Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/241

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A. D. 1533' Anno vicefimo quinto Henrici VIII. C. 22. 203 Xif. And if any Perfon and Pcrfons by Writing* or exterior Deed or Act, procure or do, or caufc to be S done any Tiling or Things to the Let 01 Difturbancc of the lame ; that then every fuch ( )ffence mil be afon, and the Offenders bi f convict, (hall fuffer fuch ] itnandLofl Inheritance, Freeholds, Inteteftt for Years, Goods, Chattels and Debts, in fuch Manner and Form . fpecined in Cafes of Trcafon afore mentioned. Mil. And for the more (lire Klt.iblifhment of the Succeffion of your mod Royal Majefty, according to the of this Act; be it further enacted by Authority aforefaid, That as well all the Nobles of All PerftnirtuU your Realm fpiritual and temporal, as all other your Subjects now living and being, or which hereafter (hall j^fwrnnuj ,„. their full Ages, by the Commandment of your Majeily or of your Heirs, at all Times hereafter from ,',.'"■ 'i thif/Tft. to Time, when it fhall pleafe your Highncl's or your Heirs to appoint, fhall make a corporal Oath in aCH.B. ct< the Prcfence of your Highncl's or your Heirs, or before fuch others as your Majefty or your Heirs will dc- p itc for the fame, that they fhall truly, firmly and conftantly, without Fraud or Guile, obferve, fulfil, miintain, defend and keep, to their Cunning, Wit, and uttcrmoft of their Powers, the whole Effects and . this prefent Act. (2) And that all manner your Subjects, as well fpiritual as temporal, fuing 1 v, Reftitutions, or Oujier it main out of the Hands of your Highncl's or of your Heirs, or doing any to your Highncl's or to your Heirs, by reafon of Tenure of their Lands, fhall fwcar a like corporal Oath, that they and every of them without Fraud or Guile, to their Cunning, Wit, and uttermoft of their Cowers, fhall truly, firmly and conftantly obferve, fulfil, maintain, defend and keep the Effects and Con- tents contained and Ipecified in this Ait, or in any Part thereof; (3) and that they, nor any of them, fhall hereafter have any Liveries, Oujier le mains, or Reftitution out of your Hands, nor out of the Hands of your Heirs, till they have made the faid corporal Oath in Form above rehearfed : And if any Perfon or Pcr- fons, being commanded by Authority of this A£t to make the faid Oath afore limited, obflinately refufe that to do, in Contempt of this Act, that then every fuch Perfon fo doing, to be taken and accepted for Offender in Mifprifion of High Treafon; and that every fuch Refufal fhall be deemed and adjudged Mif- The Penalty of prilionof High Treafon ; and the Offender therein to fuffer fuch Pains and Imprifonment, Lofles and For- them whichte. fcitures, and alio lofe Privileges of Sanctuaries, in like Manner and Form as is above mentioned for the q^V take the Mifprifions of Treafons afore limited by this Act. XIV. Provided always, That the Article in this Act contained concerning Prohibitions of Marriages Marriage with within the Degrees aforementioned in this Act, fhall always be taken, interpreted and expounded of fuch carnal Know- Marriages, where Marriages were folcmnized and carnal Knowledge was had. icd &- St: 1 El. e. I, Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 26 Hen. VIII. and Anno Dom. 1534.

  • A CTS made in the Seffion of this prefent Parliament, holden upon Prorogation at Weftminfter the

' r third Day oi November in the fix and twentieth Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord

  • •*-■*■ King Henry the Eighth, and there continued and kept till the eighteenth Day of December nexten-

' fuing, to the Honour of God, and for the common Weal and Profit of this his Realm.' CAP. I. The King's Grace to be authorized Supreme Head.

A LBEIT the King's Majefty juftly and rightfully is and ought to be the fupreme Head of the Church i^ t K ; ng ^,ij

" J~ of England, and fo is recognifed by the Clergy of this Realm in their Convocations, yet neverthelefs be reputed fu-

  • for Corroboration and Confirmation thereof, and for Increafe cf Virtue in Chrift's Religion within this prerre Head of
  • Realm of England, and to reprefs and extirp all Errors, Herefies, and other Enormities and Abul'es here- ' he church °'

' tofore ufed in the fame :' Be it enacted by Authority of" this prefent Parliament, That the King our So- SttSaiiiitt. vereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, fhall be taken, accepted and reputed the only rc f ies ai)i j Qf. fupreme Head in Earth of the Church of England, called Anglicana Ecclejta; (2.) and mail have and enjoy, fences. annexed and united to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, as well the Title and Stile thereof, as all Ho- nours, Dignities,, JurifdicYions, Privileges, Authorities, Immunities, Profits and Commo- dities to the faid Dignity of fupreme Head of the fame Church belonging and appertaining; (3) and that our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffors, Kings of this Realm, lnall have full Power and Autho- rity from Time to Time tCM'iiit, reprefs, redrefs, reform, order, correct, reflrain and amend all fuch Er- rors, Herefies, Abufes, Offences, Contempts and Enormities, whatfoever they be, which by any manner fpiritual Authority or Jurifdiction ought or may lawfully be reformed, repreffed, ordered, redreffed, cor- rected, reftrained or amended, moft to the Pleafure of Almighty God, the Increafe of Virtue in Chrift's Religion, and for the Confervation of the Per.ce Unity and Tranquillity of this Rearm ; any Ufage, Cuftom, ITSJ^m foreign Laws, foreign Authority, Prefcription, or any other Thing or Things to the contrary hereof not- c f ar j rev ;^jj withstanding. byiVi.c. 1. CAP. II. The Oath of Obedience to the King and the Heirs of his Body begotten of Queen Anne. Any former Oath H ' s ' l 2 ' made to be reputed vain and annihilate. The Expofition of the Oath, and who have and fhall be bound i&i'pn. & m, to take it. Certificate fhall be made into the King's Bench of the Refufers of the Oath. . , Dd» CAP. ,n ' M '