januarii, anno regni praepotentiffimi & metuendiffimi Anglias & Francias Regis, fidei defenforis,' " & Domini Hibernije, HENRICI oclavi, vicefimo fecundo, poft diverfas prorogationes ejufdem par- " liamenti primo inchoati apud Londinum tertio die Novembris anno vicefimo primo ejufdem regis, & inde " adjurnati & prorogati ufque ad Weftmonafterium, & ibidem continuati per quadraginta quatuor dies, " videlicet ufque ad decimum feptimum diem Deccmbris; & ab eodem die & loco ufque ad vicefimum fe'x- " turn diem Aprilis proxime fequentis; & ab eo die ufque ad vicefimum fecundum diem Junii, & ab illo " die ad primum diem Octobris, & a primo die Odtobris ufque ad vicefimum fecundum diem ejufdem " menfis, & ab illo die ufque ad decimum fextum diem Januarii fecundum leges terrne rite prorogati, & " ibidem continuati per feptuaginta quinque dies, videlicet, ad ultimum diem Martii eodem anno vicefimo " primo, & inde ulterius prorogati ufque ad decimum tertium diem Oclobris proxime fequentis." CAP. I. EXP. No Perfon during Ten Years next enfuing fhall buy any Wooll growing in the Counties of Berkjinre, &c. ■ 4 Ed. 1. c 4. eighteen Counties, before the AJfumption of our Lady next after the {hearing of the fame, but fuch as will 4 H. 7. c 11, m ake Cloth or Yarn thereof, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the double Value thereof. No Stranger fhall 37 H. s. c. 15. ^y an y Wooll before the Purification of our Lady next after the {hearing thereof, upon the Pain afore - faid. CAP. II. o B. An Aft for Trial of foreign Pleas pleaded by Felons. The Inconveniencies enfuing the Allowance of a Fe~ 4H. 8. c 2. ] on t plead a Plea triable in a foreign County. So much of the Statute of 4 H. 8. c. 2. as toucheth the Plea pleaded by a Felon, that he was taken in a foreign County out of Sanctuary, made perpetual. CAP. III. PR. ' 2 & 3 Ph. & M. For Plumjied Marfh. e. 19. C A P."