Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/246

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208 C. 3* Anno vicefimo fexto Henrici VIII. A, D 1534. Payment of the faid Pennon and annual Rent, without any Writ, Bill or Warrant, to be fued in or for that Behalf. •Nothing ftall be XX. And that no manner of Officer of the King's Exchequer fhall take of any Archbifhop or Bifhop, or of Qui- etus eft. and Pleafure. Savil jg. . c XXI. And forafmuch as every Incumbent of the Dignities, Benefices and Promotions fpiritual afore ' mentioned fhall be charged by this Act to the Payment of the tenth Part of the Value of their Dignities,

  • Benefices and Promotion fpiritual, without any Deduction or Allowance of fuch Penfion or Penfions,

' wherewith fome of them been charged to pay to their PredeceiTbrs during their Lives, or to other Perfons They which pay ' to the Ufe of fuch their Predeceflbrs during their Lives :' (2) It is therefore ordained and enacted by Penfions to Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to every Incumbent charged with any fuch Penfion payable to ethers out of an y n j s p re deceffors, or to any to his Ufe, to retain and keep in his Hand the tenth part of every fuch L^vbgrnayre- Penfion; (3) and that every fuch Incumbent and his Sureties fhall from henceforth be acquitted and dif- ta'in' the tenth charged of the faid tenth Part of every fuch Penfion, by Virtue and Authority of this prefent Act; any Part thereof. Decree, Ordinance or Affignment of any Ordinary, or any collateral Writing or Security made for fuch Penfion to any fpiritual Perfon or Perfons, or to any to their Ufes for Term of their Lives, in any wife notwithftanding; (4) and that as well every Incumbent, as fuch Perfons as ftand bound for him for Pay- ment of any fuch Penfions, fhall plead this Act in every of the King's Courts, for the clear Extinguifn- ment andDifcharge of the tenth Part of every fuch Penfion. No Penfion fhall - XXII. And be it alfo ordained and enacted by Authority aforefaid, That no Penfion fhall hereafter be he referved upon affigned by the Ordinary, or by any other manner of Agreement, by collateral Surety, or otherwife, upon the Refignation any Refignation of any Dignity, Benefice or Promotion fpiritual, above the Value of the third Part of the ofaBenfke^a- jjjg^j-y^ Benefice or Promotion fpiritual refigned : (2) And if any Penfion amounting above the Value of the third Part. °f the third Part of the Dignity, Benefice or Promotion fpiritual heretofore refigned, be already limited 13 El. ' and made fure to any fpiritual Perfon or Perfons by Decree of the Ordinary, or otherwife by any collateral Surety, or hereafter fhall happen to be affigned and made fure to any Perfon or Perfons fpiritual, or to any other to their Ufe, by Decree of the Ordinary, or by any other collateral Surety, upon any Refigna| tion thereof; yet neverthelefs the Incumbent charged with fuch Penfion, nor his Sureties collateral, fhall not be compelled to pay any more Penfion than the Value of the third Part of his Dignity, Benefice or Promotion fpiritual fo refigned fhall amount unto; (3) but fhall by Authority of this Act be clearly acquitted and difcharged of fo much of the faid Penfion as fhall amount above the Value of the third Part of the Dignity or Benefice refigned; any Decree or Affignment of the Ordinary or any collateral Writings or Sureties heretofore made, or hereafter to be had or made for the fame, to the contrary thereof not- withftanding. Abbots or Priors ' XXIII. And forafmuch as divers Abbots and Priors been charged to pay great Penfions to fundry their paying Penfions f p re deceffors yet living, to the great Decay of their Hofpitalities and Houfekeeping;' be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Predeceffors of fuch Abbots or Priors, having any Penfion made fure unto them, or to any to their Ufe, during their Lives, amounting above the yearly Value of xl. li. frail from henceforth be defalked and abated of the Moiety and Half-deal of every fuch Penfion; (2); and that every Abbot, and all other Perfons charged for the Payment of fuch Penfion above the faid yearly Va- lue of xl. li. fhall be clearly acquitted and difcharged by Authority of this Act of the Moiety and Half-deal thereof for ever; any Decree or Affignment thereof by the Ordinary, or any Writing or Surety collateral had or made for the Surety thereof notwithftanding. The Prior of St. ' XXIV. And forafmuch as the Lord Prior of Saint Johns of Jerufaletn in England, and his Brethren, John's of Jem- ' be not fpecially named and exprelTed in this Act, whereby Ambiguity might arife, whether they fhould /hall pay, ' De comprifed within the Limits of this Act;' it is therefore for plain Declaration thereof enacted by Au- ' thority aforefaid, That every Perfon and Perfons which after the faid firft Day of January fnall happen to be cefibrs. Firft-F T -_sfy __ pay to the Ufe of the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, the Firft-iruits and Profits thereof for one whole Year, or agree or compound for the fame at. leafonahle D.iys, in like Manner and Form and upon like Pain in every Behalf, as Archbifhops and Biflfops and other fpiritual Perfons be bound to do by Virtue and Authority of this Act : (2) And that alfo the Prior of St, John's now bein>, and his Suc- ceflbrs, and every of his Brethren, having any Commandry, and their Succeflbrs, fhall contribute and pay yearly to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, one yearly Rent and Penfion amounting to the tenth Part of all their Poffeffions and Profits, as well fpiritual as temporal, and fhall be charged rated , taxed and fet to the Contribution and Payment of the faid tenth Part; (3) and that alfo the faid tenth Part fhall be levied, collected and paid, in fuch like Manner and Foim, to all Intents nnd P'lrpn, .-, as the tenth Part of other Dignities and Benefices fpiritual fhall- be charged, taxed, fet, levied, collected and Mid T-tev which in ^y Authority of this Act. ©incorporation ' XXV. And forafmuch as in fundry and many Cathedral Churches, Colleges and Hofpit.-.l? cf this Realrrrj have feveral Pof- ' there is, and Time out of Mind hath been, certain Ordinances inftituted and made, v/X _-■ he Dean feflions belong- ' Provoft, Mafter, or other chief Governor of fuch Churches, Colleges and Hofnitals- hiv'-, .. 1 Part ing to their Dig; « an d Portion of the Pofleffions and Profits belonging to fuch Churches, Colleges and i ' , allonly for'their own Pay ' limited and belonging to their Offices and Dignities; (2) and every Prebendary, Brother i'icsr, Fc'IoW Poffeffions, and ' petit Canon, and other Minifters fpiritual, in fuch Churches, Colleges and Hofpiuls, hath another Por- mot for others. 4 ' jj on