Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/213

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A. D. 1531* Anno viccfimo tcrtio IIenrici VIII. C. 10. 175 ' only for their own private Lucre, not remrdil mon Wealj but daily imnj-ir ing the uttc; . (tll , [) e caj ol th laid City, ai '1 the ( ounti n d Rivci ol i ■ i| Humbir. and Occupiers thereof, have, and daily do keep, prefcrve, and ra Pifh in the laid RJver ana Wai and Humtr, commonly called Fijogarti Water, in inch PI: fhould hare their liberal ana tee. is a n the midft of the Streams of th rof Hiimttr, Stakes, Pila, «■»*«*. <■ :Itu l , , in and upon thi commo iP ' , Boats, and other Veuel .

  • divers and many Plao in the faid River of Out ifon whereof, not only the
  • faid Ships, Keyls, Cog , Boats, and other Veffels are dai rdy, and Men, Children, Got (

1 and Merchandife! in the lame, of late have been, and daily be like more to u to drowned, (lain,

  • and deftroyed, but alfo the B/ood and Fry of Fifli in the faid River, and Watei of Ouje, and Ambry be
  • commonly thereby deftroyed and putrified, to the utter Impovcriihmcnt and Dcllruch'on of the faid City,

1 nnlefs fpeedy Remedy he in this Behalf ihortly provided :' A Commi/iion (hall bediredledto viij. Perfoni Co caufe fuch Fifllgarthl, I'tlc-., *c. fcl in the Rivers Oufc and Humhu- to be pulled down. Two Pilei for Watex-Markl fhall be fet up in the River. rheL I - >n RequeO gnat the like Oommiffion at all Timet. No FUhgatth or other Engine flu!l be fct up in Oufo or Humbci. With Nets Men (hall lilh. The Forfeiture of the Offenders, and who fluil have it. C A P. XIX. The King's Pardon to all his Spiritual Subjects within the Province of Tori, and of all Offences and Penal- e X P. tics not herein excepted. Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 24 Hen. VIII. a7id Anno Dom. 1532.

  • CTS made in the Seflion of this prefent Parliament holden upon Prorogation zt TJ^cfl mi njler the

1 /-% fourth Day of February, in the four and twentieth Year of the Reign of our moll: dread Sovereign 1 ■*■ * Lord King Henry the Eighth, and there continued and kept till the feventh Day of April then next -

  • enfuing, to the Honour of God and holy Church, and for the common Weal of this his Realm.

CAP. I. Tanned Leather fhall not be fold but in open Fairs and Markets, nor before it be fearched and fealed. Who REP E) c g (hall be Searchers and Sealers, and what their Duty is. The Curriers Duty in currying of Leather. The eciUc, i.e. 21! Offenders Forfeitures, and who fhall have them. CAP. II. No Pcrfon fhall die or alter any woollen Cloth, or Hats, or Caps, unlefs the fame be perfectly boiled, grained or maddered upon the Woad with good Cork or Orchal ; (2) no Dyer fhall occupy Brazile in the dying of woollen Cloths, Hats or Caps, nor any thing but Grain only in the dying of Scarlet. To continue to the ._ p next Parliament. ' ' C A P. III. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal fhall be fold by Weight called Haver-du-pois. No Perfon fhall take for a rep, ,. h. S 4 Pound of Beef or Pork above ob. nor for a Pound of Mutton or Veal above ob. q. and lefs in thofe Coun- c. n. J tics where they be fold for lefs. i- h. %. c. 1. CAP. IV. --7H.S.C.0. Every Perfon having in his Occupation threefcore Acres of Land apt for Tillage, fhall fow one Rood with EXP. 33 H. 3.. Flax or Hemp-feed, upon Pain to forfeit iii. s. iv. d. lor every forty Acres. An Acre fhall be counted 160 c. 17. Perches, and every Perch 16 Foot and a Half. 5 EL c - 5- Repealed by 35 CAP. V. ».«.7.fc- That a Man killing a Thief in his Defence, fhall not forfeit his Goods. ' TT Orafmuch as it hath been in Queftion and Ambiguity, that if any evil difpofed Perfon or Perfons do at- . Inft 6 g^ tempt felonioufly to rob or murder any Perfon or Perfons in or nigh any common Highway, Cart- i 10 . ' way, Horfe-way, or Foot-way, or in their Manfions, MefTuages, or Dwelling-places, or that felonioufly Brjclon 144* b, '■ do attempt to break any Dwelling-houle in the Night-time, lhould happen in his or their being in their ' ^ n< ^rf. <u, ' fuch felonious Intent, to beflain by him or them whom the laid- Evil-doers fhould Co attempt to rob or

  • murder, or by any Perfon or Perfons being in their Dwelling-houfe, which the fame Evil-doers fhould Co

' attempt burglarily to break by Night; if the faid Perfon lb happening in fuch Cafes to flay any fuch Per- 1 fon, fo attempting to commit Murder or Burglary, fhould for the Death of the faid evil difpofed Perfon ' forfeit orlofe his Goods and Chattels for the fame, as any other Perfon fhould ^do that by Chance-medic ■

  • fhould happen to kill or flay any other Perfon in his or their Defence;' (2) For the Declaration of the

which Ambiguity and Doubt, he it enaded by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the.Aflent ol. the Lords Spi-