Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/232

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194- C. 2r. Anno vicefimo quinto He nrici VIII. A. D. 1533. ' blamed for his'Ufurpation in the Premises, but alfo for his abufing and beguiling your Subjects, pre- ' tending and perfuading them that he hath Power to difpenfe with all human Laws, Ufes and Cuftoms of

  • all Realms, in all Caufes which be called Spiritual, which Matter hath been ufurped and practifed by

' him and his PredeCeffors for many Years, in great Derogation of your Imperial Crown and Authority This Realm is ' Royal, contrary to Right and Confcience ; (3) for where this your Grace's Realm recognifing no Supe- free froraany t r j Qr unc | er God, Du t on ]y your Grace, hath been and is free from Subjection to any Man's Laws, but hut fijehas have ' only to fuch as have been devifed, made and obtained within this Realm, for the Wealth of the fame, or ' been devifed ' to fuch other as by Sufferance of your Grace and your Progenitors, the People of this your Realm have within the- fame. S taken at their free Liberty, by their own Confent to be ufed amongft them, and have bound themfelves ' by long Ufe and Cuftom to the Obfervance of the fame, not as to the Obfervance of Laws of any foreign ' Prince, Potentate or Prelate, but as to the cuftomed and ancient Laws of this Realm, originally efta- The Power of ' blifhed as Laws of the fame, by the faid Sufferance, Confents and Cuftom, and none otherwife : (4.) It

King and

Parliament difpenfe wil ' ftandeth therefore with natural Equity and good Reafon, that in all and every fuch Laws human made ' within thisJRealm, or induced into this Realm by the faid Sufferance, Confents and Cuftom, your Royal alter or annul * Majefty, and your Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, reprefenting the whole State of your the human Laws ' Realm, in this your moft high Court of Parliament, have full Power and Authority, not only to difpenfe, of this Realm. < but alfo to authorize fome elect Perfon or Perfons to difpenfe with thofe, and all other human Laws of ' this your Realm, and with every one of them, as the Quality of the Perfons and Matter fhall require; ' (<;) and alfo the faid Laws, and every of them, to abrogate, annul, amplify or diminifh, as it fliall be ' feen unto your Majefty, and the Nobles and Commons of your Realm prefent in your Parliament, meet ' and convenient for the Wealth of your Realm, as by divers good and wholfome Acts of Parliaments, ' made and eftablifhed as well in your Time, as in the Time of your moft noble Progenitors, it may plainly ' and evidently appear ; (6) and becaufe that it is now in thefe Days prefent feen, that the State, Dignity, ' Superiority, Reputation and Authority of the faid Imperial Crown of this Realm, by the long Sufferance

  • of the faid unreafonable and uncharitable Ufurpations and Exactions practifed in the Times of your moft
  • noble Progenitors, is much and fore decayed and diminifhed, and the People of this-Realm thereby im-

' poverifhed, and fo or worfe be like to continue, if Remedy be not therefore fhortly provided :' II. It may therefore pleafe your moft noble Majefty, for the Honour of Almighty God, and for the ten- der Love, Zeal and Affection that ye bear, and always have born to the Wealth of this your Realm ancF Subjects of the fame, forafmuch as your Majefty is fupreme Head of the Church of England, as the Pre- lates and Clergy of your Realm, reprefenting the faid Church, in their Synods and Convocations have re- cognized, in whom confifteth full Power and Authority, upon all fuch Laws as have been made and ufed within this Realm, to ordain and enact, by the Affent of your Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the No Impofition Commons, in this your prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or th^rrfl/ 31 ' 1 t0 P er f° ns °f tn i s your Realm, or of any other your Dominions, fliall from henceforth pay any Penfions, See of Rome. Cenfes, Portions, Peter- pence or any other Impofitions, to the Ufe of the faid Bifhop, or of the See of Rome, like as heretofore they have ufed, by Ufurpation of the faid Bifhop of Rome and his Predeceffors, and Sufferance of your Highnefs, and your moft noble Progenitors, to do; (2) but that all fuch Penfions, Cenfes, Portions and Peter-pence, which the faid Bifhop of Rome, otherwife called the Pope, hath here- tofore taken and perceived, or caufed to be taken and perceived to his Ufe, and his Chambers, which he calleth Apoftolick, by Ufurpation and Sufferance, as is abovefaid, within this your Realm, or any other your Dominions, fhall from henceforth clearly furceafe, and'never more be levied, taken, perceived nor paid to any Perfon or Perfons in any manner of wife; any Conftitution, Ufe, Prefcription or Cuftom to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. jooPerfonfcH jjj_ And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That neither your Highnefs,. your Heirs nor penfa'tion'^or Li- Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, nor any your Subjects of this Realm, nor of any other your Dominions-,, tence to the Bi- fhall from henceforth fue to the faid Bifhop of Rome, called the Pope, or to the See of Rome, or to any Per-. ftopofRome. fon or Perfons having or pretending any Authority by the fame, for Licences, Difpenfations, Compofitions;. 1 Roll 4/0. Faculties, Grants, Refcripts, Delegacies, or any other Inftruments or Writings, of what Kind, Name, et>. pi. fi 204. N a (; ure r Quality foever they be of, for any Caufe or Matter, for the which, any Licence, Difpenfation; j c ™ r 434 ' p ' Compofition, Faculty, Grant, Refcript, Delegacy, Inftrument, or other Writing, heretofore hath been Soidelb. 192. ufed anc l accuftomed to be had and obtained at. the See of Rome, or by Authority thereof, or of any Prelates of this Realm ; (z) nor for any manner of other Licences, Difpenfations, Compofitions, Faculties, Grants, Refcripts, Delegacies, or any other Inftruments or Writings that in Caufes of Neceffity may lawfully be- granted without offending of the Holy Scriptures and Laws of God ; (3) but that from henceforth every fuch Licence, Difpenfation, Compofition, Faculty, Grant, Refcript, Delegacy, Inftrument and other Writing afore named and mentioned, neceffary for your Highnefs, your Heirs and Succeffors,. and your and their People and Subjects, upon the due Examinations of the Caufes and Qualities of the Perfons pro-^ curing fuch Difpenfations, Licences, Compofitions, Faculties, Grants, Refcripts, Delegacies, Inftruments or other Writings, fhall be granted, had or obtained, from Time to Time, within this your Realm, and The Archbifhop other Dominions, and not elfewhere, (4) in Manner and Form following, and none otherwife ; that is to .f Canterbury /-^ q--j le Archbifhop of Canterbury^ for the Time being, and his Succeffors, fliall have Power and Autho- p^facions tothe r ' t y> ^ rom Time to Time, by their Difcretioris, to give, grant and difpofe; by an Inftrument under the Ki, 1E . ° Seal of the faid Archbifhop, unto your Majefty, and to your H i is and Succeffors, Kings- of this Realm; Vaujhant8, 19, as well all manner fuch Licences, Difpenfations, Compofitions, Faculties, Grants, Refcripts, Delegacies; 20,27. Inftruments and all other Writings, for Caufes not being contrary or repugnant to the Holy Scriptures and Mod. Cafes in L aws f God, as heretofore hath been ufed and accuftomed to be had and obtained by your Highnefs, or law 364. an y y 0ur mort noble Progenitors, or any of your or their Subjects, at the See of Rome, or any Perfon or Perfons by Authority of the fame; (rj and all other Licences, Difpenfations, Faculties, Compofitions; Grants, Refcripts, Delegacies, Inftruments, and other Writings, in, for and upon, all fuch Cau es and Matters