Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/231

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A. D. 1533. Anno vIccTmio quinto Hi- n i- ici V1H. C. 21. 193 litan of thi ' Bifhoprick iid, then i" bifhop withjn ilii Realm, 01 in anj oth the] requiring ind commai r& bifhop, t" whom any fui b Signification fhall be made. I to him all fuch Hen liftion , G lic- I of this Act, then aftci inch Election i rtificd to the ; in Form afoi to the Office and Dignitj I and' taken Lo I I rcunto he mall be fo elected ; (6 r he hath made fuch < )ath and Fealty only to the King's Majefty, his Heirs an ' Si (hall be limited for the fame, Highnefs, by his Letters Patents under his Great Seal, ihall fignify the faid Election to (hop and two other Bifhops, or clfc to four Bifhops within this Realm, or within ;iny oth'.-i King's Dominions, to be affigned by the King';. Highnefs, his Heirs or Succcflors, requiring and com- manding the faid Archbifhop and Bifhops, with all Speed and Celerity, to confirm the laid Flection, and tu invert and confecrate the laid Perfon lo elected to the Office and Dignity that he is elected unto, .- 1 give and ufc to him fuch Fall, Benedictions, Ceremonies and all other Things requifite for the fame, with- out fuing, procuring or obtaining any Bulls, Briefs or other Things at the faid See of Rome, or by the Au- thority thereof in any Behalf. VI. And be it further enacted by Authority aforefuid, That every Perfon and Perfons being hereafter This Ei. chofen, elected, nominate, prefented, invefted and confecrated to the Dignity or Office of any Archbifhop a B.ftop flutikc or Bifhop within this Realm, or within any other the King's Dominions, according to the form, Tenor law,u '. and Effect of this prefent Aft, and fuing their Temporalties out of the King's Hands, his Heirs or Succef- fors, as hath been accuftomed, and making a corporal Oath to the King's Highnefs, and to none other, in Form as is afore rehearfed, fhall and may from henceforth be thrononifed or inftalled, as the Cafe (hall re- quire, (2) and fhall have and take their only Rcftitution out of the King's Hands, of all the Poffeffions and Profits Spiritual and Temporal, belonging to the faid Archbilhoprick or Bifhoprick whereunto they mall be fo elected or prefented, and fhall be obeyed in all manner of Things, according to the Name, Title, Degree and Dignity that they fhall be fo chofen or prefented unto, and do and execute in every Thing , .nil Things touching the fame, as any Archbifhop or Bifhop of this Realm, without offending the Prero- gative Royal of the Crown and the Laws and Cuftoms of this Realm, might at any Time heretofore do. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority afore faid, That if the Prior and Convent of any Mo- TUe Penalry for naftcry, or Dean and Chapiter of any Cathedral Church, where the See of an Archbifhop or Bifhop is within not chain;; or any the King's Dominions, after fuch Licence as is afore rehearfed, fhall be delivered to them, proceed notto "** confccratinj Election, and fignify the fame according to the Tenor of this Act, within the Space of twenty Days next a after fuch Licence lhall come to their Hands ; (2) or elfe if any Archbifhop or Bifhop, within any thj King's Dominions, after any fuch Election, Nomination or Prefentation fhall be fignified unto them by the King's Letters Patents, fhall refufe, and do not confirm, invert and confecrate with all due Circum- ftance as is aforefaid, every fuch Perfon as fhall be fo elected, nominate or prefented, and to them fignified as is above mentioned, within twenty Days next after the King's Letters Patents of fuch Signification or Prefentation fhall come to their Hands ; (3) or elfe if any of them, or any other Perfon or Perfons, adpnit, maintain, allow, obey, do or execute any Cenfurcs, Excommunications, Interdictions, Inhibitions, or any other Procefs or Act, of what Nature, Name or Quality foever it be, to the contrary, or Let of due Execution of this Aft; (+) that then every Prior and particular Perfon of his Convent, and every, . Ed1 Sut r Dean and particular Perfon of the Chapiter, and every Archbifhop and Bifhop, and all other Perfons, fo c z ." offending and doing contrary to this Aft, or any Part thereof, and their Aiders, Counfellers and Abetters, 16 R.z. fhall run into the Dangers, Pains and Penalties of the Eftatute of the Provifion and Pramtirure, made in the * 6 H - s - r - 14. five and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Edward t&t Third, and in the fixtccnth Year of King Ri- fli*' 8 * c ' 9 " chard the Second. „ " & M.c. S. and revived by i El. c. i. Ad fieftrtba 13 £.'. t. 1. C A P. XXI. The Act concerning Peter-pence and DLipenfations. MO S T humbly befeeching your moil Royal Majefty, your obedient and faithful Subjects,^ the Com- H,.j. i^C mons of this your prefent Parliament affembled, by your moil dread Commandment, That where ' f; ' * ' ' your Subjects of this your Realm, and of other Countries and Dominions, being under your Obeyfance, 4 : ' by many Years pall: have been, and yet be greatly decayed and impoverished, by fuch intolerable Exac- ' tions of great Sums of Money as have been claimed and taken, and yet continually be claimed to be 4 taken out of this your Realm, and other your faid Countries and Dominions, by the Bifhop of R:r v, 1 called the Pope, and the See of Rome, as well in Pcnfions, Cenfes, Peter-pence, Procurations, fruits, Sums of Money ' Suits for Provisions, and Expeditions of Bulls for Archbifhopricks and Bifhopricks, and for Delegacies, which have been

  • Numbers heretofore praftifed and obtained, othrrwife than by the Laws, laudable Ufes, and Cuftoms or tinued>

' this Realm fhould be permitted, the Specialties whereof been over long, large in Number, and tedious ' here particularly to be inferted ; (2) wherein the Bifhop of Rome aforefaid hath not been only to be Vol. II. Cc « blamed