Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/230

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i ■"■ Q. 20, Anno vicefimo quinto Henrici VlfL A. D. 1533. c and Cuftoms of this Realm and the King's Prerogative Royal, as in the faid A6t amongil other Thing* ' is more at large mentioned. ' II. And albeit the faid Bifhop of Rome, otherwife called the Pope, hath been informed and certified of ' the effectual Contents of the faid Act, to the Intent that by fome gentle Ways the faid Exactions might ' have been redreffed and reformed, yet neverthelefs the faid Bifhop of Rome hitherto hath made none An- ' fwer of his Mind therein to the King's Highnefs, nor devifed nor required any reafonable Ways to and

  • fhr-K'ing'sCon- ' with our faid Sovereign Lord for the fame :' (z) Wherefore his moft Royal Majefty of his moil excellent

lent to the fore- Goodnefs, for the Wealth and Profit of this his Realm and Subjects of the fame, hath not only put his faid Statute. m oft gracious and Royal Affent to the forefaid Act, but alfo hath ratified and confirmed the fame, and every Claufe and Article therein contained, as by his Letters Patents, under his great Seal inrolled in the Parliament Roll of this prefent Parliament more at large is contained, ' III. And forafmuch as in the faid Act it is not plainly and certainly expreffed in what Manner and ■' Fafhion Archbifhops and Bifhops fhall be elected, prefented, inverted and confecrated within this Realm,

  • and in all other the King's Dominions,' (2) be it now therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord,

by the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, No Man fhall he and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Act and every Thing therein contained fhall be and ftand prei'cnteii to the in Strength, Virtue and Effect; except only, that no Perfon or Perfons hereafter fhall be prefented, nomi- Sec of Rome for na t e j or commended to the faid Bifhop of Rome, otherwife called the Pope, or to the See of Rome, to or

  • a' cMufho f°' t ' le Dignity or Office of any Archbifhop or Bifhop within this Realm, or in any other the King's Do»

or Bifhop, nor minions, nor fhall fend nor procure there for any manner of Bulls, Breeves, Palls or other Things requifite Annates o'rFii-ft- for an Archbifhop or Bifhop, nor fhall pay any Sums of Money for Annates, Firft-fruits nor otherwife, for fruits fhall be Expedition of any fuch Bulls, Breeves or Palls ; but that by the Authority of this A6t, fuch Prefenting, jpaid to the fame Nominating or Commending to the faid Bifhop of Rome, or to the See of Rome, and fuch Bulls, Breeves, t,ee * Palls, Annates, Firft-fruits, and every other Sums of Money heretofore limited, accuflomed or ufed to be paid at the faid See of Rome, for Procuration or Expedition of any fuch Bulls, Breeves or Palls, or other Thing concerning the fame, fhall utterly ceafe and no longer be ufed within this Realm, or within any the King's Dominioais ; any Thing contained in the faid Act aforementioned, or any Ufe, Cuflom or Prefcrip- tion to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. The Manner of iy, ^nd furthermore be it ordained and eftablifhed by the Authority aforefaid, That at every Avoidance EieainganArch- Q f ever y Archbifhopriclc or Bifhoprick within this Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions, the King op or 1 op. ^^^ Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffbrs, may grant to the Prior and Convent, or the Dean and Chap- ter of the Cathedral Churches or Monasteries where the See of fuch Archbifhoprick or Bifhoprick fhall happen to be void, a Licence under the great Seal, as of old Time hath been accuftomed, to proceed to Election of an Archbifhop or Bifhop of the See fo being void, with a Letter miflive, containing the Name of the Perfon which they fhall elect and choofe : (2) By Virtue of which Licence the faid Dean and Chapiter, or Prior and Convent, to whom any fuch Licence and Letters miffive fhall be directed, fhall with all Speed and Celerity in due Form elect and choofe the fame Perfon named in the faid Letters miffive, to ForT)efa«!t of the- Dignity and Office of the Archbifhoprick or Bifhoprick fo being void, and none other. (3) And if Slcdhon by the they do defer or delay their Election above twelve Days next after fuch Licence or Letters miffive to them ite" the Kim> delivered, that then for every fuch Default the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors at their Liberty fhaii'nominate a nd Pleafure fhall nominate and prefent, by their Letters Patents under their Great Seal, fuch a Perfon to the a Bifhop by his faid Office and Dignity fo being void, as they fhall think able and convenient for the fame ; (1) and that tetters Patents, every fuch Nomination and Prefentment to be made by the King's Highnefs, his Heirs andSucceffors, if it be to the Office and Dignity of a Bifhop, fhall be made to the Archbifhop and Metropolitan of the Pro- vince where the See of the fame Bifhoprick is void, if the See of the faid Archbifhoprick be then full, and not void; and if it be void, then to be made to fuch Archbifhop or Metropolitan within this Realm, or in any the King's Dominions, as fhall pleafe the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors : (5) and if any fuch Nomination or Prefentment fhall happen to be made for Default of fuch Election to the Dignity or Office of any Archbifhop, then the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, by his Letters Patents under his Great Seal, fhall nominate and prefent fuch Perfon as they will difpofe to have the faid Office and Dignity of Archbifhoprick being void, to one fuch Archbifhop and two fuch Bifhops, or elfe to four fuch Bifhops within this Realm, or in any of the King's Dominions, as fhall be affigned by our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succeffors. Confecration of . V' -^ n ^ ^ e '*■ ena 6ted by the Authority aforefaid, That whenfoever any fuch Prefentment or Nomina- a Bifhop. tion fh a " be made by the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors, by Virtue and Authority of this Act, and according to the Tenor of the fame ; that then every Archbilhop and Bifhop, to whofe Hands any fuch Prefentment and Nomination fhall be directed, fhall with all Speed and Celerity inveft and confecrate the Perfon nominate and prefented by the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors, to the Office and Dig- nity that fuch Perfon fhall be fo prefented unto, and give and ufe to him Pall, and all other Benedictions, 'Ceremonies and Things requifite for the fame, without fuing, procuring or obtaining hereafter any Bulls or other Things at the See of Rome, for any fuch Office or Dignity in any Behalf. (2) And if the faid Dean and Chapiter, or Prior and Convent, after fuch Licence and Letters miffive to them directed, within ■ the faid twelve Days do elect and choofe the faid Perfon mentioned in the faid Letters miffive, according to the Requeft of the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors, thereof to be made by the faid Letters miiTive The Name of a in that Behalf, then their Election ftiall ftand.good and effectual to all Intents ; (5) and that the Perfon Bifhop newly f elected, after Certification made of the fame Election, under the Common and Covent Seal of the Elec- ^ h °k n >" z- a tors, to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall be reputed and taken by the Name of Lord The King's Si v- Elected of the faid Dignity and Office that he fhall be elected unto; (4) and then making fuch Oath and nification of a° Fealty only to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, as fhall be appointed for the fame, the King's Bifhop or Arch- Highnefs, by his Letters Patents under his Great Seal, fhall fignify the faid Ele6tion, if it be to the L>ig- bifhop elect. I1UY