Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/191

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A. D. 1530. Anno vicefimo fecundo Henrici VIII. C. 4, 5. 153 CAP. IV. For Exactions not to be levied on Apprentices. < AT the Prayer of the Commons in this prefent Parliament aflcmbled, reciting, That where it was cfta- what E»»fl'oni ' _/"_ blifhril and enabled, in the Nineteenth Year of our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Sevei ' That no Mallei, Wardens, and Fcllowlhip of Crafts, or any of thetn, nor any Rulers of Guilds or Ira- M 'fl'~ 1 tensities, take upon them to make any Ads or Ordinances, nc to execute any Acts or Ordinances by them dens &' c - 1 heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, in Disinheritance or Diminution of the Prerogative of the King, ' nor of other, nor againft the common Profit of the People, but if the fame Adts or Ordinances be examined ' or approved by the Chancellor, Treafurerof England, or Chief Jufticc of cither Bench, or Three of them,

  • or before the juftices of A (fife in their Circuit or Progrefs, in the Shire where fuch A<Sts or Ordinal, < i

' made, upon rain of Forfeiture of for every Time that they do the contrary, as more pi' in the ' faid AEt doth appear : (2) lith which Time divers Wardens and Fellowfbips have made Acts ai 1 i- iuhcarfalof ' nances, that every Apprentice fliall pay at bis firft Entry in their common Hall, to the Wardens of the '■ s < i'« "' ' fame Fellowfhip, fome of them xl.s. fome xxx. s. fame xx. s. fome xiii.s. iv.d. fome vi.s. viiid. fome ' 9 d " h "; c ' 7 ' ' iii. s. iv. after their own finifter Mind and Pleafure, contrary to the Meaning of the Act aforefaid, and to a|„ J f e( | 0W ' the great Hurt of the King's true Subjects putting their Child to be Apprentice :' (3) Be it therefore or- dained, eftablifhcd, and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, That The Fees of no Mailer, Wardens, or Fellowships of Crafts, or Mafters, or any of them, nor any Rulers of Fraterni- Wa,dcn5 of ties, take from henceforth of any Apprentice, or of any other Perlon or Perfons, for the Entry of any Ap- ti^E^"'.^ [ n prentice into their faid Fellowship, above the Sum of ii.s. vi.d. nor for his Entry, when his Years and Apprentice or Term is expired and ended, above iii.s. iv.d. (4) upon Pain of Forfeiture of for every Time that Freeman into they do to the contrary; the one Half to the King our Sovereign Lord, the other Half to the Party that their Company, therefore fliall fuc by Action of Debt, Information or otherwife ; and that in the Action aforefaid no Pro- Enforced and teition or Eflbin fliall be allowed. { " T ^V^ij. g- c. 5. And fufj-tber attorning Apprentices, I Jac. I. r. 15. 7 Jac. I. c. 3. 21 Jac, I. c, 1$, 8 Ann. c. 9. 9 Ann. c. 21. lS Geo. 2. c. 22. ' 20 C.(. 2. c. 19, & 45. and 32 Geo. 2. c. 23. CAP V ^ ■"■ * * V ' A Remedy to -i-« t-» • 1 i tt* i repair decayed For Bridges and High- ways. Bridges in High- ways, and by BE it enabled by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Com- whom, mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That the Juftices of Peace 9 H - >'f""' *' in every Shire of this Realm, Franchife, City, or Borough, or Four of them at the leafl, whereof One to C nJ s ' T f 9 ,,' *' be of the Quorum, fliall have Power and Authority to inquire, hear, and determine in the King's General^ g.c.ffei .2. Seflions of Peace, of all Manner of Annoyances of Bridges broken in the High-ways, to the Damage of the c. n. King's liege People, and to make fuch Procefs and Pains upon every Prefentment afore them for the Refor- 13 c °> 33- mation of the fame, againft fuch as owen to be charged for the making or amending of fuch Bridges, as the , p ,l' '? 2 ' King's Juftices of his Bench ufe commonly to do, or as it fhall feem by their Difcreticns to to be neceflary ^ u acav^'pexe and convenient for the fpeedy Amendment of fuch Bridges. may award Pro- ' II. And where in many Parts of this Realm it cannot be known and proved what Hundred, Riding, cefs againft them

  • Wapentake, City, Borough, Town, or Parifli, nor what Perfon certain, or Body Politick, ought of who ought to

' Right to make fuch Bridges decayed, by Reafon whereof fuch decayed Bridges, for lack of Knowledge of !J5P? ,r r2 ■ **"

  • fuch as owen to make them, for the moft Part lie long without any Amendment, to the great Annoyance forc ' rd v , An ^

' of the King's Subjects.' _ _ dat. 1. c. is. fo III. For the Remedy thereof, be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That in every fuch Cafe the faid far as not altered Bridges, if they be without City, or Town Corporate, fliall be made by the Inhabitants of the Shire or bv ttot Statute, Riding within the which the faid Bridge decayed fliall happen to be ; (2) and if it be within any City or Town Corporate, then by the Inhabitants of every fuch City or Town Corporate wherein fuch Bridges fliall happen to be ; (3) and if Part of any fuch Bridges fo decayed happen to be in One Shire, Riding, City, or Town Corporate, and the other Part thereof in another Shire, Riding, City, or Town Corporate, or if Part be within the Limits of any City, or Town Corporate, and Part without, or Part within one Riding, and Part within another ; that then in every fuch Cafe, the Inhabitants of the Shires, Ridings, Ci- ties or Towns Corporate fliall be charged, and chargeable to amend, make, and repair fuch Part and Por- tion of fuch Bridges fo decayed as fliall lie and be within the Limits of the Shire, Riding, City, or Town- Corporate, wherein they be inhabited at the Time of the fame Decays. IV. And be it further enacted, That in every fuch Cafe where it cannot be known and proved, what Per- fons, Lands, Tenements, and Bodies Politick owen to make and repair fuch Bridges, that for fpeedy Re- formation and amending of fuch Bridges, the Juftices of Peace within the Shires or Ridings wherein fuch The Turtles decayed Bridges been out of Cities and Towns Corporate, and if it be within Cities or Towns Corporate, may tax the !.-.» then the Juftices of Peace within every fuch City or Town Corporate, or Four of the faid Juftices at the habitants whh leaft, whereof One to be of the Quorum, fliall have Power and Authority within the Limits of their theAtfent of the Commiflions and Authorities, to call before them the Conftables of every Town and Parifh, being within the Shire, Riding, City, or Town Corporate, as well within Liberty as without, wherein fuch Bridges, or any Parcel thereof fliall happen to be, or elfe Two of the moft honeft Inhabitants within every fuch Town or Parifli in the faid Shire, Riding, City or Town Corporate, by the Difcretion of the laid Juftices of Peace, Vol. II. X cs