Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/237

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AD. 1533. Anno viceiimo quinto Henrici VIII. C. 21. Hers and Abetters, (hall incur and run into the Pajn, Lofs and Penalty coroprifed and fpe- ivifton and Pramunire, made in the fixteenth Year.of your n Second, againil fuch as lac to the Court of Rome, againft your Crown and Dignity i6R,:.c. '. ded alway, That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, thai! not hereafter be taken Gi pound d to the Derogation or taking away of any Grants, or Confirmations of any I . Pri ■■' '-■- , or [urifdiftion of any Monafteries, Abbeys, Priories, or other Houfes, or Place-, exempt, which; he making of this Aft hath been obtained at the See of Rom ; or by Authority thereof, but that kn , Abbey, lee. fuch ( Irani and Confirmation flial! be of the fame Value, Force and Effect, as they were before the (lull ftill be of making of this Aet, and as il this Act had never been made, (z) Provided always, That the Abbots, Force , and other chief Rulers and Governors of fuch Monafteries, Abbeys, Priories and other Houfes. Alb.-s frclball and Places exempt, (hall not hereafter pay any Penfion ? Portion, or other Cenfe to the Sec of Rome; (3) { , o h n e s c eof < " n nor admit or accept any Vifitation, nor any Confirmation from or by the faid See of Rome, or by Authority R 0rnc> noru . thereof, of or for any Peifon to be elected, named, or presented to be Heads of any fuch Monafteries, Ab- ccptanyV beys, i '■;. ri , Places or Houfes exempt; nor fhall make any corporal Oath to the Bifhop of Rome, other- t,cn orConfir- wife called the Pope, upon the Pains limited in this Aft: (4) But that every fuch Vifitation, and Con- ™"°" "rftal fit .nation of fuch Heads eleft in any fuch Monafteries, Abbeys, Priories, Houfes or Places exempt, where maJ Ji n 0alh( after their Eleftion they were bounden to have and obtain any Confirmation of their Eleftion, or of the t „ the Biftop Perfon named, presented or cleft, lhall be from henceforth had, made and done within this Realm, at and thereof. within every fuch Abbeys, Monafteries, Priories, and other Houfes and Places exempt, by fuch Perfon and Perfons as lhall be appointed, by Authority of the King's Commiffion, from Time to Time, as the Calc fhall require, and not by the See of Rome, nor by Authority thereof; any Thing in this next Provifo above fpecified to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XXIV. Provided always, That in fuch Monafteries, Abbeys, Priories and Houfes exempt, where after Monafteries, Election, Prefentation or Nomination of their Heads, no fuch Confirmation is requifite to be had, nor hath H ' ufe - S * *£• been ufed to be taken by rcafon of fuch Privileges as they have concerning the fame, that in every (uch Mo- fi r mItionis°<> naileries, Abbeys, Priories and Places exempt, they fhall not be bounden to obtain, have or take any Con- qu ;j-. te- firmation for the fame within this Realm, by Authority of this Aft, but ufe their Privileges therein as they- have done before the making of this Aft ; any Thing in this Aft, or any the Provifoes next above rehearfed, to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. XXV. Provided alfo and be it enafted, That this Aft, or any Thing or Things, Word or Words therein, Eicencaajjd or in the Preamble thereof mentioned or contained, is not intended or meant, nor fhall be expounded nor D ^ i ; ° f fj"°f interpreted, that any Difpen Cations, Licences or Confirmations for Marriages, granted to any the King's g^ 3 ^^ Subjefts born under his Obeyfance, at any Time before the twelfth Day of March in the Year of our Lord' before March God 1531. fhall be appaired, or of any lefs Value, Strength, Force or Effeft, than they were at the faid z%, 1533. (hall' twelfth Day of March; (2) nor that this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to the <»c of the fame Derogation, Appairingor Adnullation of any Licences, Difpenfations, Confirmations, Faculties or Indtll- *°p* the 5 p mra gences at any Time before the faid twelfth Day of March in the Year of our Lord God 1933. had ox ob- 2X H.g.c. 1-. tained at the See of Rome, or by Authority thereof, to or for any Subjefts born in this Realm, or in any , ll% the King's Dominions, or to or for the Hofpital of the Prior of Saint John's Jeruj'alcm in England, or any Commaiidries or Members thereof, or to or for any other Cathedral Churches, Hofpitals, Monafteries, Ab- beys, Priories, Colleges, Conventual Churches, Parochial Churches, Chapels, Fraternities, Brotherheads" or Bodies Politick within this Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions ; (3) but that every, iuch Li- cence, Difpenfation, Confirmation, Faculty and Indulgence granted before the faid .v/7 Day of March to any fuch Subjeft, or to the faid Hofpital of the Prior of St. John's Jerafalem in' England, Commandries or Members thereof, or to any other Cathedral Church, Hofpital, Monaftery, Abbey, Priory, College, Church Conventual, Parochial Church, Chapei, Fraternity, Brotherhead or Body Politick, or to their Predecellors or Anceftors within this Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions, fhall be of the fame Force, Strength, Value and Effeft, and may he from Time to Time put in Execution at all Times hereafter, by and to them that will ufe and have the fame, as they might have been afore the making of this Aft, and as it this Aft had never been had ne made ; any Thing in the faid Aft to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. XXVI. Provided always, That fuch Licences, Difpenfations, Confirmations or Faculties heretofore ob- Hob. 146; Sained at the See of Rome, or by Authority thereof, contrary to the exprefs Provifions of the Laws and Sta- tutes of this Realm heretofore made, fhall not at any Time hereafter be ufed or put in Execution in any Cafe, to the Derogation, or contrary to the faid Laws and Statutes of this Realm,, and the Provifions of the fame; any Thing in this Provifo to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. XXVII. And be it enafted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the King our Sovereign Lord, The Kingv/Wr by the Advice of his honourable Council, fhall have Power and Authority from Time to Time, for the or- * e £ dv,ce of derine, Redrefs and Reformation of all manner of Indulgences and Privileges thereof within this Realm, or - """J* J"** • , • » tj-- 5 t-^ • • r i ■ 1 1 c n t i a i i * j ret. rm tneman- Within any the Kings Dominions, neretotore obtained at the See of Rome, or by Authority thereot, and ot net of Jndul- the Abufes of fuch Indulgences and Privileges thereof, as fhall feem good, wholefome and reafonable for the gpnees. Honour of God and Weal of his People ; and that fuch Order and Redrefs as fhall be taken by his Highnefs Repealed by i S in that Behalf, fhall be obferved and firmly kept upon the Pains limited in this Aft for the offending of the ; • & . M - c - •■ C,- J ,- ' r e ■=> arli j re,,ved by ontents 01 the tame. i h c i XXVIII. Provided alway, and be it enafted by- Authority of this prefent Parliament, That this prefer t Aft, or any Thing or Things therein contained, fhall not begin. to take EfFeft nor be put in Execution till the Feaftofthe Nativity of St. JohnBapttft next coming, except the King's Majefty, on this Side the laid Feaft, by his Letters Patents under his Great Seal to he inroHed in the Parliament Roil of this prefent Parr Eaaaent, do declare and exprefs, that it is his Pleamre that it lhall begin and take Effeft at any Time. afore the