Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/242

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204 C; 3< Antio vicelimo fexto Henri ci VIII. A. D. 1534. CAP. III. The Bill for the Firft-fruits, with the yearly Penfions to the King. Firft-FruJts of ' Tj^Orafmuch as it is, and of very Duty ought to be, the natural Inclination of all good People, like moft -all Dignities fpi- ' jp faithful, loving and obedient Subjects, fincerely and willingly to defire to provide, not only for the "a"/! 'theR 6 ' P UDnc k Weal of their native Country, but alio for the Supportation, Maintenance and Defence of the pa^ ° e l " E ' ' Royal Eftate of their moft dread, benign and gracious Sovereign Lord, upon whom, and in whom de- ' it Co. 45. ' pendeth all their Joy and Wealth, in whom alfo is united and knit fo princely a Heart and Courage, mix- Rep. 2 & 3 Ph. * ed with Mercy, Wifdom and Juftice, and alfo a natural Affection joined to the fame, as by the great, in- &M. c.4. and< eftimable and benevolent Arguments thereof, being moft bountifully, largely, and many times fhewed, revive y 1 . t nflniftred and approved towards his loving and obedient Subjects, hath well appeared, which requireth a a' Ann. c. ii. * like Correfpondence of Gratitude to be confidered, according to their moft bounden Duties; (z) where-

  • fore his faid humble and obedient Subjects, as well the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, as the Commons,

' in this prefent Parliament aflembled, calling to their Remembrance not only the manifold and innumera- ' ble Benefits daily adminifiered by his Highnefs to them all, and to the Refidue of all other his Subjects of ' this Realm; but alfo how long time his Majefty hath moft victorioufly, by his high Wifdom and Policy, ' protected, defended and governed this his Realm, and maintained his People and Subjects of the fame in ' f Tranquillity, Peace, Unity, Quietncfs and Wealth; (3) and alfo confidering what great, exceffive and ' ineftimable Charges his Highnefs hath heretofore been at, and fuftained by the Space of five and twenty 4 whole Years, and alfo daily fuftaineth, for the Maintenance, Tuition and Defence of this his Realm, and ' his loving Subjects of the fame, which cannot be fuftained and born without fome honourable Provifion ' and Remedy may be made, found, provided and ordained for Maintenance thereof; do .therefore defire, c and moft humbly pray, that for the more Surety of Continuance and Augmentation of his Highnefs ' Royal Eftate, being not only now recognized (as he always indeed hath heretofore been) the only fupreme

  • Head in Earth, next, and immediately under God, of the Church of England, but alfo their moft allured
  • and undoubted natural Sovereign liege Lord and King, having the whole Governance, Tuition, Defence

' and Maintenance of this his Realm, and moft loving and obedient Subjects of the fame :' It may there- fore be ordained and enacted by his Highnefs, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons,- in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, in Manner and Form following : Krft-fruits and jj. That is to fay, That the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, Kings of this Realm, fhall have Yearof eve° ne anc ^ en J°y from Time to Time, to endure for ever, of every fuch Perlbn and Perfons which at any Time fpiritual Living a f ter the firft Day of January next coming ihall be nominated, elected, prefected, prefented, collated, or by 5s granted to the any other Means appointed, to have any Arch biihoprick, Biihoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, College, King. Hofpital, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Provofifhip, Prebend, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel, « y27 n '?'£■'*' or otnel 'Dignity, Benefice, Office or Promotion Spiritual within this Realm, or elfewhere within any of is' to be rnade'of the King's Dominions, of what Name, Nature or Quality foever they be, or to whofe Foundation, Patro- the tenth Part nage or Gifts foever they belong, the Firft-Fruits, Revenues and Profits for one Year of every fuch Arch- of the whole out biihoprick, Biihoprick, Abbey, Monaftery, Priory, College, Hofpital, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Provoft- of the Firft- fhip. Prebend, Parfonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel or other Dignity, Benefice, Office or Pro- 3|™ts forthe motion Spiritual afore named, whereunto any fuchPerfon or Perfons Ihall after the faid firft Day of January tvery fpiritual be nominated, elected, prefecled, prefented, collated, or by any other Means appointed; (2) and that Perfon ihall be every fuch Perfon and Perfons, before any actual or real Pofiemon, or meddling with the Profits of any fuch bound for his Archbiihoprick, Biihoprick, Abbacy, Monaftery, College, Hofpital, Deanry, Provofifhip, Prebend, Par* Firft-Fruits be- fonage, Vicarage, Chauntery, Free Chapel, Priory or other Dignity, Benefice, Office or Promotion Spi— - Soffeffionof his rltua ^ a ^ Satisfy, content and pay, or compound or agree to pay to the King's Ufe, at reafonable Days, Benefice" ' upon good Sureties, the faid Firft-Fruits and Profits for one Year. See iS H. 8. c. n. §. 3. declaring ivhen the Firft-Fruitsjball commence. C-mmiffionera m. And be it alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the Chancellor of England and Mafier of the V If e - R°" s f° r the Time being, jointly and feverally, or fuch other Perfon and Perfons as fhall pleafe the King's Sees and to Highnefs, his Heirs or bucceflbrs, from Time to Time, at his or their Pleafure, to name and depute, by compound for Commiffion or Commiffions under the Great Seal, ihall have Power and Authority, as well to examine and .she Firft-Fruits. fearch for the juft and true Value of the faid Firft-Fruits and Profits, by all Ways and Means that they •can, as to compound and agree for the Rate of the faid Firft-Fruits and Profits, and to ftall and limit rea- fonable Days for Payment thereof upon good and fufficient Surety or Sureties by Writings obligatory by The Money their Diicretions; (2) and if Compofition or Agreement be had or made for the faid Firft-Fruits before the taken for Firft- f a id Lord Chancellor or Mafter of the Rolls, that then the Writings obligatory, or Money taken for the T r , uits Jh 3 f b , e fame, fhall reft, remain and abide in the Hanaper of the King's Chancery, there fafely to be kept to the Treasurer °f the King's Ufe, and the Money to be due of fuch Writings obligatory, or to be received in hand .by re'afon of <^amber, any fuch Compofition, fhall be paid in the faid Hanaper to the Clerk of the Hanaper for the Time being-, and that the faid Clerk of the Hanaper ihall make a true and juft Account thereof, like as he is bound to do of the Money received of the Profits of the King's Great Seal; (3) and if Compofition or Agreement be had or made for the faid Firft-Fruits, afore any other Perfon or Perfons to be deputed by the King's High- nefs, his Heirs or SuccefTors, by Commiffion under his Great Seal, that then the Writings obligatory, and Money taken for the fame, ihall be delivered to the Treafurer of the King's moft honourable Chamber for the Time being, or elfewhere to whom it fhall pleafe the King's Highnefs, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, to give ■ Authority by Commiffion under the Great Seal, to receive the' fame, whofe Acquit JV. And it Is alfo ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That every Writing of Acquittance ful> tance (lull be f cr ibed with the Hand and Name of the Clerk of the Hanaper, and Treafurer of the Chamber, or other Jutncient Da- r ' ' ,-,