Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/238

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!00 C. Anno vicefimo quinto Henrici VIII. A. D. 1533, the faid Feaft; arid if his Highnefs happen fo to do, that then, immediately after fuch Declaration of his Pleafure. by his fai'd Letters Patents in Form aforefaid, this faid Act fhall begin and be put in Execution afore the faid Feaft, according to his faid Pleafure fo to be declared by his faid Letters Patents ; any Thing in this Proyifo to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. XXIX. And be it further enacted by Authority aforefaid. That the King's Majefty at all Times on this Side the faid Feaft fhall have full Power and Authority, by his Letters Patents under his Great Seal to-be in- rolled in the Parliament Roll of this prefent Parliament, to abrogate, adnull and utterly re and make void this Act and every Thing and Things therein contained, o&elfe as much and fuch Part thereof as fhall be declared and limited on this Side the faid Feaft by his Letters Patents to be void and repealed ; and that all fuch Repeal and Adnullaticn fo to be made in Form aforefaid by his Highnefs on this Side the faid Feaft, fhall be as good and effectual as though it had been done and had by Authority of Parliament ; any Thing or Things contained in this prefent Aft to the contrary hereof notwithftanding ; and if no fuch B.epeal be had- or made by the King's Majefty on this Side the faid Feaft, in Form as is afore rehearfed, that then the faid Act, or as much and fuch Part thereof as fhall not be repealed on this Side the faid Feaft, fhall immediately after the faid Feaft ftand firm, good and effectual, and from thenceforth be put in due Execution according to the Tenure thereof 5 any Thing in this Act or in any the Provifions aforefaid to the contrary hereof not- withftanding. C A P. XXII. An A6t concerning the King's Succeffion: The Succeffion of the King's Majefty in the Imperial Crown Repealed I & 2 Ph. &M.c. 2. &c. 8. The Ambiguity of the feveral Titles to the Crown of thin Realm, and the not eftabliih teen the Caufes of much Trou- ble. IN their moft humble wife fhewn unto your Majefty yourmoft humble and obedient Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, That fince it is the natural Inclination of every Man, gladly and willingly to provide for the Surety of both his Title and Succeffion, although it touch only his private Caufe, we therefore, moft rightful and dreadful Sovereign Lord, reckon our felves much more bound to befeech and inftant your Highnefs (although we doubt not of your princely Heart and Wifdom, mixed with a natural Affection to the fame) to forefee and provide for the perfect Surety of both you, and of your moft lawful Succeffion and Heirs, upon which dependeth all our Joy and Wealth, in whom alfo is united and knit the only mere true Inheritance and Title of this Realm, without any Contradiction ; (z) "wherefore we your faid moft humble and obedient Subjects, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, calling to our R.emembrance the great Divifions which in Times pail have been in this Realm, by reafon of feveral Titles pretended to the Imperial Crown of the fame, which fometimes, and for the moft Part enfued, by occafton of Ambiguity and Doubts, then not fo perfectly de- clared, but that Men might upon froward Intents, expound them to every Man's finifter Appetite and Affection, after their Senfe, contrary to the right Legality of the Succeffion and Pofterity of the lawful Kings and Emperors of this Realm ; (3} whereof hath enfued great Effufion and Deftruction of Maris Blood, as well of a great Number of the Nobles, as of other the Subjects, and efpecially Inheritors in the fame; (4) and the greateft Occafion thereof hath been, becaufe no perfect and fubftantial Provifion by Law hath been made within this Realm of itfelf, when Doubts and Queftions have been moved and pro- poned, of the Certainty and Legality of the Succeffion and Pofterity of the Crown ; (5) by reafon whereof of the Succeffion ' the Bifhop of Rome, and See Apoftolick, contrary to the great and inviolable Grants of Jurifdidtions given ' by God immediately to Emperors, Kings and Princes, in Succeffion to their Heirs, hath prefumed in ' Times paft, to inveft who fhould pleafe them, to inherit in other Mens Kingdoms and Dominions, which ' Thing we your moft humble Subjects, both Spiritual and Temporal, do utterly abhor and deteft ; (6) ' and fometimes other foreign Princes and Potentates of fundry Degrees, minding rather Diffenuon and Dif- ' cord to continue in the Realm, to the utter Defolation thereof, than Charity, Equity or Unity, have ma- ' ny Times fupported wrong Titles, whereby they might the more eafily and facily afpire to the Superiority ' of the fame ; the Continuance and Sufferance whereof deeply confidered and ponefsred, were too dangerous ' and perilous to be fuffered any longer within this Realm, and too much contrary to the Unity, Peace and ' Tranquillity of the fame, being greatly reproachable and difhonourable to the whole Realm: ' II. In Confideration whereof, your faid moft bumble and obedient Subjects, the Nobles and Commons ' of this Realm, calling further to their Remembrance, that good Unity, Peace and Wealth of this Realm, ' and the Succeffion of the Subjects of the fame, moft efpecially and principally above all worldly Things ' confifteth and refteth in the Certainty and Surety, of the Procreation and Pofterity of your Highnefs, in 4 whofe moft Royal Perfon at this prefent Time, is no manner of Doubt nor Queftion ;' do therefore moft humbly befeech your Highnefs, that it may pleafe your Majefty, That it may be enacted by your Highnefs, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent parliament affem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Marriage heretofore iolemnized between your Highnefs and the Lady Katherine, being before the lawful Wife to Prince Arthur, your elder Brother, which by him was carnally known, as doth duly appear by fufficient Proof in a lawful Procefs had and made before fhall' bcadiudged Thomas, by the Sufferance of God, now Archbifhop of Canterbury, and Metropolitan and Primate of all this void, and'the Realm, fhall be, by Authority of this prefent Parliament, definitively, clearly and abfolutely declared, Separation good, deemed and adjudged to be againft the Laws of Almighty God, (2) and alfo accepted, reputed and taken of no Value nor Effect, but utterly void and adnihiled, and the Separation thereof, made by the faid Arch- bifhop, fhall be good and effectual to all Intents and Purpofes ; any Licence, Difp?nfation or any other Act: or Acts going afore, or enfuing the fame, or to the contrary thereof, in any wife notwithftanding ; (3.) and that every fuch Licence, Difpenfation, Act or Acts, Thing or Things heretofore had, made, done, or to be done to the contrary thereof, fhall be void and of none Effect ; (4) And that the faid Lady Katherine fhall be from henceforth called and reputed only Dowager to Prince Arthur, and not Queen of this Realm; (5) and The Marriage between the King and the LadyKath The Lady Ka- therine fhall be silled Dowager