Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/249

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A. D. 1534. Anno viccfimo fcxto He nrici VIII. C. 6. 211 or (he faid Forcft, or ou< of Wale 01 the fai I Forefl into England, and I m with fufficicnt [""♦no' 1 1 them in R in fuch Sui y as it (hall feem to the Difcretion of the (aid "•" * ! ' ha( they and every of them, bei -is and Keepers oi ges a> ii rth (hall not, after the faid 'I imi i 1" fore limited and appointed, convey or cany, <>r . .1 oi carried, any Maimer of Pcrfon or Perfons or anykina of Cattle, but fuch Penona y do know and will anfwer lor, and know whuu- thi ir Abi. lings, Dwellings and 1! bi ations be, anl quell made to them or any of them as is abovefaid, fhall from Time to Time difclofc, as well the I or Perfons, as the Good and Chatties fo pafling the faid le or hereafter to be mule upon any Felony, Muriher or Robin | , 1 and done in the Borden ot the Counties aforefaid, or in any other Place within this Realm or South -ft ... . C A P. VI. The Bill concerning Councils in Wales. « TVOrafmuch as the People of Walts and Marches of the fame, not dreading the good and wholfom Laws M, ttl • it, I Jo- ' r and Statutes of this Realm, have of long Time continued and perfevered in Perpetration and Com- ni«, &c m ' million of divers and manifold Thefts, Murthers, Rebellions, wilful Burnings of Houfes and other fcele- Wl! " '" ^ in " ' rou;. 1 >eeds and abominable Malt-facts, to the high Difpleafure of God, (liquidation of the King's well- T^' Ci n,., 1 ",^.' • difpofed Subjects, and Difturbance of the publick Weal, which Malcfacts and fcelerous Deeds be fo rooted j!„ n ; nFi ic . J and fixed in the fame People, that they be not like to ceafe, unlefs fome (harp Correction and Punifli- Cro. Car. ;jt. ' ment for Redrefs and Amputation of the Prcmiflls be provided, according to the Demerits of the Of- Mod. Cafa ia

  • fenders :' (2) Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spiritual and Tern- !jS w .' 3 p

poral, and the Commons, in this Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, that all and ,- cv ' ra 'n"f ,„"' lingular Pcrfon and Perfons dwelling or reliant within Wales$ or in the Lordfliips Marchers of the fame, wickednef, of from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, upon fuch Monition or Warning given for the Court fame le-.vd People to be kept in Wales, or in any of the Lordfliips Marchers aforefaid, as before this Time hath been ufed, fliall in Wales, and perfonaliy repair, refort and appear before the Juftice, Steward, Lieutenant or other Officer, at all and "jj e M " cnes every Seflions, Court and Courts, to be holden before the fame Juftice, Steward or other Officer, in any A i"p° cr 'f on s o,aU whatfoever Caftle, Fortrcfs or other Place within Wales, or within the Precincts, Limits and Jurifdictions appear, upon of every the Lordfliips Marchers or Seigniories aforefaid, or the Marches of the fame, as by the faid Juftice, lawful Summon, Steward or other Officer fliall be appointed ; (3) and then and there fliall give his or their perfona! Atten- given, before tie dance, to do, execute and accomplifh all and every Thing and Things which to him or them fliall affere J uft " :cs, " v i . end appertain, upon Pain of fuch Fines, Forfeitures and Amerciaments as fliall be affcred, afl'efled and taxed by the Juftice, Steward or other Officer, to the King's Ufe, if it be within any of the King's Lord- ihip's Marchers ; (4) and if it be within any other Lordfliips Marchers, then to the Ufe of the Lord of the faid Lordfhip Marcher for the Time being ; (;) the faid Forfeitures and Amerciaments to be levied, perceived and taken by way of Diftrefs of the Goods and Chatties of every Perfon not appearing at the laid Court or Courts, or not doing, executing or accomplifhing his Duty as is abovefaid. ' II. And forafmuch as the Officers in the Lordfliips Marchers in Wales have often and fundry Times Wrongs done Vy c heretofore unlawfully exa&ed of the King's Subjects within fuch Lordfliips where they have had Rule or Officers inLord- ' Authority, by many and fundry Ways and Means, and alfo committed them to ftrait Durefs and Im- °" f$ Marchert * ' prifonment for fmall and light feigned Caufes, and extortioufly compelled them thereby to pay unJK> them ' Fines for their Redemptions, contrary to the Law :' [2) Therefore be it further enacted, That if any Untrue Surmifes Steward, Lieutenant or any other Officer of any Lordfhip Marcher, do feign, procure or imagine any un- feigned ajainft true Surmife againft any Perfon or Perfons that fhall fo give their perfonal Attendance before them at fuch than which ap- Court or Courts, and upon the fame untrue Surmife commit them to any Durefs or Imprisonment, con- F^^* trary to the Law, or contrary to the true and laudable Cuftom of that Lordfhip, that then upon Suit made unto the King's Commiffioners, or Council of the Marches for the Time being, by any fuch Perfon or Perfons fo imprifoned, or by any of their Friends, that then the fame Commiffioners or Council fliall have full Power and Authority to fend for fuch Steward, Lieutenant or Officer, and alfo for the Perfon or Per- fons fo imprifoned ; (3) and if the lame Perfon or Perfons fo imprifoned, can evidently prove before the faid Council, by good and fubftantial Witnefs or otherwife, that his Imprifonment was upon any feigned Surmife, without Caufe reafonable or lawful, that then the fame Commiffioners fliall have full Power and Authority to aflefs the faid Officer, to pay to the faid Perfon or Perfons wrongfully imprifoned, vi.s. riij. el, for every Day of their Imprifonment or more, by the Difcretions of the faid Commiflioners, accor- ding to the Hurts and Behaviour of the Perfon or Perfons imprifoned. III. And that the lame Commiffioners fliall fet further Fine upon the faid Officer, to be paid to the -piic Party's Re- King's Ufe, as by their Difcretions fhall be thought convenient ; (2) and in cafe the fame Officer do refufe medy againft the to appear before the fame Commiffioners incontinent after any Commandment to them directed and deli- Officer which vered after any fuch Complaint made to the fame Commiffioners, that then the fame Commiffioners fhal! io ' h ' im t^} n have full Power and Authority, upon every Default made by any Officer or Officers, to aflefs and fet upon »"" u P onfel S ne<{ every fuch Officer or Officers making Default, fuch Fine or Fines to be levied to the King's Ufe, as by their Difcretions fhall be thought convenient ; (3) and that the fame Commiffioners fliall have full Power and Authority to compell the laid Officer or Officers by way of Imprifonment, as well to pay fuch Fines as fhall be fet and taxed upon them to the King's Ufe, as to pay unto every Perfon or Perfons fo imprifoned, fuch Sums ot Money as they fliall be fefled to pay for their wrong Imprifonment. IV. And be it alfo enacted by Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons dwelling or reliant within * Jl'al.s or the Lordfliips Marchers of the fame, of what Eftate, Degree or Condition foever he or they be *c uris Fair! of, coming, retorting or repairing unto any Seflions or Court to be hokleii within Wales, ex any Lordfliips r Churcises in E e 2- Marchers Wales.