Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/247

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A. ID. J ;34- Anno v'ccfimo fcxto Hf. nrici VIII. ('. ;. n, allonlyand ; diftm&ly limited* appertaining and to then D 8 : (3) h 1 . thei :fon ; any Time aftei the fald ftrfl Day d, or by other Mean to tx D i>, Provoft, 1 Cathedral Churches, ' lofpitals, I 1 |y after the Rate of I their ( >ffiec and Digni n ami li Ions that after the faiJ firft Day of January fhall be 110- of in any wife notwithftan ing. ! ["hat fuch Perfon or rerfons, that after the faid firft Day of January fhall beNoFiri p • to any Parfonage 01 Vicarage, whereof the yearly Value fhall not ex< (ball not be 1 ■ pay any Firft-Fruits for any fuch P: 01 Vicarage whereunto they (hall prefer d, not baingaoove the laid yearly value of roy. Marks ; except that the Incumbent pre- ! nage or Vicarage, whereof the yearly Value fhall not exceed viij. Mark . do live r next and immediately following after his Inftitution, Induction or Collation to fuch Altered by 1 El. l'ai limage or Vicarage ; (2) and if fuch Incumbent do live after the faid three Years, then he or his Ex- l ■•»• V 2 9- . or Adminiftrators, fhall pay, at Days to be limited after the faid three Years, upon Sureties ( aid) the Firft-Fruits of every fuch Parfonage or Vicarage : (3) And that in every Obligation to beAProvii by any Incumbent of fuch Parfonage or Vicarage, and his Sureties, foi Payment of the Firft-Fruits of ' ' fuch Parfonage or Vicarage, there (hall be contained a Provifo, That if the faid Incumbent die within three ' l " :I "J : . u next after the Date of the Inftitution, Induction_or Collation of the faid Parfonage or Vicarage, that then £ " the Obi i ' XXN irlonageor Vicarage, tnere than be contained a 1 ioviio, 1 nat it the laid incumbent die within three > I "- ,ntl icxt after the Date of the Inftitution, Induction or Collation of the faid Parfonage or Vicarage, that then v '^,.' ligation fhall be void and of none Effect ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary hereof notwithstanding, KV1I1. And over this where the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury, in their Convocation, have ranted unto the King's Hlghnefs one hundred thoufand Pounds, and the Clergy of the Province of York k eighteen thou; md eight Hundred forty Pounds ten Pence, to be paid by even Portions in five Years, and

  • that which could not be levied thereof in the fame five Years, to be paid in the fixth Year, as by the

' Tenor of their fevered ( rtiants thereof made in their feveral Convocations mote plainly appcareth :' (z) It Hownnid may pleafe the King's- Majelty of his excellent Goodncfs, in Confidcration that the faid yearly Pcnfion 0icr ey • and annual Rent ihall be yearly from henceforth duly paid and fatisfied to his Highnefs and to his Heirs £*° Prov,n « s ° { and Succeffors, according to the Tenor, Form, Purport and Effect of this prefent Act, that it may be en- Yorieflialib'e acted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Clergy of the laid Province of Canterbury, and > every of them, fhall be difcharged and acquitted againft our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and SuccelTors, of, and ■ of and for the twenty thoufand Pound, Parcel of the faid hundred thoufand Pound, which fhould be paid torc ' in the fifth Year of Payment limited by their Grant: (3) And that the Clergy of the faid Province of York fhall likewife be difcharged and acquitted of and for all fuch Sums of Money, Parcel of the faid eighteen thoufand eight hundred forty Pounds and ten Pence, which ihould be paid in the fifth Year of Payment limited by their Grant ; any Thing in their faid feveral Grants thereof made in any wife not- withstanding. XXIX. Provided always, That all the Refidue of Sums of Money, which be yet to be paid, and not relealed nor difcharged by this Act, fhall be truly paid and fatisfied to our faid Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and SuccelTors, according to the Tenor, Form and Effect of their faid feveral Grants. XXX. Provided alfo, That all fuch Fees, which any Archbifhop, Bifhop, Abbot, Prior or other Prelate F , ■ ■ of the Church is bounden yearly to pay to any Chancellor, Mafter of the Rolls, Juftices, Sheriffs or other PrdateUb 1 Officers or Minifters of Record, for temporal Jtiftice to be done or miniftred within their Diocefe or Ju- topayfortem- rifdictions, fhall be allowed and deducted by the Commillioners aforefaid, in and upon the Valuation of the poral Juftice. Dignities, Monafteries, Priories or Churches chargeable with fuch Fees; any Thing in this Act to the z(l "' ' : contrary hereof notwithitanding. -I K ■ 2 & 3 E. 6. c. 20. 7 £. 6. c. 4. itl'z. c-4; 5 Ann. c. 24. 6 Ann. c. 27. 1 Ceo. 1. c. 10. jGeo. 1. c, CAP. IV. For Jurors in Wales. ' HERE for lack of diligent and fure Cuftody of Jurors fvvorn for Trials of Murtherers, Felons and

VV Acceflaries of Felonies and Murthers in Wales and the Marches of the fame, divers Adherents,

nds and Kinsfolks to fuch Offenders, have reforted to the fame Jurors, and have fuborned them to lit divers Murtherers, Felons and Acceflaries, openly and notoriously known, contrary to Equhy ' and Juftice :' (2) It is therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, anil the Lords Spiritual and) How an ( Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affemblcd, and by the Authority of the fame, fworn fon v That forthwith, upon the Charge given to any Inqueft hereafter to be taken and fworn before any Juitice'r, keeping" I, Lieutenant, or other Officer within Wales or the Marches of the fame, of, for and upon any " r ?. *" Walcs Traverfe againft the King, or the Trial of any Recognizance broken, or any other Forfeiture forfeited to ' ; t'ne King, or of, for and upon the Trial of any Murtherer, Felon or Acceflary of. Felony, or Murther, oiie !; Officer or other Perfon fhall be deputed and fworn in the Prefence of the faid Jufticer or other Officer, for »5 •/•<•. -. .-. 2. the true and diligent keeping of the lame Jurors ; {%) and that the fame Officer or other Perfon lb fworn ^ 01. II. E e without