Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/212

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1 74-' C. 16—18. Anno vicdimo tertio Henri ci VIII. A.D. 1531, r R. z. fiat. 1. Sovereign Lord King Kentiy the Eighth, commence or fue in any Court of Record, or elfewhere in any "'■ 7- other Court, any Action, Bill, or Plaint, of Trefpafs upon the Statute of King Richard the Second, 5? Ei.c 1. ma j e j n the pjj- tn year of his Reign, for Entries into Lands and Tenements, where none Entry is given by 'cm El 177 the Law, (2) or any Action, Bill, or Plaint of Debt or Covenant, upon any Efpecialty made to the Plain- 3 coi 46:, 503. tiff or Plaintiffs, ( or upon any Contract fuppofed to be made between the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, and any a-o.'ca- wz. other Perfon or Perfons, (4) or any Action, Bill, or Plaint of Detinue of any Goods or Chatties, whereof 3 Bulftr. 248. the pi a i nt iff or Plaintiffs fhall fuppofe that the Property belongeth to them, or to any of them, (5) or any Aiaiori5 J3H1, or Plaint of Account, in the which the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fuppofe the Defendant or De- Ifcofts -3 fendants to be their Bailiff or Bailiffs, Receiver or Receivers of their Manor, Mefe, Money, or Goods, to 3 Leon. 9*2. yield Account, (6) oranyAdion, Bill, or Plaint upon the Cafe, or upon any Statute, for any Offence or 1 Salk. 207. Wrong perfonal immediately fuppofed to be done to the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, (7) and the Plaintiff or Hob. 219. Plaintiffs in any fuch Kind of Action, Bill, or Plaint, after appearance of the Defendant or Defendants be F a L th"r Provi' nonfuited, or that any Verdift happen to pafs, by lawful Trial, againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs In any fuch fion relating Aftion, Bill, or Plaint, that then the Defendant or Defendants in every luch Adion, Bill, or Plaint, {hall hereto, 4 Jac. 1. have Judgment to recover his Cofts againft every fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs; (8) and that to be affeued c. 3. anc j t a xe d by the Difcretion of the Judge or Judges of the Court where any fuch Action, Bill, or Plaint Mod. Cafes m q^ii be comrn enced, fued, or taken; (9) and alfo that every Defendant in fuch Action, Bill, or Plaint Law 344. flial] have fuch p rocefs and E xecu tion for the Recovery and having of his Cofts againft the Plaintiff or Plain- tiffs, as the fame Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhould or might have had againft the Defendant or Defendants, in Dyer,f. 32, 371. Cafe that Judgment had been given for the Part of the faid Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, in any fuch Action, Bill, Bro. Cofts, 23. or pi a int. He that fueth in H. Provided alway, That all and every fuch poof Perfon or Perfons being Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in any Forma pauperis Q f t h e faid Actions, Bills, or Plaints, which at the Commencement of their Suits or Adtions be admitted by flmil be other- j);f cret i on f t he judge or Judges, where fuch Suits or Aftions fhall be purfued or taken, to have their Pro- JToiTss cefs and Counfel of Charity, without any Money or Fee paying for the lame, fhall not be compelled to pay any Cofts by Virtue and Force of this Statute, but fhall fuffer other Punifhment, as by the Discretion of the Juftices or Judge, afore whom fuch Suits fhall depend, fhall be thought reafonable; any Thing afore re- Fartbir Pwi- hear( - ed t0 t he contrary hereof notwithftanding. lions concerning ■* «'«•#'* c n Cofts 24.W.8. c. 8. 33H. %. c. ■}<). felt. 54. SEI.c.z. 18 £/.<■. 5. 43 El. c. 6. 4 Jac. i.e. 3, i Jac. -1. c. c,. 21 Jac. 1. c. 16. 16 Car. 1. c. 15. S3 Car. 2. fiat. a. c. 2. 4 fif 5 W. & M. c . 23. %W. 3. c 11. Ilgur.J.J.j. 4. Ann. c. 16. and nGeo. z. c. i-j. CAP. XVI. It fhall be Felony to fell, exchange, or deliver to any Scotijhman, or within Scotland, any Horfe, Gelding, cjf t -. CAP. XVII. For the Winding of Wooll. No Wooll (hall T> E it ena&ed by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal with the Com- be wound that is Jj mons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That from henceforth no notfufficiently Manner of Perfon ne Perfons do wind, or caufe to be wound any Fleece of Wooll being not fumciently ri- ■wafhed. V ered or wafhed, (2) ne wind, nor caufe to be wound within any Fleece, Clay, Lead, Stones, Sand, Tails, de- No deceitful ceitful Locks, Cot, Cals, Comber, Lambs Wooll, or any other Thing, whereby the Fleece may be the more Thing (hall be Weighty, to the Deceit and Lofs of the Buyer; (3) upon Pain the Seller of any fuch deceitful Woolls to putintheFleece. f or f e i t f or every fuch Fleece vi. d. the One Moiety to the King, the other to the Finder and Prover of the SH.6.C.22. f ame j) ece;t 5 by Action of Debt, by original Writ, Bill, Plaint, Information, or otherwife, in any of the King's Courts, in which Action no Wager of Law, Effoin, or Protection fhall be allowed for the Defen- Counties where jj p rov ided alway, That this Act concerning riveting and warning of any Wooll, fhall not in any wife Wooll is not exten d to any Shire or Shires, the Inhabitants whereof have not cuftomably ufed before this Time to river FuSbefoldhv or wafh their Sheep afore they be ihorn, (2) nor fhall in any wife be hurtful or prejudicial to any Perfon or Tale. Perfons that have ufed cuftomably to fell their Woolls by Tale or Number of the Fleece or Fleeces, and not)' Continued by 33 by the Weight; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding : (3) This Act to endure to then H 'hY 7 ' & next Parliament - Made'pcr F C e't!a 3 l CAP. XVIII. by 13EI.C. 25* For pulling down of Piles and Fifhgarths in the Rivers Oufe and Humber. < HPHE Mayor, Sheriffs, and Commonalty of the City of York, and other the King's true Subjects ifl- c J. habiting and dwelling nigh unto the River of Oufe, and the Water of Number, and all other Occu- c piers of the fame River and Water, lamentably complaining, fhewn unto our Sovereign Lord the King,

  • the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, That where
  • the faid City, being one of the molt ancient Cities of this Realm, hath been much relieved, maintained,

< and fupported by the faid River of Oufe, and Water of Humber, which be the common and direct Paflage ' and Way from Hull unto York aforefaid, by reafon that many Ships, Keyls, Cogs, and Boats, and other

  • Veffels have heretofore had their frank Paffages, without Let, Impediment, or Interruption, in and upon
  • the faid River and Water of Oufe, and Humber, from divers Parts of this Realm unto the faid City, where-
  • by the faid City hath hitherto moll chiefly been advanced.; (2) and now of late certain Perfons, ftudyim

3 ' onl 3 B.ep. by iEd.6. c, 12, and re- vived by I EI. c. 7. and repeal- ed by 4 Jac, 1. c. 1. PR.